Everyone has at some point of time experienced sudden & unexplained causes of fatigue, emptiness, unhappiness, melancholy, weakness of the feet, or even an unexpected crying outbursts.
When such a thing happens, you ask yourself what is going on, why do I feel so bad?
When otherwise normal, balanced & positive are followed by a sudden change in mood, most of the time it might be caused by an attack by the energy vampire.
These attacks can take many forms. Depending on the individual, the complaints may be different - most often our weaknesses are attacked - physical health, low self-esteem, panic disorder, money problems, relationship problems, there are many options.

By my understanding, energy vampires are people who need to use someone else's energy in order to function & feel good. These people suffer from energy poverty because the energy circuits in their bodies & aura are obstructed & for some reason they do not receive energy themselves from the Universe - the Source of the Living, the Earth, nature. There can be many reasons for this, such as bad karma, severe illness, temporary crisis, etc.
There are intentional & unintentional vampires. It is worth noting that energy vampires are, to a greater or lesser extent, all those who are currently ill, unbalanced, in crisis or otherwise disturbed, but temporarily. Usually, once the problem is resolved, the need to steal other's energy will disappear, as they will once again receive it from the Universe.
However, there are those who, throughout their lives, remain vampires, usually because of the karma & they constantly need other people's energy to function & survive. Such vampires do get rewarded when they empty the victim, but only temporarily - eating will increase their appetite & will soon need a new dose.
Skillful vampires are in a telepathic relationship with their victims & if the victim is unable to defend himself or herself, such constant emptying can have disastrous consequences.
If you are in a relationship with a vampire, it will be very difficult to admit it at first, because you
wouldn't want to believe anything negative about the person you cherish & love.
If they continue with the manipulative or self-pitying behavior without making any indication that they want to take responsibility for their own energy, you may need to let the person go.
Don’t feel guilty for wanting to leave an unhealthy relationship; sometimes, no other options are available & you can’t carry this burden on your shoulders forever.
There are also vampires who do not draw energy consciously & not for themselves, but have become tools of a more powerful or skillful grouping , in which case they act as energy wires that simply direct the drawn energy away from them, thus feeding a larger system.
A form of psychic vampirism can happen through sex when the partner feeds off of the sexual energy projecting from someone else.There are so many different energy vampires out there.

Vampires usually have several tactics like complaining, moaning, swearing, long & tiring, endless ranting on a topic, abuse or shocking of the victim.
A skillful  vampire can empty you very quickly & unexpectedly, in just a few moments, so you may not realize what happened. This happens when you are emotionally influenced or unbalanced with anger, unexpectedness, surprise or compassion.
Vampires are usually in trouble with their own lives, they are tense & it also affects others.

Make sure to protect yourself every morning.
For example, you could ask Archangel Michael to spread a deep blue coat of light on your shoulders to protect you from all the misaligned energies, energy vampires & attacks, so that only the highest & purest light can enter your aura.
You can also imagine a golden & silver-violet flame swirling around you, requesting that any incompatible energy be dissolved there.
It is also possible to use the image of mirrors between yourself & the problematic person to reflect all the negative intentions back to where they are coming from.
When talking to someone you suspect of being a vampire, avoid direct eye contact, rather look into the 3rd eye, keep your fingers, legs or arms crossed, or place your hands on the solar plexus chakra & imagine a mirror between you.
Whenever possible, avoid or reduce communication with people who are seriously ill, tense, unbalanced & tend to complain, scream, cling & talk at length. However, if you have to communicate with them, stay away from it, don't become emotional, just imagine yourself as transparent, or a "sieve" that everything just goes through without leaving a trace. Awareness & attentiveness are a great help.
If you still feel that you are somehow drained & suspect telepathic communication, imagine an energy cord installed in your solar plexus that leads the vampire into yours, drawing energy from.  Imagine cutting through the cords & build a strong wall between you & the vampire.
Say, "You are there & I am here, you cannot reach me. My energy stays with me, I do not give it to anyone".

Then you need to recover your energy quickly.

Keep your body healthy: Eat, sleep, exercise.

One of the best ways to protect yourself from emotional manipulation & being taken advantage of is to go deep within & channel more Source energy into your body & mind. That way, you have a higher tolerance for dealing with the wide variety of energies you will encounter & won’t be phased by the clever, devious tactic of energy vampires.
As you tap more into your spiritual powers & the universal consciousness grid, you will notice that other people’s behaviors won’t affect you as much.

Crystals like Rock Crystal & Lemur Star Seed, for example, are good to keep for a while with you.
Ruby is very protective crystal, renewing your overall energy & enhances your stamina. Place it on either your sacral chakra or root chakra.
Amber gives a more positive & energetic attitude by harnessing the power of the sun.
Amethyst is an extremely powerful & nurturing stone that literally creates a field of protective energy around you whenever you use it.
Carnelian boosts effectively internal stamina & makes you feel alive when you use it.
Aventurine protects from energy- & psychic vampires.
Labradorite protects your aura & prevents energy leakages.
Black tourmaline blocks negative energies. Sends negative intentions back to where they are coming from.
Selenite can be used to form a protective grid around the house.

Using Reiki is very good.

Smudge your aura regularly using White Sage, Juniper
Palo Santo clears negative energy & restores tranquility & calm, brightens energy & promotes feelings of positivity & joy
or Rosemary to cleanse any negative energy.
Lavender brings emotional balance to the psych & safeguards against negativity.
You can cleanse your house, people & things. Try smudging after you’ve had a lot of people in your home or if you feel particularly drained.
Focus your intention on clearing negative energy to allow room for positive energy in your space & life.

Any challenge, no matter how hard it is, is still there for us to grow through it & become stronger. If you are under attack of an energy vampire, then you have to learn to protect yourself not to waste your  energy on vampires.
If you master this skill, you will become stronger than ever.
