Life Line usually indicates the vitality of life.
A very strong & deep, but short Life Line shows strong physical energies & great vitality in life & the ability to overcome health problems. This person is likely to live for a good length of time.
Short & deep Life Line indicates the ability to overcome physical problems. It is a myth that a short Life Line signifies a short life.
Long & deep Life Line indicates long life, good health, stamina, vitality & a well-balanced individual.
If the line is short & shallow then this person may have the tendency to be controlled by others.
Absent line indicates a high-strung, anxious & nervous individual.
When there is no line crossing the Life Line & it is standing alone than it is a very good sign & is a symbol of long, healthy & happy life for the person.
Deep Life Line indicates a smoother life path.
An abnormally deep Life Line tell about rough & abrupt nature accompanied by violent actions, system wears out rapidly, leading to paralysis.
Faint line indicates a person with low energy & having a less adventurous life.
Thin Life Line show that capability to sustain is reduced considerably. Level of resistance is low. However a strong thumb & a good line of head may boost working capability & longevity of the subject considerably.
Thickness & depth of the Life Line changes, this tells about capricious & fickle mood, ups & down in health.
Thickness of the Line of Life ends in a spot can predict sudden death, confirmed by other marks & signs on the Line of Heart, like breaks, gaps, cuts, bars or black spots.
A broad dark colored Life Line show poverty, laziness, lethargic nature.
A dark bluish, grey colored Life Line shows furious nature of anger, raving madness, morbidity. Might be a presence of cancer or tumor.
Life Line is deep cut, well defined, sharp & reddish in color tells working capability of the bearer is quite high, health is generally good, power of resistance, immunity, potency level is quite high.
Life Line is deeply marked, reddish in color, with high physical Mount of Mars shows violent, brutal nature.
Shallow, broad, pale yellow in colored Life Line show low energy level, weak constitution, lack of confidence, vitality, stamina or success.
Broad & pale yellow Life Line show defects in circulatory system, even bloodlessness.
Life Line starts from Jupiter Mount show a good teacher & ambitious person.
Life Line starts from Lower Mount of Mars show struggles & obstacles in life.
Gap between Life Line & Head Line show an independent thinking & impatient person.
Heart Line touches Life Line means person is unlucky, with suicidal tendency.
Termination of Line of Life over Venus gives a happy ending, blessed with good health, children, mutual cooperation & understanding in the family life.
Encircling Venus gives happy ending around 90 years of age.
Formation of hook, anchor, serpent’s head, on man’s right hand give a death due to deceit of lover.
Termination of Life Line on Neptune show a long life associated with spirituality, love for solitude. Origin of Luck Line from Life Line on Neptune adds to material success. Such people are born in well to do families.
Origin of Sun Line from Life Line on Neptune makes the bearer, a person who gives peace, solace to others.
Termination of Life Line turning mid way to Luna, reaching Rascette show love for travel, leading life abroad, residence near water bodies & desire for change, mentally unsteady.
Life Line suddenly turning to Luna at right angles show an epilepsy. On a woman’s hand, it represents ovaries trouble & difficulty in child bearing.
Life Line deviates further to cross Luna show an accidental death, specifically due to drowning, water.
Life Line suddenly deviates to cross over Luna, around the boundary of Mars show the subject will be in deep trouble due to woman.
Termination of Life Line on the Rascette indicates a long life. On a woman’s hand with rayed Venus & vertical lines on Saturn shows trouble of genetic organs.
Forked Life Line has various meanings depending on the fork placement on the hand. Generally, forks indicate an interruption, redirection or life change. It can sometimes mean that you are surrounded by scattered or split energies.
Line of Life beginning in a fork reveals justice of soul, fidelity, loyalty to principals, religion, wife or leader.
Line of Life beginning in a fork, with an exaggerated mount of Jupiter gives indecision, fantasy, imagination with extravagance.
If it leads to the Mount of Jupiter, it indicates success & recognition.
If it forks to the Mount of Moon it indicates traveling to far off places.
If Life Line is divided in two branches in the end just like tongue of snake, it indicates that the fate of bearer will remain unstable throughout life. People having this kind of Life Line dies in foreign country. Very busy with career especially later in life.
Small fork at the end of Life Line show health issues in old age.
Big fork at the end of Life Line show the desire to leave homeland, long travel, abroad travel.
Forked Life Line reaches Neptune & its branch remains at Venus show a subject who loves loneliness, spiritual life; while his partner looks to worldly pleasures, which leads to disharmony & unhappiness in married life.
Life Line tassel shaped at the beginning show hereditary, genetic diseases, stomach disorders, loose motions in early childhood.
Life Line tassel shaped at the beginning & termination means that subject suffers from illness throughout the life & dies due to illness.
Small fork of Neptune Life Line on Venus & large fork on Luna show pleasure seeking, travel abroad, enjoyment at late, old age.
Life Line is forked over Mars or Venus, on the right hand only show the subject has to face grave illness, accident. If this indication is present on both hands, it predicts death after prolonged illness, failure to recover from accident.
Life Line terminating in a small fork show general weakening of the body; more rarely over work & old age accompanied by poverty.
Life Line terminating in wide fork is an indication of rheumatism in old age. A rare implication of it is the end of life in poverty, away from own country.
Longer prong of the wide fork, of the Life Line, crossing over Luna to the Percussion mean that possessor may undertake long journeys.
Life Line dividing at about the center of the hand & one prong shoots across, to the base of Luna indicates a restless life, a great desire for travel & ultimate satisfaction of that desire, if on a firm & well made hand. On a flabby soft hand it shows restless nature, craving for excitement, which is satisfied in vice or intemperance of some kind.
Life Line has a tasseled longer prong, going deeper into Luna gives prospective insanity, probably of a senile character.
Short & parallel lines, bars at the end of the Line of Life show a sudden death.
Tassel at the end of Line of Life predicts violent death, murder, execution. An offshoot of tassel moving to Luna foretells insanity, before death.
Cross, bar, dot, mole at the end of Life Line show an accidental or violent death.
Life Line ends in a spot means death will occur at the age predicted by the spot.
If Life Line has red & white spots then this individual will have stomach, liver or nervous trouble.
Life Line has black spots mean possibility of accident at that age.
Red, white or black spots on the line may be either temporary or permanent. They will remain on the physique if the impact is permanent, otherwise they will disappear.
Cross at the termination of Life Line shows pain, comparable to death, if found on one hand only, on both hands it shows death. Two or more crosses near the termination of Life Line, near the Rascette, will illustrate an acute sexual, imaginative, useless talker.
Many crosses at the end of Life Line show health & financial problems in old age.
Island at the termination of the Line of Life show a hysteria. Probability will increase, if it is associated by the Line of Mars.
Fish formation at termination shows religiousness, prosperity & comfortable life associated with power. Presence of small parallel lines gives protection.
Presence of a triangle at the termination of the Line of Life show falsehood.
Triangle at the end of Life Line also show problems in old age.
An upward branch originating from the termination of the Life Line & merging with Luck Line is a bad omen. Associated with other negative markings on hand, it makes the subject weak, careless- tends to loss of fame & power, making him a disturbed & worried man.
Life Line suddenly encircles Venus, mid way & is cut by a vertical line, bar show a desire to end life. Death will come when the Life Line is cut by the bar, vertical line.
Life Line ends on Mount of Moon show sea travel, gynecological & urinary diseases & nature lover.
Life Line encircles the Venus shows that life span will be more than 90 years.
Life span is determined by of summing up the effects of Heart Line, Life Line & various other signs & indications, including Line of Head.
Presence of the Life Line does not guarantee long life.
Life Line during youth is governed by love & mating period & at the end spiritual aspect.
Life Line covers large Venus area means that person has generally good health, high potency, sexuality level, attractive, excels in arts-crafts, likes high standards of living & worldly possessions. Happiness through parents, family descends from high family, long lived.
Life Line encircling Venus but is cut by a bar tells possible death at this age, if confirmed by other indications on the Line of Heart.
Life Line starts at Mars, reaches Ketu away from Venus, without curving or very little curve with yellowish palm bearer is sexy, weak diseased, talks unnecessarily, looks for sexual pleasures & favors.
If Life Line originates between Jupiter & Mars & goes up to the Rascette, this tells about life span around 70 years.
Life Line which starts from Mars, without cuts, islands, non wavy, encircles Venus, reaches Rascette is considered to be the best Life Line.
If Life Line starts at Mars ,this means long life, high strength & capacity to do work, riches but with a possibility of piles & blood contamination.
Sharp Life Line, slightly pointing to Jupiter, independent of Line of Head but still very close to it talks about honesty, honor, prestige, clarity of mind, good reasoning & understanding; upbringing in healthy & happy family.
If Life Line starts up on Jupiter near the finger it will illustrate dictatorship & cruelty, excessive ego, blood defects, piles & genetic disorder.
Life Line originates at Jupiter means that person is ambitious, desirous of wealth, success & fame. He is a born leader, possessor of skills & qualities, enjoys high position, place & reputation in the society.
Life Line runs close to thumb means low sexuality, no attraction for opposite sex, low potency & working capability, indication of baroness.
Life Line travelling to Luna for a while can be death due to drowning or in an accident.
A break of Life Line represents a sudden change in life style, change of location, an accident or an illness.
Broken line indicates struggles, losses, unexpected change or interruption in your way of living, an accident or an illness.
A break in the Life Line on one hand can signify that you may get ill & recover quickly.
All break in the Life Line on both hands can signify that you may suffer a serious illness or disease. If there is a break near the wrist area in the line, it can indicate problems in early childhood.
Life Line is broken on left hand & joined in the right hand tell about dangerous illness.
If broken on both hands might mean death.
In case Luck Line, Line of Mars or an Influence Line is running parallel to it, the subject may survive. To be sure, other defects should also be considered.
If Life Line is broken after an island then death might be possible at the age, where the island ends. If it turns back towards Venus & the supporting lines are absent this is confirmed death.
If the Life Line stops & then continues beside or below the break, this shows major change in ones life. This can be anything from an illness to marriage & the change can even take place over a period of months or years.
If the Life Line seems impaired after the break, there have been energy losses suffered in the change. Often this energy loss is made up in other areas emotionally or mentally.
Life Line made up of segments talk about indigestion, liver trouble, stomach trouble, bronchus trouble, piles, continued illness, behavior problems & nervousness.
Double or triple segments of Life Line show weak constitution, lack of vitality, prolonged illness, irritable, short tempered personality.
Lines running parallel to the Life Line show an inner strength during a time of difficulty or change. Where they run parallel to a strong Life Line this can be a powerful, constructive period.
If Life Line is doubled, or even tripled, then this shows a great vitality in life & positive forces around, subject will be a healthy, wealthy, happy & long lived person.
Extra lines are often noted as Vitality Lines.
Double or triple line indicates that person is surrounded by positive energies & have great stamina.
This person might possibly be a twin or have found a true partner & soul mate, or have someone watching over him. However, it may also mean that this person living a double life.
Life Lines running parallel, like railway track in later period show death away from one’s own country.
If the parallel segment cuts deep into Luna in the middle & keep moving till the edge of the hand gives terrible tendency towards lack of modernization, lack of self control, behavior, modesty & a habit of excessive drinking .
Presence of parallel Life Lines on square hand show extremely good health, fighting disposition, robust body & physical strength, bringing in fighting qualities. This is an excellent sign in soldier’s hand. Subject may engage in quarrels, leading to annoyance.
Mars Lines are the lines running parallel to the Line of Life, separately. These lines protect the individual from illness, accidents. Increased vigor, vitality, they cover the defects of the Life line, till the age they are presents & leads to increased vigor & vitality. These lines run very close to the Life Line, but do not touch or intersect them.
Marshal Line/ Mars Line gives a high growth in the Life Line power. For a person, this arrangement of Life Line & Marshal Line indicates strong health such that no health related issue can have much impact on the person & he can also recover very quickly from any type of health concern.
Luck Line meets downward branch of Neptunian Life Line gives a dull ending of life.
A swooping semicircular line around the base of the thumb shows great strength & enthusiasm, as well as an improved love life.
Straight Life Line shows cold irresponsible nature, lack of natural warmth, also endocrine imbalance.
If the line is straight & sticks close to the side of the palm then this is a sign of a limited exploration of love & a very cautious nature.
A donut on the Life Line indicates hospitalization as a result of some sort of accident.
Four sided closed figure, a square is a mark of preservation, where ever found on the Life Line it protects from illness, death, accident at that age.
If it is found at the termination of the Life Line, on both the hands, it will reflect death due to illness, accidentally.
On one hand, it will reflect pain equal to death. It helps in rapid recovery from illness as well. Fragments of Life Line enclosed inside a square shows recovery from serious illness.
An independent square on Venus, lying close to the Life Line, indicates imprisonment. A cross inside a square will show a great danger coming without harming the possessor.
Triangle, three sided closed figure, is a sign of brilliance. If it is found near the termination of Line of Life, it will show a liar, deceit, showy person or a useless talker.
Star represents a fatality, an accident, or even death. On an upward branch of Life Line, it will show pain comparable, equivalent to death.
Island. If the Line of Life starts with it, mystery of birth or inherited illness is reflected, elsewhere, on Life Line it describes illness.
If the Life Line is found to terminate abruptly, with a black spot at the end, death by violence or accident is indicated. To be sure, both hands should be examined.
Presence of two circles on the Life Line show complete blinding. One circle will indicate blinding of one eye only.
Semi circle-U formation. If this mark crosses the Life Line, sudden grave illness, death is indicated.
Lines crossing through the Life Line, indicate either worries or danger, however a star indicates some sort of crisis.
Life Line is cut by numerous small lines in the first half itself talk about stomach troubles, disputes, quarrels with relatives, interference of opposite sex.
Life Line is cut by small lines from the Mars or Venus. Thin lines give tensions, thick lines bring illness & diseases.
Life Line is cut by a line starting from the lower Mars & terminating on Saturn means injury is caused by falling from a height-tree, bike, vehicle, horse etc., leading to financial losses.
If there is a break or gap in the Line of Head or Heart at the point of cutting, possibility of death.
Life Line is cut by a line starting from the Sun might show an eye injury.
Life Line is cut by a line reaching Saturn & terminating in a grid means the subject will have
diseases related to Saturn. Conclusion can be drawn from the color of the nails.
Life Line is cut by a line starting from Venus & reaching Mercury show accidents related to water, loss of potency, tooth trouble. The subject is expected to suffer from bad cold, piles. He will have a pale white look on his face.
Life Line is cut by a line reaching to middle Luna, ending in a grid show knee trouble, joint pain, gas trouble.
Life Line is cut by a line reaching lower Luna, ending in a grid show urine related diseases, urine trouble.
Life Line is cut by a line ending in a grid over the Luna show intestine trouble, stomach related diseases.
Life Line is cut by a line ending over Luna which itself is cut by a bar show serious urine trouble, swollen soft palm confirms the disease.
Ending in a star show hypertension, hysteria or insanity, often of erotic, sexual desires, lust, passions, sensuality character.
Life Line is cut by a line, starting from an influence line show mental tensions, leading to illness. Then deeper the line, then more serious the illness.
A line starting from an island over the Life Line, in a woman’s left hand, ending in a grid over the Luna show serious womb or uterus trouble, like child bearing or menses related problems.
A line originating from an island over the Life Line ending in a grid over the Sun show heat related diseases, sun stroke.
A line starting from a dot over the Life Line, reaching Sun, which has a dot or a cross show heart trouble.
Life Line is cut by horizontal lines starting on the Mars ,Influence Lines, showing negative impact, date of such events is found on the Line of Life. These lines show worries & obstacles caused by the opposition & interference of others, generally relatives, friends, well wishers, in domestic life.
Life Line & Luck Lines are cut by Interference Line denotes a person who creates trouble in worldly interests, service of the bearer. Date of this event is shown by the Life Line.
Life Line is cut by Interference Line, which further reaches the Line of Head indicates the personnel who influence our thoughts & ideas.
Life Line is cut by Interference Line which reaches the Line of Heart. It shows interference in affections. This is more harmful since the Luck Line & Sun lines are also crossed by it on its way.
Life line is cut by Interference Line which further reaches Sun Line & cuts, breaks it represents those people who spoil our position in the society, leading to disgrace through mischief or scandal, at that juncture of life.
Life line is cut by Interference Line, which advances to the Line of Marriage causes divorce-separation. If this line is with island, the trouble creator himself faced scandal or disgrace in his life.
Life Line is cut by a ray line, rising on the mount of Mars on a woman’s hand denotes some unfavorable attachment in her childhood, life, which caused her much trouble & annoyance at a date shown by the Life Line .
On a man’s hand, a line starting over Mars, cutting Line of Life touches or cuts off the Line of Head, shows unusual sexual behavior & shamelessness on the part of the bearer, causing annoyance to him, for own fault.
Influence lines from inside of Life Line show interference in personal life from others, mostly family members.
Lines extending below the Life Line habit of loosing energy, ill-health & family troubles.
Downward branches indicate poor physical & emotional health, money problems, feelings of sadness & loss.
Lines extending below the lifeline signify habitually wasting energy.
Fine lines running off the Life Line shows that physical energies are being dispersed, there is a lack of concentration & energies are being scattered rather than channeled. This waste of energies manifests itself as nervousness or a disposition to anxiety.
Little hair lines found dropping from or clinging to the Life Line show weakness & loss of vitality generally observed at the end of the line itself.
Off shoots of Life Line going on Venus show dissipation of energy, loss of vigor, vitality, money losses & illness.
A wavy broken line show defective sperms, blood defects, child less, foolish behavior.
A branch moving to Luna indicates travel abroad.
An offshoot of the Life Line terminating in a star means sudden death.
Upward branches on the Life Line indicate achievement & success.
Lines extending up & above the lifeline show the ability to recover from situations, success in career, promotion, etc.
Upward branches or offshoots of Life Line to mounts have been read as Luck lines. These are the signs of increased power, gains & successes & make the bearer hard working rich & healthy. Subject gets a job, promotion, financial up, gradation.
Offshoots of Life Line run to Jupiter give fulfillment of ambition, high post, position in job or society, egotism, fear to show joy or sorrow, freedom in early life, studies in boarding house abroad.
Offshoots of Life Line run to Saturn gives riches. Such people are found to help near & dear, needy, at least, till the age shown by the rising branch on the Life Line. Increase of wealth & worldly possessions by subjects own energy& determination.
Marital success in life is there due to one’s own efforts.
Offshoots of Life Line run to Sun bring name, fame, success, riches; distinction in society, according to the class of hand.
A very strong & deep, but short Life Line shows strong physical energies & great vitality in life & the ability to overcome health problems. This person is likely to live for a good length of time.
Short & deep Life Line indicates the ability to overcome physical problems. It is a myth that a short Life Line signifies a short life.
Long & deep Life Line indicates long life, good health, stamina, vitality & a well-balanced individual.
If the line is short & shallow then this person may have the tendency to be controlled by others.
Absent line indicates a high-strung, anxious & nervous individual.
When there is no line crossing the Life Line & it is standing alone than it is a very good sign & is a symbol of long, healthy & happy life for the person.
Deep Life Line indicates a smoother life path.
An abnormally deep Life Line tell about rough & abrupt nature accompanied by violent actions, system wears out rapidly, leading to paralysis.
Faint line indicates a person with low energy & having a less adventurous life.
Thin Life Line show that capability to sustain is reduced considerably. Level of resistance is low. However a strong thumb & a good line of head may boost working capability & longevity of the subject considerably.
Thickness & depth of the Life Line changes, this tells about capricious & fickle mood, ups & down in health.
Thickness of the Line of Life ends in a spot can predict sudden death, confirmed by other marks & signs on the Line of Heart, like breaks, gaps, cuts, bars or black spots.
A broad dark colored Life Line show poverty, laziness, lethargic nature.
A dark bluish, grey colored Life Line shows furious nature of anger, raving madness, morbidity. Might be a presence of cancer or tumor.
Life Line is deep cut, well defined, sharp & reddish in color tells working capability of the bearer is quite high, health is generally good, power of resistance, immunity, potency level is quite high.
Life Line is deeply marked, reddish in color, with high physical Mount of Mars shows violent, brutal nature.
Shallow, broad, pale yellow in colored Life Line show low energy level, weak constitution, lack of confidence, vitality, stamina or success.
Broad & pale yellow Life Line show defects in circulatory system, even bloodlessness.
Life Line starts from Jupiter Mount show a good teacher & ambitious person.
Life Line starts from Lower Mount of Mars show struggles & obstacles in life.
Gap between Life Line & Head Line show an independent thinking & impatient person.
Heart Line touches Life Line means person is unlucky, with suicidal tendency.
Termination of Line of Life over Venus gives a happy ending, blessed with good health, children, mutual cooperation & understanding in the family life.
Encircling Venus gives happy ending around 90 years of age.
Formation of hook, anchor, serpent’s head, on man’s right hand give a death due to deceit of lover.
Termination of Life Line on Neptune show a long life associated with spirituality, love for solitude. Origin of Luck Line from Life Line on Neptune adds to material success. Such people are born in well to do families.
Origin of Sun Line from Life Line on Neptune makes the bearer, a person who gives peace, solace to others.
Termination of Life Line turning mid way to Luna, reaching Rascette show love for travel, leading life abroad, residence near water bodies & desire for change, mentally unsteady.
Life Line suddenly turning to Luna at right angles show an epilepsy. On a woman’s hand, it represents ovaries trouble & difficulty in child bearing.
Life Line deviates further to cross Luna show an accidental death, specifically due to drowning, water.
Life Line suddenly deviates to cross over Luna, around the boundary of Mars show the subject will be in deep trouble due to woman.
Termination of Life Line on the Rascette indicates a long life. On a woman’s hand with rayed Venus & vertical lines on Saturn shows trouble of genetic organs.
Forked Life Line has various meanings depending on the fork placement on the hand. Generally, forks indicate an interruption, redirection or life change. It can sometimes mean that you are surrounded by scattered or split energies.
Line of Life beginning in a fork reveals justice of soul, fidelity, loyalty to principals, religion, wife or leader.
Line of Life beginning in a fork, with an exaggerated mount of Jupiter gives indecision, fantasy, imagination with extravagance.
If it leads to the Mount of Jupiter, it indicates success & recognition.
If it forks to the Mount of Moon it indicates traveling to far off places.
If Life Line is divided in two branches in the end just like tongue of snake, it indicates that the fate of bearer will remain unstable throughout life. People having this kind of Life Line dies in foreign country. Very busy with career especially later in life.
Small fork at the end of Life Line show health issues in old age.
Big fork at the end of Life Line show the desire to leave homeland, long travel, abroad travel.
Forked Life Line reaches Neptune & its branch remains at Venus show a subject who loves loneliness, spiritual life; while his partner looks to worldly pleasures, which leads to disharmony & unhappiness in married life.
Life Line tassel shaped at the beginning show hereditary, genetic diseases, stomach disorders, loose motions in early childhood.
Life Line tassel shaped at the beginning & termination means that subject suffers from illness throughout the life & dies due to illness.
Small fork of Neptune Life Line on Venus & large fork on Luna show pleasure seeking, travel abroad, enjoyment at late, old age.
Life Line is forked over Mars or Venus, on the right hand only show the subject has to face grave illness, accident. If this indication is present on both hands, it predicts death after prolonged illness, failure to recover from accident.
Life Line terminating in a small fork show general weakening of the body; more rarely over work & old age accompanied by poverty.
Life Line terminating in wide fork is an indication of rheumatism in old age. A rare implication of it is the end of life in poverty, away from own country.
Longer prong of the wide fork, of the Life Line, crossing over Luna to the Percussion mean that possessor may undertake long journeys.
Life Line dividing at about the center of the hand & one prong shoots across, to the base of Luna indicates a restless life, a great desire for travel & ultimate satisfaction of that desire, if on a firm & well made hand. On a flabby soft hand it shows restless nature, craving for excitement, which is satisfied in vice or intemperance of some kind.
Life Line has a tasseled longer prong, going deeper into Luna gives prospective insanity, probably of a senile character.
Short & parallel lines, bars at the end of the Line of Life show a sudden death.
Tassel at the end of Line of Life predicts violent death, murder, execution. An offshoot of tassel moving to Luna foretells insanity, before death.
Cross, bar, dot, mole at the end of Life Line show an accidental or violent death.
Life Line ends in a spot means death will occur at the age predicted by the spot.
If Life Line has red & white spots then this individual will have stomach, liver or nervous trouble.
Life Line has black spots mean possibility of accident at that age.
Red, white or black spots on the line may be either temporary or permanent. They will remain on the physique if the impact is permanent, otherwise they will disappear.
Cross at the termination of Life Line shows pain, comparable to death, if found on one hand only, on both hands it shows death. Two or more crosses near the termination of Life Line, near the Rascette, will illustrate an acute sexual, imaginative, useless talker.
Many crosses at the end of Life Line show health & financial problems in old age.
Island at the termination of the Line of Life show a hysteria. Probability will increase, if it is associated by the Line of Mars.
Fish formation at termination shows religiousness, prosperity & comfortable life associated with power. Presence of small parallel lines gives protection.
Presence of a triangle at the termination of the Line of Life show falsehood.
Triangle at the end of Life Line also show problems in old age.
An upward branch originating from the termination of the Life Line & merging with Luck Line is a bad omen. Associated with other negative markings on hand, it makes the subject weak, careless- tends to loss of fame & power, making him a disturbed & worried man.
Life Line suddenly encircles Venus, mid way & is cut by a vertical line, bar show a desire to end life. Death will come when the Life Line is cut by the bar, vertical line.
Life Line ends on Mount of Moon show sea travel, gynecological & urinary diseases & nature lover.
Life Line encircles the Venus shows that life span will be more than 90 years.
Life span is determined by of summing up the effects of Heart Line, Life Line & various other signs & indications, including Line of Head.
Presence of the Life Line does not guarantee long life.
Life Line during youth is governed by love & mating period & at the end spiritual aspect.
Life Line covers large Venus area means that person has generally good health, high potency, sexuality level, attractive, excels in arts-crafts, likes high standards of living & worldly possessions. Happiness through parents, family descends from high family, long lived.
Life Line encircling Venus but is cut by a bar tells possible death at this age, if confirmed by other indications on the Line of Heart.
Life Line starts at Mars, reaches Ketu away from Venus, without curving or very little curve with yellowish palm bearer is sexy, weak diseased, talks unnecessarily, looks for sexual pleasures & favors.
If Life Line originates between Jupiter & Mars & goes up to the Rascette, this tells about life span around 70 years.
Life Line which starts from Mars, without cuts, islands, non wavy, encircles Venus, reaches Rascette is considered to be the best Life Line.
If Life Line starts at Mars ,this means long life, high strength & capacity to do work, riches but with a possibility of piles & blood contamination.
Sharp Life Line, slightly pointing to Jupiter, independent of Line of Head but still very close to it talks about honesty, honor, prestige, clarity of mind, good reasoning & understanding; upbringing in healthy & happy family.
If Life Line starts up on Jupiter near the finger it will illustrate dictatorship & cruelty, excessive ego, blood defects, piles & genetic disorder.
Life Line originates at Jupiter means that person is ambitious, desirous of wealth, success & fame. He is a born leader, possessor of skills & qualities, enjoys high position, place & reputation in the society.
Life Line runs close to thumb means low sexuality, no attraction for opposite sex, low potency & working capability, indication of baroness.
Life Line travelling to Luna for a while can be death due to drowning or in an accident.
A break of Life Line represents a sudden change in life style, change of location, an accident or an illness.
Broken line indicates struggles, losses, unexpected change or interruption in your way of living, an accident or an illness.
A break in the Life Line on one hand can signify that you may get ill & recover quickly.
All break in the Life Line on both hands can signify that you may suffer a serious illness or disease. If there is a break near the wrist area in the line, it can indicate problems in early childhood.
Life Line is broken on left hand & joined in the right hand tell about dangerous illness.
If broken on both hands might mean death.
In case Luck Line, Line of Mars or an Influence Line is running parallel to it, the subject may survive. To be sure, other defects should also be considered.
If Life Line is broken after an island then death might be possible at the age, where the island ends. If it turns back towards Venus & the supporting lines are absent this is confirmed death.
If the Life Line stops & then continues beside or below the break, this shows major change in ones life. This can be anything from an illness to marriage & the change can even take place over a period of months or years.
If the Life Line seems impaired after the break, there have been energy losses suffered in the change. Often this energy loss is made up in other areas emotionally or mentally.
Life Line made up of segments talk about indigestion, liver trouble, stomach trouble, bronchus trouble, piles, continued illness, behavior problems & nervousness.
Double or triple segments of Life Line show weak constitution, lack of vitality, prolonged illness, irritable, short tempered personality.
Islands in the Life Line represent a division of energies & weaken the line.
These usually relate to a mental & emotional period of indecisiveness or powerful external pressures.
Island at staring of Life Line show health issues after birth & family loss.
Island at middle of Life Line show family loss, problem in married life & stomach upset/disease.
Island at the end of Life Line show health issues in old age, diabetes, piles, fistula, stomach disease.
These usually relate to a mental & emotional period of indecisiveness or powerful external pressures.
Island at staring of Life Line show health issues after birth & family loss.
Island at middle of Life Line show family loss, problem in married life & stomach upset/disease.
Island at the end of Life Line show health issues in old age, diabetes, piles, fistula, stomach disease.
Lines running parallel to the Life Line show an inner strength during a time of difficulty or change. Where they run parallel to a strong Life Line this can be a powerful, constructive period.
If Life Line is doubled, or even tripled, then this shows a great vitality in life & positive forces around, subject will be a healthy, wealthy, happy & long lived person.
Extra lines are often noted as Vitality Lines.
Double or triple line indicates that person is surrounded by positive energies & have great stamina.
This person might possibly be a twin or have found a true partner & soul mate, or have someone watching over him. However, it may also mean that this person living a double life.
Life Lines running parallel, like railway track in later period show death away from one’s own country.
If the parallel segment cuts deep into Luna in the middle & keep moving till the edge of the hand gives terrible tendency towards lack of modernization, lack of self control, behavior, modesty & a habit of excessive drinking .
Presence of parallel Life Lines on square hand show extremely good health, fighting disposition, robust body & physical strength, bringing in fighting qualities. This is an excellent sign in soldier’s hand. Subject may engage in quarrels, leading to annoyance.
Mars Lines are the lines running parallel to the Line of Life, separately. These lines protect the individual from illness, accidents. Increased vigor, vitality, they cover the defects of the Life line, till the age they are presents & leads to increased vigor & vitality. These lines run very close to the Life Line, but do not touch or intersect them.
Marshal Line/ Mars Line gives a high growth in the Life Line power. For a person, this arrangement of Life Line & Marshal Line indicates strong health such that no health related issue can have much impact on the person & he can also recover very quickly from any type of health concern.
Luck Line meets downward branch of Neptunian Life Line gives a dull ending of life.
A swooping semicircular line around the base of the thumb shows great strength & enthusiasm, as well as an improved love life.
Straight Life Line shows cold irresponsible nature, lack of natural warmth, also endocrine imbalance.
If the line is straight & sticks close to the side of the palm then this is a sign of a limited exploration of love & a very cautious nature.
This type of line that extends to the middle of the palm, away from the thumb towards the base of the hand, represents a life that consists of a lot of travelling.
A chained Life Line indicates various health problems, both physical & emotional.
Chained Life Line show repeated annoying illness, delicacy extends to life span covered by chain. Genetic diseases, sure sign of bad health especially on soft hands. Health is regained with the recovery of evenness of by the Life Line.
Many people with allergies have such a line as well.
Chained line shows a person who may also experience a life path that takes in many directions.
Ladder shaped Life Line shows low vitality, weak, unstable & intermittent health.
Wavy Life Line show poor, delicate health, illness during the period the line is wavy. It indicates hereditary, genetic diseases.
Life Line made up of triangles show genetic, hereditary diseases, abdominal, stomach diseases, blood defects, gas trouble, dysentery.
A chained Life Line indicates various health problems, both physical & emotional.
Chained Life Line show repeated annoying illness, delicacy extends to life span covered by chain. Genetic diseases, sure sign of bad health especially on soft hands. Health is regained with the recovery of evenness of by the Life Line.
Many people with allergies have such a line as well.
Chained line shows a person who may also experience a life path that takes in many directions.
Ladder shaped Life Line shows low vitality, weak, unstable & intermittent health.
Wavy Life Line show poor, delicate health, illness during the period the line is wavy. It indicates hereditary, genetic diseases.
Life Line made up of triangles show genetic, hereditary diseases, abdominal, stomach diseases, blood defects, gas trouble, dysentery.
A donut on the Life Line indicates hospitalization as a result of some sort of accident.
Four sided closed figure, a square is a mark of preservation, where ever found on the Life Line it protects from illness, death, accident at that age.
If it is found at the termination of the Life Line, on both the hands, it will reflect death due to illness, accidentally.
On one hand, it will reflect pain equal to death. It helps in rapid recovery from illness as well. Fragments of Life Line enclosed inside a square shows recovery from serious illness.
An independent square on Venus, lying close to the Life Line, indicates imprisonment. A cross inside a square will show a great danger coming without harming the possessor.
Triangle, three sided closed figure, is a sign of brilliance. If it is found near the termination of Line of Life, it will show a liar, deceit, showy person or a useless talker.
Star represents a fatality, an accident, or even death. On an upward branch of Life Line, it will show pain comparable, equivalent to death.
Island. If the Line of Life starts with it, mystery of birth or inherited illness is reflected, elsewhere, on Life Line it describes illness.
If the Life Line is found to terminate abruptly, with a black spot at the end, death by violence or accident is indicated. To be sure, both hands should be examined.
Presence of two circles on the Life Line show complete blinding. One circle will indicate blinding of one eye only.
Semi circle-U formation. If this mark crosses the Life Line, sudden grave illness, death is indicated.
Lines crossing through the Life Line, indicate either worries or danger, however a star indicates some sort of crisis.
Life Line is cut by numerous small lines in the first half itself talk about stomach troubles, disputes, quarrels with relatives, interference of opposite sex.
Life Line is cut by small lines from the Mars or Venus. Thin lines give tensions, thick lines bring illness & diseases.
Life Line is cut by a line starting from the lower Mars & terminating on Saturn means injury is caused by falling from a height-tree, bike, vehicle, horse etc., leading to financial losses.
If there is a break or gap in the Line of Head or Heart at the point of cutting, possibility of death.
Life Line is cut by a line starting from the Sun might show an eye injury.
Life Line is cut by a line reaching Saturn & terminating in a grid means the subject will have
diseases related to Saturn. Conclusion can be drawn from the color of the nails.
Life Line is cut by a line starting from Venus & reaching Mercury show accidents related to water, loss of potency, tooth trouble. The subject is expected to suffer from bad cold, piles. He will have a pale white look on his face.
Life Line is cut by a line reaching to middle Luna, ending in a grid show knee trouble, joint pain, gas trouble.
Life Line is cut by a line reaching lower Luna, ending in a grid show urine related diseases, urine trouble.
Life Line is cut by a line ending in a grid over the Luna show intestine trouble, stomach related diseases.
Life Line is cut by a line ending over Luna which itself is cut by a bar show serious urine trouble, swollen soft palm confirms the disease.
Ending in a star show hypertension, hysteria or insanity, often of erotic, sexual desires, lust, passions, sensuality character.
Life Line is cut by a line, starting from an influence line show mental tensions, leading to illness. Then deeper the line, then more serious the illness.
A line starting from an island over the Life Line, in a woman’s left hand, ending in a grid over the Luna show serious womb or uterus trouble, like child bearing or menses related problems.
A line originating from an island over the Life Line ending in a grid over the Sun show heat related diseases, sun stroke.
A line starting from a dot over the Life Line, reaching Sun, which has a dot or a cross show heart trouble.
Life Line is cut by horizontal lines starting on the Mars ,Influence Lines, showing negative impact, date of such events is found on the Line of Life. These lines show worries & obstacles caused by the opposition & interference of others, generally relatives, friends, well wishers, in domestic life.
Life Line & Luck Lines are cut by Interference Line denotes a person who creates trouble in worldly interests, service of the bearer. Date of this event is shown by the Life Line.
Life Line is cut by Interference Line, which further reaches the Line of Head indicates the personnel who influence our thoughts & ideas.
Life Line is cut by Interference Line which reaches the Line of Heart. It shows interference in affections. This is more harmful since the Luck Line & Sun lines are also crossed by it on its way.
Life line is cut by Interference Line which further reaches Sun Line & cuts, breaks it represents those people who spoil our position in the society, leading to disgrace through mischief or scandal, at that juncture of life.
Life line is cut by Interference Line, which advances to the Line of Marriage causes divorce-separation. If this line is with island, the trouble creator himself faced scandal or disgrace in his life.
Life Line is cut by a ray line, rising on the mount of Mars on a woman’s hand denotes some unfavorable attachment in her childhood, life, which caused her much trouble & annoyance at a date shown by the Life Line .
On a man’s hand, a line starting over Mars, cutting Line of Life touches or cuts off the Line of Head, shows unusual sexual behavior & shamelessness on the part of the bearer, causing annoyance to him, for own fault.
Influence lines from inside of Life Line show interference in personal life from others, mostly family members.
Lines extending below the Life Line habit of loosing energy, ill-health & family troubles.
Downward branches indicate poor physical & emotional health, money problems, feelings of sadness & loss.
Lines extending below the lifeline signify habitually wasting energy.
Fine lines running off the Life Line shows that physical energies are being dispersed, there is a lack of concentration & energies are being scattered rather than channeled. This waste of energies manifests itself as nervousness or a disposition to anxiety.
Little hair lines found dropping from or clinging to the Life Line show weakness & loss of vitality generally observed at the end of the line itself.
Off shoots of Life Line going on Venus show dissipation of energy, loss of vigor, vitality, money losses & illness.
A wavy broken line show defective sperms, blood defects, child less, foolish behavior.
A branch moving to Luna indicates travel abroad.
An offshoot of the Life Line terminating in a star means sudden death.
Upward branches on the Life Line indicate achievement & success.
Lines extending up & above the lifeline show the ability to recover from situations, success in career, promotion, etc.
Upward branches or offshoots of Life Line to mounts have been read as Luck lines. These are the signs of increased power, gains & successes & make the bearer hard working rich & healthy. Subject gets a job, promotion, financial up, gradation.
Offshoots of Life Line run to Jupiter give fulfillment of ambition, high post, position in job or society, egotism, fear to show joy or sorrow, freedom in early life, studies in boarding house abroad.
Offshoots of Life Line run to Saturn gives riches. Such people are found to help near & dear, needy, at least, till the age shown by the rising branch on the Life Line. Increase of wealth & worldly possessions by subjects own energy& determination.
Marital success in life is there due to one’s own efforts.
Offshoots of Life Line run to Sun bring name, fame, success, riches; distinction in society, according to the class of hand.
Offshoots of Life Line run to Mercury bring success in business, science, research, innovations or technology. Subject is gifted with the power to see future with sixth sense, future vision.
Hook formation on Mercury by this line shows foolhardiness, greediness, angry temperament.
Offshoots of Life Line run to Luna give success through travel.
Offshoots of Life Line run to upper Mars give new ideas, clarity in thought, farsightedness.
Offshoots of Life Line run to Physical Mars show use of strength for gains. With highly developed Mars it shows the misuse of strength.
Offshoots of Life Line run to the region between the Line of Head & the Line of Heart show astronomical success at ages indicated by the Life Line.
Lines are cut by influence/chance lines or crossing over to fingers & touch third phalanges of the finger means that negative impact is shown & strength is reduced considerably.
Upward rising branch of Life Line to Sun sends off shoot to Jupiter & another off shoot to Saturn shows a distinguished person who is enjoying honor & success as a diplomat-politician.
Rising branch of Life Line going to Jupiter & goes to a clear square tells the subject may be a teacher with the facility to explain make the students understand clearly; otherwise protection from egotism.
Rising branch of the Life Line does not reach any mount & is without cuts brings success, good health & happiness. Presence of this rising branch of Life Line on the left hand of female spells progress of her husband, at her age shown by the hand.
Rising branch is obstructed by the Line of Head tell that success will continue till the age of 35 years. Obstruction indicates wrong judgment.
Rising branch of the Life Line is stopped by the Heart Line tell that success will continue till the age of 50 years. Here the obstruction shows interference by the relatives or family conditions.
Rising branches of the Line of Life, cut by lines from Mars or Venus result in unhappiness, judicial separation, from married partner or a law suit if they extend up to Line of Marriage & cuts it.
Fine lines from the mounts reaching Life Line, thick on the mounts & narrow at the Life Line, they are called hair lines as well.
From Jupiter tell about lung & chest trouble, pleurisy, tuberculosis of lung, if island is present on it, disease is confirmed.
From Saturn show tooth trouble, deficiency of calcium, trouble in lower limbs, rheumatism & arthritis. Presence of island on Saturn, connected with this line, foretells danger from animals.
From Sun show an eye trouble.
From Mercury show bilious trouble, nerve trouble.
From Upper Mars, with spots, islands on the Line of Head tell about head injury.
From plain of Mars, touching or cutting Life Line show accidents.
Any line which originated from Life Line & travels to mount of Saturn indicates benefit of worldly nature. Gain of business, land property, job etc. This is gained by the persons own hard work & something purely attained by the person himself.
However the catch is one has to be clear if the line is traveling from life line to mount of Saturn or its other way round. If it is traveling from mount of Saturn to life line, as it indicates fatality to life, generally by means of accident.
The other parts of palm & lines has to be studied for exact nature of the effect. Often a ‘single’ line is nothing in itself.
Hook formation on Mercury by this line shows foolhardiness, greediness, angry temperament.
Offshoots of Life Line run to Luna give success through travel.
Offshoots of Life Line run to upper Mars give new ideas, clarity in thought, farsightedness.
Offshoots of Life Line run to Physical Mars show use of strength for gains. With highly developed Mars it shows the misuse of strength.
Offshoots of Life Line run to the region between the Line of Head & the Line of Heart show astronomical success at ages indicated by the Life Line.
Lines are cut by influence/chance lines or crossing over to fingers & touch third phalanges of the finger means that negative impact is shown & strength is reduced considerably.
Upward rising branch of Life Line to Sun sends off shoot to Jupiter & another off shoot to Saturn shows a distinguished person who is enjoying honor & success as a diplomat-politician.
Rising branch of Life Line going to Jupiter & goes to a clear square tells the subject may be a teacher with the facility to explain make the students understand clearly; otherwise protection from egotism.
Rising branch of the Life Line does not reach any mount & is without cuts brings success, good health & happiness. Presence of this rising branch of Life Line on the left hand of female spells progress of her husband, at her age shown by the hand.
Rising branch is obstructed by the Line of Head tell that success will continue till the age of 35 years. Obstruction indicates wrong judgment.
Rising branch of the Life Line is stopped by the Heart Line tell that success will continue till the age of 50 years. Here the obstruction shows interference by the relatives or family conditions.
Rising branches of the Line of Life, cut by lines from Mars or Venus result in unhappiness, judicial separation, from married partner or a law suit if they extend up to Line of Marriage & cuts it.
Fine lines from the mounts reaching Life Line, thick on the mounts & narrow at the Life Line, they are called hair lines as well.
From Jupiter tell about lung & chest trouble, pleurisy, tuberculosis of lung, if island is present on it, disease is confirmed.
From Saturn show tooth trouble, deficiency of calcium, trouble in lower limbs, rheumatism & arthritis. Presence of island on Saturn, connected with this line, foretells danger from animals.
From Sun show an eye trouble.
From Mercury show bilious trouble, nerve trouble.
From Upper Mars, with spots, islands on the Line of Head tell about head injury.
From plain of Mars, touching or cutting Life Line show accidents.
Any line which originated from Life Line & travels to mount of Saturn indicates benefit of worldly nature. Gain of business, land property, job etc. This is gained by the persons own hard work & something purely attained by the person himself.
However the catch is one has to be clear if the line is traveling from life line to mount of Saturn or its other way round. If it is traveling from mount of Saturn to life line, as it indicates fatality to life, generally by means of accident.
The other parts of palm & lines has to be studied for exact nature of the effect. Often a ‘single’ line is nothing in itself.
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