The New Moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle & occurs approximately every 29 days. When there is a New Moon, the Earth, Moon & the Sun are positioned in a line. We can’t see a New Moon in the sky because during this time, the Moon sits between the Earth & the Sun, with the Sun shining on the side of the Moon that we cannot see.
The symbol of the New Moon is seeds.
A New Moon is a symbolic point of attention & portal for new beginnings, it is a great time to set intentions for things you'd like to create, develop, cultivate & manifest.
The New Moon has a quiet, instinctual energy. During this phase, listen to your hunches.
While the New Moon is a great time to start projects, it is not necessarily a great time to announce them to the world, or have them burst into full fruition, unless you have been working on something for a while & have all structures in place & ready to go.
The New Moon supports the visualization & preparation stages of desire.
Make your meetings, draw up your plans, research & brainstorm.
Get your strategy & game plan together.
New Moon colors are green, white, orange & red.
New Moon Herbs are:
Rose, saffron, sweet grass, heather, patchouli, cinnamon, lavender, verbena, witch hazel, jasmine, cardamom, cypress, ginger, nutmeg, orange, chamomile & lemon.
New Moon Incenses:
White sage, rosemary, chamomile & Palo Santo are all about creating a nice, peaceful & calming environment for your space & home by protecting, purifying & clearing the space of negative energy.
Frankincense & myrrh, cornflower, dragons blood resin.
Jasmine is used for meditation & psychic sight, as well as love spells.
Crystals for New Moon are:
Garnet enhances positivity & raises self-esteem, provides balance that reduces insecurity, fear & financial loss. Garnet can improve one's luck in achieving goals, love & success.
Sapphire will work to preserve your honor, truth & purity.
Clear Quartz opens the channels to facilitate the flow of communication & energy. Living life in harmony with the environment & other people is one of the more important clear quartz benefits.
Charoite awakens analytical abilities & the capacity for keen observation. It assists in decision-making & facilitates faster responses.
Peridot works to promote abundance, prosperity & happiness in your home.
White sage, rosemary, chamomile & Palo Santo are all about creating a nice, peaceful & calming environment for your space & home by protecting, purifying & clearing the space of negative energy.
Mugwort, bay leaves, lavender & rose petals help cleanse your environment & invite peace & love into your home.
Frankincense & myrrh, cornflower, dragons blood resin.
Jasmine is used for meditation & psychic sight, as well as love spells.
Crystals for New Moon are:
Carnelian provides protection from negative emotions like envy, rage or resentment from others & within yourself. Carnelian gemstones are helpful for anyone in an abusive situation, bolstering trust in your own perceptions & judgement.
Staurolite is for physical body cleansing, it's energy is calming & soothing, helping to relieve stress & anxiety.
Halite is for energetic cleansing, enhances good will, elevates mood & diminishes negativity. It encourages initiative & independent thought.
Labradorite is the stone of new beginnings & hidden magic. It helps you hold the vision of what is possible in your life.
Staurolite is for physical body cleansing, it's energy is calming & soothing, helping to relieve stress & anxiety.
Halite is for energetic cleansing, enhances good will, elevates mood & diminishes negativity. It encourages initiative & independent thought.
Labradorite is the stone of new beginnings & hidden magic. It helps you hold the vision of what is possible in your life.
Garnet enhances positivity & raises self-esteem, provides balance that reduces insecurity, fear & financial loss. Garnet can improve one's luck in achieving goals, love & success.
Petalite is a powerfully protective stone, it also has a number of excellent healing attributes including helping to relieve stress.
Sapphire will work to preserve your honor, truth & purity.
Clear Quartz opens the channels to facilitate the flow of communication & energy. Living life in harmony with the environment & other people is one of the more important clear quartz benefits.
Peridot works to promote abundance, prosperity & happiness in your home.
Tektite is an extraterrestrial stone of magic & mystery, known to help clear & cleanse your environment, help you connect with elders & guides about your future.
Obsidian is a stone of protective, insight & foresight. It helps you let go of what no longer serves you so that you can attract what you need & what is meant to be created.
Black Moonstone is the stone of the moon in this dark phase which helps you connect with your inner wisdom & see the side of the moon associated with all that has yet to take shape. It is a stone of faith & trust.
Pietersite stimulates your will to make change in your life.
Tigers Eye is a good stone for protection, focus & determination.
The New Moon Tarot is The Fool:
Fool is unpredictable & full of surprises. He reminds us of the unlimited potential & spontaneity inherent in every moment. There is a sense with this card that anything goes - nothing is certain or regular. The Fool adds the new & unfamiliar to a situation.
The Fool also represents the complete faith that life is good & worthy of trust. The Fool also reminds you to keep your faith & trust your natural responses. If you are facing a decision or moment of doubt, the Fool tells you to believe in yourself & follow your heart no matter how crazy or foolish your impulses may seem.
Tigers Eye is a good stone for protection, focus & determination.
The New Moon Tarot is The Fool:
Fool is unpredictable & full of surprises. He reminds us of the unlimited potential & spontaneity inherent in every moment. There is a sense with this card that anything goes - nothing is certain or regular. The Fool adds the new & unfamiliar to a situation.
The Fool also represents the complete faith that life is good & worthy of trust. The Fool also reminds you to keep your faith & trust your natural responses. If you are facing a decision or moment of doubt, the Fool tells you to believe in yourself & follow your heart no matter how crazy or foolish your impulses may seem.
Do something different. Free yourself from old routines that tie you down & exhaust your immune system. Allow the vibrations of the New Moon to awaken your inner life with fresh perspectives & promptings.
On the New Moon or within 3 days of the New Moon, ring a bell in all the rooms of your house to break up stagnant energy & clear a way for a new beginning.
We can harness the energy of the New Moon to fulfill our visions & make our desires come true by creating a New Moon ritual.
Choose a place & time where you can relax & light a candle or some incense.
Listen to your heart & write down on paper what you truly desire in life. Be clear with your intentions, the wording of your wishes or goals is important. Your wish must feel right, if it doesn’t then you should wait until another time.
Your wishes must not be focused on other people, you cannot change others, but you can wish & make changes to your own behavior which will positively influence & encourage the change in another person.
Write your wishes down when the New Moon energy is at its strongest, within the first 9 hours of the New Moon.
To Find a Lover:
On the day of a New Moon, cut a red heart out of new red crepe paper or card. If you have a wild rose, use a fallen petal that is heart-shaped.
Take a clean sheet of white paper & with a pen no one else has used, write on it this:
"As this red heart glows in candlelight,
I draw you, lover, closer to me this night."
Then bathe & change into nightclothes.
When you are ready, light a red candle & read the spell aloud.
Hold the heart in front of the flame & let the candlelight shine upon it.
Then place the heart & spell in a new envelope & seal it with wax from the candle. Conceal the envelope & leave it undisturbed for one cycle of the moon, about 28 days from the day you began the spell.
By the time the moon is new, there should be the new love in your life.
Ways to bring money home using the powers of New Moon:
*When the moon is new, secretly place a $10, $20 or $50 bill underneath the front doormat inside your home.
It will be charged with the positive energy every time someone walks over it.
The greater the value of the note, the larger your returns will be. The note should be removed when the moon is full, otherwise you will attract unexpected expense to your door.
*On the night of a new moon & in a moonlight, place as many bills & coins as you can muster on a windowsill. Avoid the temptation to count the money, because that limits the boundaries of expectation. The greater the amount of money, the greater you can expect your financial increase to be.
"Oh beautiful moon, please radiate wealth
into my life with your light."
Your financial fortune will begin to flow & show signs of fruition at the full moon.
To keep money flowing, repeat the spell when you next see the crescent of the new moon appear in the sky.
Easy Money Spell:
On the night of the New Moon, place a coin on a windowsill with the head facing up.
When the moon is full, flip the coin so the tails side is facing up- this encourages money problems to diminish.
Then, keeping in harmony with the moon phases, finish the spell by removing the coin on a new or full moon.
To Make Wish Come True:
On the night of a new moon, write your wish on a bay leaf. Simply take the bay leaf outside & look at he moon, then kiss the leaf three times & sleep with it under your pillow.
Since the bay tree is governed by the Sun & ruled by Leo, this charm is particularly potent when the Sun is in Leo, in between July 23 & August 22.

On the New Moon or within 3 days of the New Moon, ring a bell in all the rooms of your house to break up stagnant energy & clear a way for a new beginning.
We can harness the energy of the New Moon to fulfill our visions & make our desires come true by creating a New Moon ritual.
Choose a place & time where you can relax & light a candle or some incense.
Listen to your heart & write down on paper what you truly desire in life. Be clear with your intentions, the wording of your wishes or goals is important. Your wish must feel right, if it doesn’t then you should wait until another time.
Your wishes must not be focused on other people, you cannot change others, but you can wish & make changes to your own behavior which will positively influence & encourage the change in another person.
Write your wishes down when the New Moon energy is at its strongest, within the first 9 hours of the New Moon.
To Find a Lover:
On the day of a New Moon, cut a red heart out of new red crepe paper or card. If you have a wild rose, use a fallen petal that is heart-shaped.
Take a clean sheet of white paper & with a pen no one else has used, write on it this:
"As this red heart glows in candlelight,
I draw you, lover, closer to me this night."
Then bathe & change into nightclothes.
When you are ready, light a red candle & read the spell aloud.
Hold the heart in front of the flame & let the candlelight shine upon it.
Then place the heart & spell in a new envelope & seal it with wax from the candle. Conceal the envelope & leave it undisturbed for one cycle of the moon, about 28 days from the day you began the spell.
By the time the moon is new, there should be the new love in your life.
Ways to bring money home using the powers of New Moon:
*When the moon is new, secretly place a $10, $20 or $50 bill underneath the front doormat inside your home.
It will be charged with the positive energy every time someone walks over it.
The greater the value of the note, the larger your returns will be. The note should be removed when the moon is full, otherwise you will attract unexpected expense to your door.
*On the night of a new moon & in a moonlight, place as many bills & coins as you can muster on a windowsill. Avoid the temptation to count the money, because that limits the boundaries of expectation. The greater the amount of money, the greater you can expect your financial increase to be.
"Oh beautiful moon, please radiate wealth
into my life with your light."
Your financial fortune will begin to flow & show signs of fruition at the full moon.
To keep money flowing, repeat the spell when you next see the crescent of the new moon appear in the sky.
Easy Money Spell:
On the night of the New Moon, place a coin on a windowsill with the head facing up.
When the moon is full, flip the coin so the tails side is facing up- this encourages money problems to diminish.
Then, keeping in harmony with the moon phases, finish the spell by removing the coin on a new or full moon.
To Make Wish Come True:
On the night of a new moon, write your wish on a bay leaf. Simply take the bay leaf outside & look at he moon, then kiss the leaf three times & sleep with it under your pillow.
Since the bay tree is governed by the Sun & ruled by Leo, this charm is particularly potent when the Sun is in Leo, in between July 23 & August 22.
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