Heather is used for magic involving maturity, consummation, general luck, love, ritual power, conjuring ghosts, healing, protection, rain-making & water magic.
The gift of white heather brings luck to both the giver & the receiver.

In Scotland the white heather is a symbol for good luck & is often used in bridal bouquets in traditional weddings.
Farmers carried torches of burning heather around their fields before midsummer to insure good crops & around their cattle to ensure their fertility.
Heather is said to be stained with the blood of war in Scotland, thus, white heather is the luckiest & the best for use in magic.
In Norway, there’s a saying: “Where one can find white heather, there has been a crime.”
In Ireland, heather has been used to conjure the spirits of the dead.

Red heather is used for passion, to start or end an affair.
Purple heather is for spiritual development.
White heather can be used for cooling passions of unwanted suitors.

Heather is associated with secrets from the Otherworld.
After picking a piece of white heather at midnight, place it in a glass of river water in the darkest corner of your home. Sit & think of a departed loved one & it is said that the loved ones shadow will visit you.
Heather has also long been used to conjure ghosts & may open portals between this world & the faery world, where the Fae of this flower are especially attracted to shy people.
Keeping heather about the house will attract friendly spirits & will bring peace to the household.

Heather is both helpful to those who shapeshift, as well as protective against harmful shifters.

Heather attracts faeries to the garden.

Sleeping on a pillow stuffed with this magic herb can bring dreams foretelling good fortune.

Heather can be used in spells relating to new beginnings & self-discovery, enhancing physical beauty & bringing a peaceful resolution to any conflict.
It is also used at initiations.
Heather, if used along with Mistletoe, creates powerful healing medicine in both spiritual & physical aspects.

Carrying heather will attract positive energies, general good luck & protect against rape & other violent assaults, making it useful for traveling sachets.

Burning heather together with fern will aid in magic designed to bring rain. The two plants can also be bundled together & used to sprinkle water on the ground for the same purpose.

Heather should be part of a bridal bouquet or the decorations to ensure good luck to the couple & peace & cooperation in their household.

A charm bag filled with Heather can be carried for decreasing egotism or self-involvement.

Heather is sacred to the Summer Solstice.
It is a good plant to use to make besoms & can be added to midsummer fires to ensure the fertility of the attendants.
Heather can be used at Midsummer to promote love – carry red heather for passion or white heather for cooling the passion of unwanted suitors.


  1. Great information, I love learning more about the magical properties of plants. I have a rather large herb and flower collection, but I don’t have any heather, I’m going to have to look into growing or buying some.

  2. Thank you for teaching me something new! I never knew much about heather - all of the magical qualities it has are so interesting.

  3. Omg. Do you practice? Oh, god. I am a beginner so this is really helpful!

    I focus on Astrology/space related things, but I plan on having a fae companion soon, though!

  4. Thank you for your informative post. I enjoy learning about any related to nature. Your pictures are beautiful.

  5. That sounds magical and scary, who wouldn't want to catch up with a lost one.

  6. This sounds kinda fun but scary too. I would love to experience this myself.

  7. I loved learning about this. I had no idea some of these facts. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Woa I've never heard this before. This is so learning to know about Heather well written.

  9. Very interesting post. Had no idea about all this magic stuff. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I've never heard of Heather before. It sounds like a very magical and interesting plant.

  11. This is super interesting thanks for the post!

  12. This is a gorgeous flower with interesting meaning. Now, where will I get this beauty, locally :)

  13. Very interesting flower. I wonder if they can be found where I am and how to own one.

  14. 1st time learnt much more about this plant, thanks for this, cheers, siennylovesdrawing


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