The magical & sacred uses of  garlic have been recognized & exploited by cultures throughout the ages.
Garlic is masculine in nature, its astrological planet is Mars, element is Fire & its astrological sign is Aries.
Garlic is a magical plant which keeps people safe, protects animal stocks & households from dark energies, evil spirits, ghosts, evil-eye & various diseases.
Eating & wearing garlic improves agility, courage & physical endurance.

Hanging garlic is a very effective blessing for a new home & brings good luck.
Braids of garlic repel thieves from home, keep away envious people & an evil eye.
Rubbed onto pots & pans before cooking, it removes negative vibrations which might otherwise contaminate the food.

For protection while sleeping, place garlic under the pillow or make into a wreath placed above the bed.
Putting a garlic clove under the child’s pillow while he/she sleeps protects from evil.
Garlic can be placed under a woman in childbirth to keep her, as well as her newborn baby, safe from any onlookers who may possess the evil eye.

Ancient brides in various cultures kept cloves of garlic in their pocket for good luck & to ward off evil on their wedding day.
Hanging a garlic braid over a bedroom door will help draw a lover into the boudoir.
Scatter around the home to promote lust.
If you have a garlic clove when you pass over water, you are safe from drowning.

Place with silver in a sachet of leather to bring money.
Garlic skins, especially when mixed with onion skins, can be burned indoors to keep money in your home & to remove the negativity.

Garlic is commonly used for exorcisms.
Wiping a knife with fresh garlic juice can empower the knife to be used against dark forces.
Burn the powdered herb to break spells & curses.
When evil spirits are about, bite into garlic to send them away, or sprinkle powdered garlic on the floor.
It is believed in eastern Europe that placing garlic in the mouth of the deceased will prevent the soul from re-entering the body & keep wandering evil spirits from entering & re-animating the body.
Garlic absorbs the diseases of both a man & a beast, as well as traps & destroys negative vibrations & evil influences within cursed or haunted dwellings.
Whenever you burn something as seriously banishing as garlic in your home, remember to burn a gentle incense, smudge or your favorite resin or herb afterwards.

Dreaming that there is “a garlic in the house” is known to mean you will discover hidden secrets.

Garlic is widely used for charms & spells that enhance speed, strength, endurance, protection & to repel evil.
The bulb, stem & flowers can be used in spells & as an amulet for protection.
A clove of garlic can be added to a mojo bag to strengthen its magical powers.
When a magnet or lodestone is rubbed with garlic it loses its magical powers.

A Spell to Ward Off Hepatitis:
13 garlic cloves to be strung together on a white cord & then worn around the neck for 13 consecutive days & nights.
At the witching hour of midnight on the last night, go to a deserted crossroads.
Take off the garlic necklace & toss it over your right shoulder while looking straight ahead.
Upon doing this, return home as quickly as possible & take care not to look back lest the
spell be made broken.

Athlete`s Foot:
When the moon is in a waning phase, puree 9 cloves of garlic.
Fill a small tub with enough hot water to cover your feet.
Add the pureed garlic, along with 6 drops of tea tree oil & then allow your feet to soak in it for ca 20 minutes.
Repeat once or twice a day until the athlete’s foot condition is cleared up.
This natural remedy has been known in many cases to eradicate an athlete’s foot problem within a matter of a few days.

One can rid oneself of a lovesick former lover by placing a garlic bulb with 2 crossed pins stuck in it at a road intersection.
Lure the lover until he crosses it & he will lose interest.

If you think you have the evil eye or are under magical attack, tuck a clove of garlic under your bed & also take a ritual bath with a garlic tea – boil 9 cloves in water on the stove, strain & pour into the bath.

Garlic can be rubbed upon the spines of horses during the waning of the moon to have them
“always in good spirits & lively.”
