Oak is for fighters, who never give up.
Oak restores the true inner strength, which is flexible & adaptable.
Oak has been known to have been used in working related to healing, money, protection, health, luck, fertility , potency & incense making ingredient.

Oak is a tree of great strength & wisdom & will help you to develop your inner understanding of the deeper significance behind even simple rituals.
It is also ideal for those who wish to progress further in magick & are prepared to accept the extra responsibilities.
Some practitioners will only work with fallen branches of oak.

Newlyweds should dance around the oak tree to secure happy & lucky future.

Oak protects from evil spirits.

In Japan oak symbolizes luck & protection.

Druids gathered mistletoe & oak branches & burned them to predict the outcome of the events.
It was very good sign when fire burned quick & smoke raised powerfully up to the sky.
When smoke hung around the ground was bad sign..

Every home should have maple, oak & birch growing nearby as they are very lucky.
Oak grows often near the birch tree as a spouse.

In autumn stand under the oak tree & try to catch a falling leaf before it hits a ground. Keep it in your wallet or handbag so you would always have money.
When oak leaf falls on you unexpectedly, keep it in secure place, it will bring you luck.

Acorn is a symbol of wisdom & prosperity.
Keeping an acorn in your pocket will protect you from evil & bad tempers of the weather.
Keeping 3 acorns in your pocket will make you look younger.
Acorns may also be used as a magical charm for fairness & mercy when dealing with legal matters & to invoke the protective powers of this deity.
It was once believed that an acorn placed on a windowsill guarded a house against fires & damage caused by lightning strikes. This superstition can be traced back to the old Norse legend that the great god Thor once sheltered from a thunderstorm under a mighty oak tree.
Oak is sacred to Jupiter/ Zeus/Woden/Thor & all the great Thunder Gods that hurl their thunderbolts & lightening flashes as they fertilize the moistness of the earth's womb.

Seeing an oak tree in your dream promises long happy & fruitful life.
If the tree has acorns, its a sign you will be rich.
Strong & healthy oak tree talks about children who bring honor to the family.
Dreaming about acorns may tell about a new idea or sometimes pregnancy.

If you desire to know what fate has in store for you & your fiancée, perform the following divination on a night of the full moon:
Take 2 acorns & mark your initials upon one & your fiancée’s initials upon the other.
Place the acorns 3 inches apart from each other in a cauldron filled with water & then carefully observe their movements.
If they drift towards each other, this is a sure sign that a wedding is in the offing.
However, if they drift away from each other, this indicates that you & your fiancée shall part company before your wedding bells ring.
If the acorns remain stationary, repeat the divination again at a later time.

Method of interpreting the oracle using the oak lots that are kept at the base:
This method adapts well to modern decision making, especially in matters of success, money, independence, property, justice & career.
Go to a grove or forest of oaks at one of the sun times, dawn, midday or sunset. Choose the time when wind is rustling through the leaves.
Pick up 30 sticks 15-20 cm long. Using a wooden-handled knife if possible, scratch away a bark & make a cross on each stick.
Place a light colored tablecloth or sheet beneath the largest oak tree & draw a circle clockwise from the north or 12 o'clock position around it on the earth with a large oak branch to mark your place.
Sitting on the due south of the cloth oak facing north think of yes/no, go/stay, act/wait question or two people opportunities you need to choose between.
Holding your sticks in your left hand for right brain, magical inspiration, cast them all on the cloth at the same time & count the number that show the cross which are on the positive side.
If there are more positives than negatives, you know that deep down that is what your inner voice is telling you. Note how close the numbers are, whether they are fairly evenly matched. If you have exactly the same number of positive & negative sticks, the issue is not clear cut. Try rephrasing the question.
If the numbers are fairly evenly divided, you might ask the trees why you have doubts.
Listening to the blowing, especially at the main oracle tree is another method. Ask the question either silently or let or let it be carried as the breeze begins to blow. Listen to the leaves. They may answer in words, song, images or colors. Accept what you hear & see whether externally or through your inner voice & minds eye.
The first answer before doubts & logic set in is the correct one & will explain why your answer was yes Or no. Trust these sources of wisdom to guide your actions.
Gather up your sticks & fold them in the cloth. Undo the circle with your stick anti-clockwise from the north & bury the stick in the grove.
When you find running water, cast your oak lots into the stream, sending forth your hopes & wishes for success & happiness. If the water passes over stones, you c an use the third method of interpretation & listen for wisdom in the water.
Relax & listen to the sound, letting it form images in your mind. Do not try to form images but let that answer come to you.
Finally, take an acorn home & plant in your garden or on waste land as a symbol that mighty oak really do grow from small acorns & that any endeavor, however humble, can have results far beyond its conception.

Old proverb for weather:
if the oak before ash,
then you'll only get a splash
if the ash before oak,
then you may expect a soak

It is said that if a "worm" is found inside the gall on Michaelmas Day,29 September, then the year will be pleasant & unexceptional & if
a spider is found, then it will be a bad year with shortages & ruined crops.
If a fly is found inside, then it will be a moderate season & if
nothing is found, great death follows, serious diseases will occur all that year.
If lean, hot dry summer
If moist, wet summer follows
If kernel fair & clean-summer shall be fair & corn good, too
If many & ripen early-early winter & very much snow shall be before Christmas & it should be cold.
