Bindweed is used in both defensive & black magic, suppresses the victim's will.
Bindweed is used by the cunning for binding, containing, constricting & for keeping things in. Either the plant itself is used, or the oil made from it. Depending on the other herbs in the spell, it can be used to control another person or prevent them from carrying out their intentions.

The vine of the bindweed can be used to bind, unite & fasten bonds & vows in spells.
With bindweed, we can tie knots, curl the vines into a spiral, weave a ball out of them, wrapping around any object. Weave your intentions, energy, magical ingredients, etc. into them.
Bindweed vines can be used for binding spells, including handfasting & for creating bridges & connections between realms.
Its persistent vines creating a connection or bridge to both worlds one is travelling between giving the safety of a return route.
Its flowers are too delicate to use, but the tangled vines can be put to work in binding spells for people, objects, or spirits.
A seemingly harmless plant can easily strangle an entire field, tree or grove in its embrace, killing everything around.

Bindweed’s magic lays in the places in between – thresholds & doorways – openings to the otherworld. It is a good ally for hedge crossers & spirit workers. A bindweed, twining around the hedge or forming barriers is associated with the boundaries of the human world & the wild forest. The bridge between the worlds. It can be used to differentiate the space of the mundane & the sacred.
Anyone who wants to work with spirits should look for a bindweed. Its creeping vines unite the worlds, allowing easy passage back & forth.

Roots can serve as a substitute for the Root of John the Conqueror in any Hoodoo spell & has the same magical properties of good luck, success, confidence in self, strength & commanding power.
It can be used anywhere in Hoodoo formulas calling for High John.

The seeds have been used in earlier times to induce hallucinations. They are toxic. Do not try this. Stands for insinuation & humility.
It is also used in charm & potions to ease childbirth & woman’s pains.

Place bindweed seeds under your pillow to prevent nightmares. The blue bindweeds growing in the garden will bring peace & happiness.

Bindweed flowers close — rain is near, bloom in cloudy weather - to sunny days.
