Water is the element to work with for healing, movement & transformation.

Use rain water or well water for rituals of fertility & abundance.
Rain & water in general are commonly used in cleansing rituals & spells. This can be a physical, spiritual or a symbolic cleansing.
Rain water can be used to cleanse magical tools & for purification of the magickal circle, candles & ritual clothing. 
You can sprinkle it on yourself or pour it into the ritual bath for personal purification. 
It is also safe to use in potions, lotions, teas & brews. 
Rain is also associated with mourning & tears & can be used as an aid to end the grieving process & get on with living again. 
If you want somebody to forget something you can write it down in non-waterproof ink & then simply agitate the paper in a bowl of rain water until the writing has dissolved away.
To effectively use rainwater in your magick, you must first collect it with intent. 
Depending on where & when we gather the rain, it can have different energetic properties. Water is a big energy conductor, so it only makes sense that it absorbs various energies around it that we can then utilize in our spiritual & magickal practices.
If you collect rain water from a lightning storm, not only does that water contain the element of water but it also contains the element of fire from the lightning.
You can also collect water from streams, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.
When collecting water, take a moment to offer a prayer of thanks to Mother Earth & Spirit. If collecting water from a body or source of water, you might even choose to leave an offering like a small crystal or stone.
Scrying bowls, shells & driftwood can be used.
Hag stones found along a river bank, bones washed upon the shore & even a magical mirror can be used like the clear reflection upon a calm body of water. 

Sea water is often believed to be the most pure & sacred of all types of  water—after all, it is provided by nature & is a powerful force. 

Much like sea water, home-made salt water is often used in rituals. 
Instead of just throwing salt into a bottle of water, it is generally recommended that you consecrate the water before use. 
Add 1 tsp of salt to 500 ml of water & mix thoroughly. 
Pass it over the four elements on your altar to bless it with the powers of earth, air, fire & pure water.
You can also consecrate salt water by leaving it out in the moonlight, in the sunlight, or by calling upon the gods of your tradition.

Keep in mind that salt is typically used to banish spirits & entities, so you should not use it in any rituals that call upon spirits or your ancestors—you’ll be self-defeating by using salt water.

Rain Storm With Sun Shining can be used to balance energies when you're feeling weighted down, or flighty & scattered in your thoughts.

Rainbow Rain is for luck, talent, magick charms.

Hail Storm Water can be used for dispelling psychic attacks or negative energies that have been sent to you from another. 
It is also the best form of rain to use for 'black' magick rituals designed to destroy your enemies or negative forces that stand in your way.

Wind storm rain removes blockages & helps to move forward.
Water gathered during a thunderstorm is considered powerful & potent & can add a magical boost to any working you're doing. 
Lighting storm rain will empower all spells & prayers, clearing & re-energizing.
It can also be used in a bath to re-energize your being, or to aid in a ritual of clearing & cleansing your energies of negativity by soaking in it.
Rain collected during a lightning storm has the greatest energy. Collect it directly from the sky & store in a glass bottle. 

Spring water can be used in rituals related to purification & protection. 

Morning dew is often incorporated in spellwork related to healing & beauty. 

Stagnant or still water can be used for hexing or binding.

Monday Rain- psychic awareness, cleansing & Goddess magick
Tuesday Rain – intellect
Wednesday Rain – courage & vigor
Thursday Rain – wealth & employment
Friday Rain – love & passion
Saturday Rain – purification of the home & scared space
Sunday Rain – protection & god magick

Moon water can be used to enhance your spells & rituals, added to your bath for relaxation, for clarity, to promote love or prepare for lunar rituals, to anoint money to increase wealth & to anoint yourself to increase psychic awareness, among many other purposes or water your plants with it. 

To use moon's energy as a way of consecrating water to make it sacred, leave gathered water outside for 3 nights in a row: the night before, during & after the full moon.
If you want to use your water specifically for attraction, leave it out during the waxing phase & during the waning phase for banishing magic.

You can also use the silver method: take a cup of water & place it outside on the night of the full moon. 
Drop a piece of silver into the water & leave it out overnight so that the moonlight can bless the water. 
Remove the silver in the morning & store the water in a sealed bottle. 
Use it before the next full moon.

Place piece of gold in the water, if the water is used in rituals related to the sun, healing, or positive energy.

New Moon Rain – drawing in & new projects

Waxing Moon Rain – blessings & new beginnings

Full Moon Rain – goddess blessings, purification, ritual altar & tool blessing
The Full Moon Water can be used for divination, child blessings, pet blessings & a few drops in your bath water before an important event or ritual. 

Waning Moon Rain is good for getting rid of things, banishings, purging of negativity.

Dark Moon Rain is for banishing & hex breaking, or to bring about difficulties to those who have troubled you.

Blue Moon Rain is for miracles.

Rain collected from a Spring Rain can be used for empowering new ventures & new starts, such as a new relationship, new business ventures, a new job.

Rain collected in the Summer can be used to encourage growth, be it personal growth, spiritual growth or growth of a venture or relationship. 
It can also be used for rituals that are designed to overcome bad habits. 
It is great to use for depression & anxiety.

Rain collected during the Fall should be used for giving thanks & showing gratitude for the abundance you have received during the year. 
It’s also great to give as an offering to your Deities thanking them for all they have brought into your life over the past year.

Rain collected during the Winter can be used to take things out of your life to clear for the new, use it to wash away all the negative. 
You can also use this water to reflect on your dark side. 
Winter rain can be used for blessings a person, relationship, family or object. 
It can also be used for blessing an event such as a wedding, birth, business venture. For to be able to survive the hardship of winter so should one be able to survive the hardship of life.

Ash Rain Water – balance, spiritual knowledge
Birch Rain Water – fertility, cleansing, purification, birth & rebirth
Elder Rain Water – mother goddess energy, wisdom, healing, prosperity
Holly Rain Water – male energy, authority & courage
Oak Rain Water – god energy, healing, strength, longevity
Rowan Rain Water – magick & strength
Elm Rain Water – protection
Hawthorn Rain Water – cleansing, love, faeries
Fir Rain Water – immortality
Hazel Rain Water – divination, wisdom, strength

Using herbs you can sprinkle the water on just about anything that you would like to be cleared of negativity. 
Before a ritual walk around the circle & sprinkle the ground with water. 

For a bath add 1 cup of rain water.

For a ritual, use 30ml of rain water, poured into glass or brass cauldron. To add to the effects, pour the rain water over a crystal that you have chosen for the ritual & energized with your intent.

Put the crystal in the cauldron then pour the rain water over the crystal.

For a spell, place all your spell items in your cauldron such as herbs, oils or other ingredients & add 1 tablespoon of rain water.

For a cleansing or anointing ritual, such as promoting psychic ability, or overcoming a bad habit, pour 15ml of rain water in a small clear glass bowl. 
As you recite your incantation, dip your fingers or your wand/athame, into the water then mark your physical body. 
A mark can be made in the shape of a clockwise circle, a pentagram, or any spiritual symbol that has meaning to you. 
For instance, to promote visionary talents, draw a mark over your third eye. To develop your 'gut feelings' mark your skin over your solar plexus.

To anoint a magickal tool, pour 30ml of rain water onto the tool as you state your incantation to empower the tool for its intended purpose.

Healing Water Recipe:

In your sacred vessel combine
spring water
white rose petals
fresh yarrow
clear quartz
blue calcite
Set out under the full moon, strain in the morning. 

The water infused with the flowers & crystals under the light of the full moon now becomes a healing potion.


  1. You are teaching me magic seriously...it is beautiful though knowing what water can do through magic.

  2. This is all very interesting. I didn't realize there were so many different waters and that they did different things.

  3. Hmm! I cant believe what am reading .. But you are so right, but these doesn't and cant work for everybody. you need to have some special kind of power for you to be able to do water magic. Even though am not going to try to practice water magic but i did learn something from this post.

  4. This is amazing. Just the stuff I am always wanting to learn. I had no idea water was so important!

  5. It turns out like everything else water has a lot more uses than one is aware of. Interesting.

  6. Oh My! I wouldn't have known moon water! Indeed, water is used for a lot of purposes that might even be unheard of.

  7. I love magic. I didn't know water has such power. I even saw a YouTube video about wishing something with a glass of water ha.. I migh try that! :)

  8. These are interesting theories about the powers of water. I hadn't heard of any of these before!

  9. Interesting read today. I didn't know about these things until today. I know water is important and that there is actually very little water lost in this world (because of the natural cycles of water). The molecules in the water we drink today may have been the same molecules in the water that was used to baptize Jesus. Amazing, right?


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