Butterfly represents change, creativity, freedom, joy & color, symbolizing powerful transformations, emphasizing the ability to move from one state, perspective, lifestyle to another.
Their power is transformation & shape shifting. 
Butterfly represents the element of air, quickly changing & always on the move gracefully. 
Butterfly often turns our thoughts inward to review elements of our character, morals & habits that weigh us down, keeping us stuck in a negative energy.
When Butterfly metamorphoses, it undergoes multiple changes. This can also symbolize the unhealthy desire to accomplish too much too soon.
Butterfly is also one of the most inspiring symbols of the animal world, knowing precisely the time to leave the comfort & limitation of its cocoon, flying freely into the world. 

Butterfly symbolism is closely associated with the human psyche & the need to be in tune with mind. It encourages to understand spirit & emotions & to know which direction to take.
If you are not in tune with those aspects of your personality, then there is little chance of you being capable of making the kind of progress that you had been hoping for. This would then lead to problems with feeling depressed & unhappy in life while Butterfly is all about the complete opposite of those emotions.

When Butterfly spirit begins visiting your life, you may be going through or expect important changes in your life, something new & wonderful is about to unfold.
It’s time for personal growth & greater awareness of your mental, physical & spiritual rhythms. Change can sometimes be challenging & daunting because it moves us out of our comfort zone.
Embrace those changes in your environment & with your emotional body. This physical transformation of energy around you is taking root & expanding in ways that may surprise you. 

Butterflies are messengers of the moment & come in a wide array of colors.  Studying these colors can help you uncover Butterfly's message to you. 
Violet Butterfly landing on you symbolizes royal & hard work. 
Purple Butterfly seen as a spirit guide denotes spirituality. Purple Butterfly represents new relationships or social gatherings will be on the rise.
Blue Butterfly represents peace, luck & joy. Blue Butterfly is associated with a new start & a brighter tomorrow, it can also indicate in spiritual terms goals need to be set. 
Red butterfly is quite a powerful omen to see in real life. Red Butterflies are symbols of love. In Scotland the red Butterfly indicates social gatherings among society.
Native American tribes believe that a red Butterfly signifies a powerful spirit. It could also be linked to the root Chakra. 
Yellow Butterfly as a spirit guide or animal indicates peace, hope & guidance, bringing intuition & creativity. This can be a sign to  let you know that you have a bright future ahead with happiness & prosperity. Yellow is linked the Solar Plexus Chakra, the core of our personality, our identity, of our ego, strength & willpower.
Pink Butterfly show the strength of love. 
Brown Butterfly indicates good news very soon. 
Black Butterfly represent regeneration in life. It was believed in Scotland that the first black Butterfly seen was the start of the dry season. 
In Poland & Scandinavia a black Butterfly is associated with transformation, rebirth & a new start in life. 
If you see a black Butterfly close to you in real life then this can signify that your power is likely to shift.  
Monarch Butterfly appearing as a spirit guide tell about transforming. 
White Butterfly landing on you signifies an honorable person will enter into your life. Spiritually speaking, the white butterfly also indicates durance. 
Cream Butterfly is a great omen to see.
Orange Butterflies represent positive times, assertiveness & also how we interact with people, if seen in the wild represents joy.
A green Butterfly in Indian mythology represents career, work & trade. To see a green Butterfly means wealth, trade, commerce & the ability to move forward with the project work commitment.
A green Butterfly might be linked to nature & your heart. 
Black & white Butterfly is associated with a new start for the better or worse. If you see a black & white Butterfly landing on you or flying around you or in your dreams this represents to focus on goals in life.

If Butterfly finds you & is unwell, hurt or caught, this is an indication that you must stop disturbing the natural design of life & flow with events in a more gentle & natural manner.
Butterfly spirit animal has the potential of playing a very important role in the overall development of your life, but only if you are willing to let it enter & work its magic on you.
Understand your dreams & desires before creating the path that will allow you to head in that direction in life.
Butterfly spirit animal signifies resurrection & the need for meditation if you wish to take the road to enlightenment.
You will also undergo different struggles & take giant leaps so that you can grow, change & become someone you have never even imagined.
Butterfly encourages you to have a change in perspective, personality & personal habits for the sake of your well-being.
If a Butterfly lands on you then indicates the fact that luck & happiness will be yours but that you also need to cultivate patience. 

To Native Americans, Butterfly is a symbol of change, joy & color. Native American tribes respect Butterfly as the messenger of transformation, happiness & the glorious colors of nature.
Among the Blackfeet in Native American mythology it’s thought that it is Butterfly spirit who brings us our dreams. Because of this, babies are often presented with a small depiction of a butterfly at bedtime along with a lullaby invoking Butterfly for sweet dreams.
In Hopi tradition, Butterfly is one of the nature spirits called a Kachina. Butterfly appears in the Butterfly Dance, a ceremony that takes place over two days & acts somewhat like a rite of passage for young women, who will learn traditional songs & the role of women in Hopi culture.
Unmarried girls of the Butterfly clan wore their hair in the shape of butterfly wings to advertise their availability. 
The Navaho regard the Butterfly as an emblem of happiness & rebirth. She is tied to the story of the god Quetzalcoatl who first manifests as a chrysalis. Eventually, he bursts forth from his chamber with a rainbow of colors appearing as a Butterfly.

In the Old World, Butterfly was thought to be the spirit of the dead. 

The Chinese believe that Butterfly is a symbol of immortality, a sign of grace & beauty, long life, bliss & joy. 
Newlyweds in China  were often given gifts bearing two Butterfly images to insure their marital happiness & harmony.
Seeing two butterflies landing on you at the same time in Chinese tradition meant that there is both love & harmony in your life.
Chinese believe that if you wish that your loved one would love you, then let a Butterfly land on your hand & whisper your wish & release it to the heavens & it shall be.

In Japanese tradition, Butterfly bears a message to help you sort out a problem. Symbolically it represents the transition from being a young girl into womanhood, joyful marriage & a time honored harbinger of spring’s arrival.

Throughout Celtic regions, Butterfly represents prosperity, joy, good fortune & honor. Harming a white Butterfly was against the law in Ireland because of the belief it bore a dead child’s spirit.
In Scotland & Ireland it is believed that a golden butterfly near the dead ensures the soul’s place in heaven.

In some areas of England, it is thought that butterflies contain the souls of children who have come back to life. 

In early Christianity, Butterfly was a symbol of the soul, representing its journey.

Call on your Butterfly Spirit Animal when you need a support during the transition period or when you are looking for inspiration, when you are mourning the loss of spirituality or feel that you are losing faith.
Access Butterfly power by noticing colors you are drawn to & trying to discern what they mean for you. Observe Butterflies in their natural environment & note what you are thinking when one comes into view.

Feng Shui practitioners use the emblem of a butterfly to help improve romance & love in the home, as a means to help a single person find the right partner or inspiration for children to release their imaginations.
Hanging Butterflies in the home can help you find the right person & predict a great relationship.
Place the image of the butterfly in the southwest direction for it to work best. 
Butterflies are a symbol of love & freedom. 
Butterfly symbolism is best suited for someone who is suffering from depression or couples who are just starting their married life. Also, singles can use the image of Butterfly to bring love in their life.
Individuals who are working on transforming themselves must use the image of a Butterfly in their home.
The colorful Butterflies bring a free flow of energy, inspiring artists to be more creative.
Bejeweled Butterfly can work for wish fulfillment. These bejeweled Butterflies have a secret compartment which serves as a wish fulfilling box. Write your wish on a paper & place it inside this box.

In Celtic Animal Astrology those born between 30 September- 27 October are the sign of the Butterfly. 
Butterfly people are social, outgoing flitters landing here & there, bringing delight as they go. 
Butterfly is a bit of dreamer & restless soul, who constantly explores new ideas & places with optimism on his or her wings.
To the ancient Celts, butterflies meant transmutation & metamorphosis. Just as a Butterfly's life begins as a grub, then progresses to a caterpillar, then pupae & then to the chrysalis before being revealed as a butterfly, so too is a person's life a period of change & evolution.
The chrysalis is a symbol of death & resurrection.
When a Butterfly appeared, the Celts saw it as a reminder to look at the important issues they were facing & to see what stage they are at with them. What is the final outcome they want & what do they need to do to achieve it.
Celtic mythology also connected the Butterfly to the fairy realm.

The Butterfly in the Tarot brings a change, allowing person to grow or evolve & follow a new direction, or will in the near future have this experience. This change will have been coming for a long time & has been worked for & is a certainty.
The Butterfly is seen in the Minor Arcana on the Knight, Queen & King of Swords.

Dreaming of a beautiful Butterfly flying in the sky is a sign of prosperity & a lot of luck.
If the setting is in the countryside, then it is indicative that there is a certain situation in your life cannot be changed.
To have a Butterfly dream in which the insect is fluttering among flowers & green grasses, indicates prosperity & wealth are coming your way soon.
To see them flying about denotes good news is about to be received.
Butterfly is a symbol of change that is beyond your control.
If you see more than one Butterfly, then there is a sign that you will experience a change in the near future. 
If you dream that you lost a Butterfly, you will likely lose your loved one in the near future or you are going to sacrifice something in your life.
If you are a woman & you dream about a Butterfly, it is a sign that you are going to be happy in your love life. 
A man dreaming about a Butterfly denotes that everything is going as you planned. 
If Butterfly is tropical, then it is a positive sign meaning that you will have a lot of success in the future period. 
When Butterfly appears in your dreams it brings with it greater inventiveness, particularly in relationships. 
Butterfly dreams also foretell a time of change to which you need to pay attention. Accept the growth opportunity before you with open arms.
Black Butterfly in dreams represents change, symbolism & fresh new start.
Red Butterfly in a dream represents an untapped passion & need to pay attention to something in life.
The blue Butterfly appearing in your dream might suggest to open up the gift of inner sight & outer worlds. This dream might be a suggestion for increased psychic abilities & enhanced vision that will come your way.
Encountering a green Butterfly in your dream symbolizes growth & flourishing development, whether that means a flourishing relationship, business or personal hobby. It can also be look upon as luck with money.
Dream about Butterflies could indicate changing your romantic partners often & it is a message that it is time for a committed relationship with one person.
Sometimes a Butterfly in a dream could indicate the death of a family member.
Butterflies often appear in our dreams after losing someone close.
Dreaming of a Butterfly standing on a flower is a very good sign, indicating the possibility of soon finding your true love.
Dreaming of two Butterflies is a sign of happiness & satisfaction with your love life. It could be a sign of a happy relationship or marriage, it can even announce an engagement.
Dreaming of a Butterfly landing on you could indicate new opportunities for career advancement & higher earnings.
Dreaming of a Butterfly flying away is asking you to let go of someone or something in your life. Sometimes it can indicate some inevitable changes you need to make.
Catching or killing Butterflies in your dream could indicate being superficial or overly possessive.
Dead butterfly indicates some unrealized goals.
Dreaming of a stuffed Butterfly tells about your readiness to begin some important endeavor in your life. If you were mounting the butterfly on the wall, that could indicate being sexually repressed.
Dreaming of a swarm of Butterflies foretell you might  receive soon good news .
Dreaming of a Butterfly disappearing often symbolizes the end of love & relationship.
Dreaming of a caterpillar becoming a Butterfly show the development of your spirituality.


  1. The butterfly represents so many things! I knew it represented change and air. I love that it starts something new.

  2. Kristine Nicole AlessandraAugust 19, 2019 at 3:35 PM

    Interesting read. In my culture, when a butterfly enters your house, it means a relative that has passed away is visiting you. I did not know about the other color symbolism. Living in the city, we don't get much butterflies around us.

  3. I just purely enjoy their presence.. They fly so gracefully and shares a peaceful vibe with its viewers

  4. Wow . I had no idea that butterflies symbolised so much! I've quite a few orange butterflies in my garden this summer so its lovely to know what that might mean - I like that it means positiveness!

  5. How lovely and beautiful is this post. I did not know that a butterfly had so many symbolic meanings xx

  6. Wow beautiful written about butterfly apparently butterfly symbolized of beautiful creature :)

  7. That’s a great tip about incorporating butterfly symbolism and emblems into the home’s feng shui to improve romance and love in the home.

  8. What a interesting post! I had no idea that the butterfly had so many symbolic meanings and some of them are really fascinating! I love butterflies they really are so beautiful!

  9. In my birth country, black butterflies are said to carry bad news, mostly death. My mom still swears by this. I just love butterflies.


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