The Akashic Records are understood to have existed since the beginning of the creation & even before.

Akashic Records is the system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth.
More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought & intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world.
This is a record of everything about you, the eternal multi-dimensional you. There is an Akashic record of your soul, higher-self, body, personality.
Words, thoughts, deeds, actions, beliefs, emotions.
Existences in this- & other dimensions.
Past-, future- & parallel lives on Earth & other planets.
Your aura is part of your Akashic record. All your beliefs, preferences, tendencies, challenges are there. All you ever thought, did, felt or said is there.
You have a past life Akash for every life you have lived on this planet. 
These records connect each one of us to one another. 
They contain the stimulus for every archetypal symbol or mythic story which has ever deeply touched patterns of human behavior & experience. 
They have been the inspiration for dreams & invention. 
They are the unbiased judge & jury that attempt to guide, educate & transform every individual to become the very best that she or he can be. 

To access your Akashic records start with some focused breathing, burn incense or light a candle, allow your body to move into a deep, relaxed & meditative state.  
Accessing your records requires you to be extremely present & aware so you can not only take in the information but also remember it.
Akashic records access is very similar to fine-tuning a radio. You have to find the right frequency & then you have to use tiny movements to get it to the clearest sound possible.
The only entry requirement of the Akashic records is that you need to focus on increasing your vibrational energy. 
One way to do this is to contact your spirit guides or angels & ask for their assistance & guidance in reaching the required energy speed to access the Akashic records.
Focus on viewing your own record in a non-judgmental way. Be prepared that you may see some information that is uncomfortable or that is resisted by your ego. Also understand that you may be blocked off from seeing certain information in your record. 
Know that whatever information is released to you is done so for your greater good & higher purpose. 
Also accept that this record is about your soul journey in this lifetime, not about predicting the future.
The most common data you’ll receive is through feeling. Not your sense of touch but actually your gut feeling deep inside you. This is your spirit accessing information that your conscious mind can’t digest on its own.
It’s often beneficial upon returning from the Akashic records to make notes of what you experienced. If you saw symbols, draw them. If you heard noises, describe them. If you had feelings, explain them. They may all piece together after accessing Akashic records a few times.

Another method is visualization. 
Imagine that there is a beam of light shining down from above. It’s pure white light & it starts to lift you up off the ground. As you get higher, you start to feel your body pulse with energy. The higher you get the more your vibrational energy increases. 
When you feel like you literally can’t go any higher, look up & visualize yourself opening a door. There will be darkness behind this door but soon you will start to see shape, symbols, or colors. You may even hear noises or voices.

This vast database may be accessed by any person who chooses to do so at any time, through any format they feel comfortable with. Some of the various ways people have processed information stored in the Akashic Records is holographic videos, flashes of intuition, hunches, lucid dreaming, channeling & of course through the use of crystals.

Quartz crystals in particular are very useful & capable of Akashic database access. 
Crystals work with your consciousness to interpret your needs & requirements, then interface with the vast Akashic database. 
The crystal accesses all the appropriate data, then goes on to index, format & store that information for you to retrieve immediately, or provide snippets on the fly as required.
There is one family of Quartz crystals that have a keen focus on accessing the Akashic Records & that is the Record Keeper Quartz crystals. 
These crystals have small triangles either etched into, or embossed upon their termination faces. These crystals have a keen focus on information gathering & retrieval from the Akashic Records.
It is not so much that the crystal itself holds the information, it is more a direct link to an atmospheric layer above us that holds every vibration ever vibrated on the planet. 
These crystals give you a direct interface with this library of knowledge held within the akashic layer & will connect you with information that is relevant to your path in life.
To access a Record Keeper crystal, hold one in your hand & empty your head of all thoughts. Concentrate on your breath & relax. 
Let any thoughts, visions or sensations filter through, but try not to analyze them until after your session is complete. 
It is important to stay within the flow.

Using crystals is a great way to begin accessing information for yourself & others & can gently open you up to greater levels of spiritual & psychic gifts and awakening.
Although quartz crystals are the most common stone for this sort of connection, you need to work with the crystal you are drawn to.
Crystals can hold much wisdom & allow us to tap into information stored within us, within our Higher Selves, within the Akashic Records & within Guides & other energetic Beings.

Tektite opens communication with other dimensions. Strengthens the aura. Encourages spiritual growth through absorption & retention of higher knowledge. Links creative energy & matter.
Moldavite enhances the effect of other crystals, taking them to their highest vibration. Communication with higher self, ascended masters, cosmic messengers & extraterrestrials. Takes you beyond your limits & boundaries. Downloads information from the Akashic Records & the light body which then is processed & made conscious.
Alexandrite connects to source energies of higher dimensions. Acts as a springboard to inner exploration. Facilitates accessing the Akashic Records.
Apatite is attuned to the future, yet connected to past lives. Raises kundalini & aids communication on all levels. Helps to access information to be used personally & for the collective good.
Creedite expands one's field of awareness. Access-key stone for all kinds of encoded spiritual information. Attuning to the Akashic Records & understanding the messages of spirit beings. Opens portals to higher spiritual realms.
Danburite links into Angelic Realms. Promotes lucid dreaming & astral travel.
Fairy Quartz facilitates out-of-body journeying. Encourages insightful dreams. Stimulates heightened awareness & psychic perception.
Herkimer Diamond links into guidance from higher dimensions & promotes dream recall & understanding. Blocks geopathic stress & clears electromagnetic pollution.
Aqua Aura frees you from limitation. Clears pathways of inter dimensional communication. Reduces stress. Protects against psychic or psychological attack. Discourages malevolent or parasitic energies from interfering with one's energy field. Stops energy drain or spiritual vampirism.
Labradorite connects with universal energies. Facilitates initiation into the mysteries. Brings messages from unconscious mind to the surface & facilitates their understanding. Calms the overactive mind.

Magnesite enhances visualisation & imagery. Encourages waking dreams & astral journeying. Enables one to reach higher states of consciousness. Effective in creating a bridge between higher realms & the Earth plane. Assists in attuning to the Akashic Records.
Scolecite enhances restful sleep & sweet dreams. Lifts one to higher realms. Promotes lucid dreaming. Used for journeying
Cavansite gives clear insight & articulate communication. Access to the Akashic Records & the inner library. Allows one to relax & let go of outmoded ideas. Connection to higher guidance.

Stilbite gives calm & effortless expansion into the astral realm. Quiets the mind's inner dialogue, bringing inner peace & frees the Self. Stilbite is known as the "Dream Maker".

Blue Color Rain Meditation:

The blue color meditation is done in many Sufi orders. It is harmless & within 2 days of doing it you will feel the difference.
This meditation can be done by anyone & is not restricted to one religion only. 
Colors are the most significant & important aspect of human brain. Each color is unique & affects the mind differently.
The sky is blue, so is the sea & when you look at a blue sky or a blue sea you feel relaxed, this means that blue color has influenced the brain in some positive way.
That is why those people, who do blue color meditation, feel a positive change in their life & their mind & emotions become more inclined towards happiness.
The blue color meditation develops & enhances or improves positive influence.
As you meditate your brain becomes relaxed & calm. The more relaxed you become the more smoothly your brain waves flow & they start to become parallel to the magnetic waves of the earth.
It should be noted that the magnetic waves are felt by the birds & are used by them during migrations.
The blue color meditation combines both the use of blue color & of magnetic rays when the brain uses the power of these two as a result you start seeing certain good things such as sky, clouds, gardens etc.
It is quite like lucid dreaming but different as it gives a positive attitude to the person.

Before going to sleep, sit on your bed & close your eyes.
Your face should be towards the north.
Take seven deep breaths.
Imagine that blue color rain is falling on you.
Do this medication for 15 minutes.
Do it daily after about 2 months, you will start seeing various things such as gardens, clouds, sky as the time increases you will able to see cities & past events as well as some future events.
You will feel tremendous change in you. You will become happy for no apparent reasons & will feel at peace & calm.

The trick is your face should be towards the north as you meditate because your brain waves become parallel to magnetic rays of the earth & as this happens you can see many things.
In the beginning you will see some shadows of animals & humans or clouds, will feel as if you are flying.
With time the picture gets clear & you can see many things. This may take from 15 days to 3 months. In the beginning you will also feel very sleepy.
During meditation & also during your normal life routine increase intake of fruit & vegetables.
Before meditation have dinner at least 4 hours before doing the meditation.

Keep away from meat & its products.
Avoid fast food & soft drinks.
Try to wake up early in the morning.
Do yoga breathing exercise in fresh air, especially in the morning, dawn is the best time to wake up as our souls at this time are well connected to universal powers.
Keep your mind calm to cope with stress, you can also get help from herbs such as chamomile tea. 
Avoid conflicts with other human being at all cost, learn to forgive & forget, develop patients with your loved one. Life is nothing but is a constant flow of problems, deal with each problem patiently & never lose your anger. Resolve your problems with wisdom.
Take lot of care of your mother, show lot of compassion & love to her. The stronger your relationship with your mother the stronger & quicker the universal forces will accept you. In the spiritual world your mother & the relationship with her shows great results.
Keep away from lies, self-praise & television.

Give food regularly to birds. If you note the life circle of a bird, you will see that they wake up at dawn & go to sleep early. At dawn they all perch on a tree which is always from 4 am to sunrise. Spiritually this is because from 4 am on wards till sun rise you are connected deeply to the universe & meditation at this time shows good results.
Keep yourself more attached to nature. Appreciate nature at night, look deeply into the sky & appreciate the stars, moon. The bright stars & moonlight has a calming effect on your mind.
On regular basis have almonds, apples & other fruits, chew your food well. 
You can do this mediation more than once in 24 hours.

Akashic Records Incense:

2 tsp Mugwort
1 tsp Dittany Of Crete
1 tsp Rosemary
1/2 tsp Ginger
Burn on a lit charcoal block, in a non-metal, fireproof container.
