Dear friends! Now is the phase in which the Moon is not visible at all in the sky, just before the New Moon shows her first silver of light. At this time, Moon "shows" us its dark side, which is not illuminated by the Sun.
Dark Moon is a time for banishing, dealing with attackers, for exploring our darkest recesses, understanding our angers & passions & also bringing justice to bear.
The keyword right now would be Destruction ... It doesn't have to be an instant injury to anyone, it is a period of time when you can consciously destroy everything that interferes with your normal life. Eradication of addiction from narcotics, alcohol ... to even relationship addiction, dealing with serious illnesses, loneliness, etc.
This should be done in particular two days prior New Moon & on the New Moon.
During this period you might feel depressed, exhausted, often accompanied by headaches. At the same time there is an acceleration of the withdrawal of fluid from the body & accelerated metabolism. Many people have a mental disorder, phobias & mania are manifested. It is not very desirable at this time to begin to develop something new & to meet with suspicious people.
You might feel tired or crave quiet solitude.
Take this dark stage as a time to rest.
Crystals to carry in your pocket today are Carnelian, Black Moonstone, Tektite, Black Onyx, Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, Garnet or Ruby.
Labradorite is the stone of the Dark Moon, representing transformation, intuition & balancing your aura. It is a stone that is spiritually grounding, enhances the mental & intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy & prophecy. It reduces stress while protecting against others who drain your energy.
When  Moon is beginning to re-establish itself, everything starts growing. The ventures that have been started are successful & the relationships that have been established are long lasting. Good time for a fresh start. Send your wishes to Moon.
Take care of yourselves all during this low energy time.
