Both pigeons & doves symbolism links these birds to ideas of peace, harmony, love, devotion, beatitude & piety. Safety, well-being, good health.
In various cultures, pigeons & doves are associated with life, longevity, vitality, prosperity & renewal.
It is also believed pigeons bring fortune & good luck. If you see a white dove or a pigeon, your chances for lucky outcome or happy news are even better.
A white dove always represents peace, tranquility, grace & freedom & it is the same for a white pigeon.
If dove flies into your life, you are being asked to go within & release your emotional disharmony, be it of the past or the present. Dove helps us to rid trauma stored within our cellular memory. Humming can help you with this release.
She may be showing you an end of a problematic cycle in your life, there are possibilities of a new romance, new friendships & new beginnings on the horizon for you.
Pigeons have always been considered messengers, but those that bring joy, happy news & hopeful information.
Pigeons & Doves embody the brightest & purest idea of freedom, since overall symbolic meanings of these two are positive.
In Hindi tradition to kill a pigeon or a dove is believed to be very unlucky.

If a dove is your spirit animal, you are truly lucky. This gentle & beautiful bird will teach you how to be in harmony with yourself & with others. It is especially powerful totem for women, since it is symbolically associated with fertility & motherly love.
People with this spirit animal totem are natural nurturers & make excellent parents.
People with the Dove totem, are gentle & giving. There is a sense of innocence about them that attracts many people to them.
Dove’s are members of the pigeon family. Both symbolize the qualities of home, security & maternal instincts. Many with this power animal will experience unsettling childhood’s & will be consistently challenged to help gain a solid & secure foundation in all areas of their lives.
Dove persons value friendship & family above everything else & have an optimistic view on life. They never lose hope things could be better & they will do whatever it takes to make their dear ones feel safe & secure.
Dove people are ready to sacrifice what they have, for a greater good.
Dove & pigeon people are not as competitive as some others are, but they have their dreams  & goals, which they stick to.
They will never hurt another person in order to get what they want. Their good heart, kindness & nobility make other people appreciate & respect them.
Dove & pigeon totem are associated with healing, especially in an emotional way.
The Dove soothes & quiets our worried & troubled thoughts & enables us to find renewal in the silence of mind. In these moments of stillness we are able to appreciate the simple things in life.
Dove spirit guide will help to  heal the emotional wounds & teach how not to get discouraged by stresses that life inevitably brings along.
Dove & pigeon totem offer inner peace & tranquility.
Often, people who have these birds as their spirit animal are extremely good at empathy. They intuitively understand other people & honestly care about them. They are often excellent social workers, doctors & nurses.
They bring wisdom, knowledge, understanding & creativity to any task, teach others how to live a committed, faithful, passionate life. They are living proof that a life of contentment & happiness is possible.
Pigeon totem will help to improve all of the good traits & nurture the soul with gratitude & love.
Pigeon totem teaches kindness, mercy & love. Pigeon totem people are full of understanding & they have good hearts & intentions. They are patient, graceful & easy to talk to, usually very sociable, friendly & communicative.
Pigeons are considered gentle, but they are indeed tough & resilient.
Occasionally, there are times that people with this totem have difficulty with others, as they tend to take advantage of their pacifistic ways.
Others will also try to take advantage of the calm & serenity that is natural to their being.
Pigeon & Dove are linked with the transitional periods in the day’s cycle. Their singing has most distinctive characteristic. Their coo sounds mournful, possibly reflecting hidden emotions within those with this medicine. How you perceive its sound often mirror the energies that are present in your life.
As doves are ground feeders, mostly consuming seeds, those with this power animal would do well on a diet rich in wholesome seeds, nuts & grains. They would also be successful in any health profession relating to nutrition.
When the pigeon comes to us as a power animal, not only do we have reason to look forward to good future prospects, but we are also able to dispel disputes or conflicts.
Learn how to be independent & build up your own world, with the help of your wise & kind totem bird.
Someone who has this spirit animal shows a strong potential for communication & can convince other people of just about anything. They are able to express their emotions & make strong arguments because of their excellent communication abilities. Often, people under this totem are smart & possess an innate intelligence. They are often turned to for advice & are good at listening to the other person’s problems.
Pigeons & doves are seen as a bird that has an innate connection to the divine. They may pass along messages of wisdom & people who are influenced by these birds often have a strong intuition.
Often, people who have these birds as their spirit animal are extremely good at empathy. They intuitively understand other people & honestly care about them. They are often excellent social workers, doctors & nurses.

Dove dream can be a prophecy of things to come.
Dreams about these birds are fortunate, meaning you will soon hear some good news or that something good will happen to you in the nearest future.
In general, a Dove dream can symbolize peace, tranquility, harmony, affection & innocence.
In particular, white dove dreams represents loyalty, love, simplicity, gentleness & friendships.
Your vision may also signify a message or blessing from the Holy Spirit.
In fact, you have most likely released your thoughts of hate & revenge & found a place of peace & love in your heart.
When your dream has a pair that is mating & building a nest, it symbolizes a happy home life filled with love, tranquility, pleasure & security.
A vision that involves a green bird of this type is a reminder that we are all on a mission of peace & being at peace with yourself is a significant step toward healing.
If the bird is yellow, it symbolizes a new friendship that will soon take root.
If you have some issues to resolve in your waking life, a dream about pigeon could be a sign everything would turn good for you in such matters.
If you dream of catching pigeons or putting them into a cage, it reflects your feeling of being caught into something or trapped in your waking life (e.g. an unhealthy relationship, bad job, bad relations with people etc.).
Seeing a flying pigeon or a dove in your dream reflects your desire to be free. It means you feel you have to let yourself go off old habits & courageously engage with new & wonderful challenges of life.
Dreaming about a dead dove means you have to be careful about problems that are approaching in your future.
If you dream about a living dove, it shows that you may be too strict in your waking life. You are being too hard on other people & should be more peaceful & loving to those around you.

The ancient Egyptians believed that doves were a symbol of fertility. This ancient belief lives on today in marriages were white doves are released as a way of bringing good fortune to the new couple.

In Christian beliefs, pigeons were said to bring a message of a coming death. If a pigeon appeared on the window of a home, it was said that someone in the home would soon die.

It is said that a pigeon building a nest in your roof is a sign that your home is divinely protected.

If you see a dove at your wedding, it is thought to be a positive sign for your marriage.

If you see a dead pigeon on the roadway, it is said to be an inauspicious sign for future travels.

Seeing a white dove on your kitchen table shows that there will be a death in the family.

If pigeons land on your roof, it is said to mean that someone close to you will die.

If you are pooped on by a pigeon, it is thought to be a sign of a financial windfall in your future.

If the pigeon turns upside down, it wants to warn you not to go too much on a confrontational course. Maybe you are currently carrying too many unnecessary fights.


  1. This is a great blog! It's very informative and clear😃😃

  2. Wow , you just educated me in some serious visions of doves. All makes sense.

    With love,


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