Chamomile is used in spells for money, peace, love, tranquility & purification.
In a number of folk magic traditions, chamomile is characterized as a lucky flower.
Use it in a bath for peace & tranquility when you are angry or hurt.
It is also used to sharpen the mind & intellect & is therefore good for studying & exam success.
Chamomile has a well-known reputation as a healer. It is believed that it can bring health to one's garden & promote energies that are good for all plants.
Plant chamomile in your garden to be the guardian of the land & you will have certain success.
It can rid anger, help stabilize emotions & help release emotions linked to the past.
If applied over the throat, it can help a person to express their true feelings.
An infusion used to wash thresholds (doors & windows) to keep unwanted energies or entities from passing through.
Sprinkle powdered chamomile flowers around your self or home to remove spells cast against you & to prevent fires & lightening strikes.
When sprinkled around the house it removes hexes, curses & spells.

Just a simple chamomile bath while visualizing will increase your attractiveness to the opposite sex.
Also, use it in a bath as part of a spell to release a loved one, or to release feelings of pain, loss or anger.
For a goddess look, make a fresh garland to wear around your hair to attract a lover, or carry a satchel of chamomile in your pocket for overall good fortune.
To attract a lover, run a bath with a bag of Chamomile under the tap water & wash body, face & hair with the water.
Add to sachets for luck or money or place pressed chamomile flowers in your wallet to attract money to it.
Washing your hands in chamomile water before gambling will increase your luck.
