Thyme can be used for protection & cleansing & to bring about an increase in money.
Place in a jar & keep in the home or at work for good luck.

The Greeks thought very highly of Thyme. It was mixed in drinks to enhance intoxicating effects & induce bravery & warriors were massaged with thyme oil to ensure their courage.
Women wore thyme in their hair to enhance their attractiveness.
The ancient Greeks also burned thyme in their temples for consecration & purification & as an offering to the gods.
In Medieval England, ladies embroidered sprigs of thyme into their knights' scarves to increase their bravery.
In Scotland, highlanders brewed tea to increase courage & keep away nightmares.
It was used as an embalming herb in ancient Egypt & was burned in other places as offerings to celebrate Rites of Passing.
It was placed in coffins throughout Europe to ensure passage into the next world.
According to legend, any place where thyme grows wild is a place blessed by the fairies.
Wild thyme was sacred to Freyja, a Norse pagan goddess & was placed in the pillows of the sickbed.

Modern pagans use thyme as a smudging herb to purify the space used for a magical ritual.
Thyme can be a valuable incense to protect against dangerous creatures, insects & reptiles.
Burn some Thyme to help boost your courage & confidence when facing challenging situations.
Burn or hang in the home for banishing, purification & to attract good health for all occupants.
To stop nightmares, burn thyme on charcoal & breathe the smoke.

Best known use of thyme is in money drawing spells.
Add a thyme infusion to the bath regularly to ensure a constant flow of money.
Some people plant thyme in their gardens, saying that as it grows, their money will increase.
Take a dollar bill, fold it around thyme leaves fold it again to make a packet, tie it up with green thread & bury the packet in the middle of a Crossroads on the night of the Full Moon.

In spring a magical cleansing bath composed of marjoram & thyme is taken to ensure all the sorrows & ills of the past are removed from the person.

A pillow stuffed with thyme dispels nightmares & promotes safe, positive dreams.

Use in dream pillows to ward off nightmares & ensure restful sleep.

Thyme carries with it the magic of light & is an excellent choice for those who take themselves too seriously.

When attending a funeral, wear a sprig of thyme to repel the negativity of the mourners.
It is worn or added to the ritual cup to aid in communicating with the deceased.
Thyme is used in healing rituals & in spells for good luck & success.

Women who wear or carry Thyme are irresistible to men.

Carrying sprigs in your pocket aids in developing your psychic abilities.
