You've probably heard of using herbs to cleanse the energies of a stagnant home, but did you know you can use them to purify your own energies as well? Certain plants have an energetic vibration that can draw out & neutralize negativity, whether it's lurking in the attic of your mind or hiding in your heart.

Among the best herbs to use for such purpose are:

White Sage, Salvia apiana, is sacred in many Shamanic & Native American belief systems & is used in smudging & to purify the body. Most Salvia species can be used for smudging.
Sage clears away all energy, both negative & positive, leaving a space to bring in new energy.

Rosemary when burned it emits a cleansing & purifying energy. It is one of the oldest incenses.
Burn in a sickroom to promote healing.
Rosemary creates new beginnings & flushes away stagnant energy.

Lavender is associated with protection. Dried lavender stalks burn like incense sticks & can be included in spells & rituals aimed attracting money, love, protection & success. Individual flowers can also be dried & burned similarly for the same purposes.
Lavender is an excellent incense fragrance to burn after illness because it supports healing energy.

Sandalwood clears negative energy & refocuses spiritual energy.

Nag Champa is a sacred blend that purifies & sanctifies spaces.

Cedar is protective against negative energy.

Peppermint leaves can be burned or rubbed upon household items & corners of home walls, to clear them of negative energies or for protection from evil forces.

Mugwort is a good herb for clearing negativity from the home.
Mugwort can be used as a sacred smoking or smudging herb for protection or divination.

Cloves are one of the strongest & best herbs you can burn for protection as the smoke will protect you psychically & physically whether from a deliberate attack or an unconscious evil eye directed at you.
Burn cloves as an incense to draw wealth & prosperity, drive away hostile & negative forces, produce positive spiritual vibrations & purify the area in which they are burned.

Valerian is a cleansing herb & can be used to purify ritual spaces & consecrate incense burners.

Agrimony when burned, especially with frankincense, will destroy curses & negative energies.
Agrimony is an important herb used in banishing unwanted spirits, including those that might be taking up residence in someone against much of their will. It can be drunk in tea or burned & the smoke blown at them.
It is also used in incense for a protective circle against unwanted astral intruders.

Sumac smudge made from its dry berries, its bark, or its leaves help to not only cleanse an area of negativity but helps to facilitate harmony.

Angelica is considered as an ancient power plant that protects against all evil & can be carried as an amulet to ward off any form of wicked sorcery.
It is used magically as an herb for protection & dried leaves can be burned in exorcism rituals.

Cumin has been used throughout history in the practice of folk magic, where it is used principally as an ingredient in incense when preparing for protection, exorcism of evil, fidelity & to combat theft.
Cumin can be burned with frankincense for protection & scattered on the floor, sometimes with salt, to drive the evil out. 

Bilberries have long been considered as protective herbs.
The dried leaves & fruit of bilberry may be powdered & sprinkled around the household & placed around the entrances of home or burnt as an incense to protect the inhabitants from malign forces & to drive away negativity.
Burn the leaves like incense in the bedroom directly before going to sleep. Do this for 7 days to make all your dreams come true.

Cinnamon can be burned for protection & to attract money, stimulate or strengthen the psychic powers & aid in healing.
Cinnamon incense is one of the most common & probably the most used form of cinnamon for protection. Burning the incense works in a similar way as using it as a charm except you are converting it by burning it.

Fresh, ground coffee beans can also be burned for protection from nasty spirits, people, or nightmares.

Use the dried wood, thorns & blacthorn/sloe berries in a herbal incense to banish negativity & for purification.
If the malicious influences are very strong, burn the incense for 7 days at noon & midnight.

Juniper has long been associated with ritual cleansing. It was burned in temples as a part of the regular purification rites.

You can burn black pepper to rid your home of negative energies prior to using sage.
Burn black pepper to rid the home or office of bad vibrations or before you move into a new place.

When used for smudging or burning, Palo Santo cleanses person’s energy field, thereby enhancing their ability to deflect & repel negative energies as well as raising your positive vibrations in preparation for meditation. 

Garlic skins are burned indoors to keep money in your home, to remove negativity from your home, especially when mixed with onion skins & to help alleviate depression & the evil eye.
Burn the powdered herb to break spells & curses.
Whenever you burn something as seriously banishing as garlic in your home, remember to burn a gentle incense afterward whether it’s smudge or your favorite resin or herb.

Add rue to healing incense, use for protection & to break hexes & curses.
Protects against nightmares & may be used to safeguard astral journeys.

When burned, rosemary emits a cleansing & purifying energy. It is one of the oldest incenses.
Burn in a sickroom to promote healing.
Mix rosemary & pine needles in equal quantities.
Sprinkle over hot coals, may spit a little if using fresh ingredients.
Good for cleansing the air, especially after cleansing the house.

Chicory can be used as an incense to purify items of divination.

Burning St. John's Wort as incense or in the fireplace thought to protect the home & repel unfriendly spirits & burning is common in exorcism rituals.

Burning the eucalyptus leaves cleanses the home & rids the premises of evil spirits, illness or unwanted energies.
Its pungent sweet cleansing scent clears all negative energies & purifies the atmosphere if added to an incense blend.
Good for clearing the air after an argument.

Use thyme
as a smudging herb to purify the space used for a magical ritual.
Thyme can be a valuable incense to protect against dangerous creatures, insects & reptiles.
Burn some thyme to help boost your courage & confidence when facing challenging situations.
Burn or hang in the home for banishing, purification & to attract good health for all occupants.
To stop nightmares, burn thyme on charcoal & breathe the smoke.

An incense made from dried comfrey leaves & roots drives away evil spirits, aids in concentration & allows for the easy & painless severance of unhealthy relationships.

Alkanet can be burned as an incense to replace negativity with positive influence & is also used to attract prosperity in all its forms.

You can use your own herb bundle, an incense stick or loose herbs, simply place the dried & crumbled plant matter in a potpourri burner or sprinkle a bit on top of a charcoal disc & let it smolder.
Whatever form your cleansing incense takes, be sure to waft the smoke in your general direction. Envision your negative emotions seeping into the smoke, neutralized by the powerful, purifying fumes.
