The element of Air exists in nature invisibly. It can be felt by the sense of smell. Air is the wind that has traveled to the most inaccessible & remote corners of the planet. Air is sound. Oxygen.
Air is a carrier of ideas, inspirations & news, is responsible for developing connections & contacts.
The element of Air is responsible for a rich intellectual life, the ability to objectively assess events & the desire to interact with other people. Air hints at human intelligence & thought processes that are fast, fluid & abstract, it is the realm of thought that precedes any creativity.
Air manages social & informational processes in the world. In relation to other elements, it is a connecting link.
Air is a masculine element, dry, unrestrained & active, helping you reason, think & teach, ethereal, abstract & communicative.The Air can be used to unlock new psychic abilities.
Sylphs, Sylvestris, Zephyrus, Fairies of trees, flowers & winds are Air elementals.

There are many ways to activate the power of the Air element in your home.
Simply add an element of Air to your magic by smoking incense or performing your ritual on the hill. Trees also contain the element of Air. The energy of the Air is very often used to make your wishes heard & to purify your mind.

One of the simplest & most effective ways to communicate with the element of Air is through the winds. When you leave the house, pay attention to the Air, regardless of whether this Air flow is the lightest breeze, or the most powerful wind, or even a storm, Air flows always bring with them freshness & a sense of vitality. Listen to what the wind is saying. Imagine what news he wants to tell you. Smell the Air & try to feel where it came from. One of the most important things to remember about the element of Air is that the wind or breeze is merely symbolic of this element. The element itself is an energy that exists everywhere. It’s easy to confuse the scientific notion of Air with the elemental notion.

Open the window, take a deep breath & say :
"Welcome, spirits of the Air element, to my home."
This is a simple action that will expand your knowledge of the element of Air & brings its power to your home. It will quickly clean out any stagnant energy & make the Air clean, filling it with the energy of wildlife.

Breath-work & ritual movements & dance also utilize the energy of Air. 

Bells that ring from the slightest breeze, wind chimes, flags & feathers invite the forces of the Air element to your home.

Air controls the magic of the four winds, divination & the visualization, which is a powerful tool for change. It is also a movement, a stimulus for visualization.
It manages rituals about travel, knowledge, freedom, discovery, uncovering lies.
Flour can be brought as a gift to the Air element.

Everything that is read in the wind & in bad weather works almost flawlessly & most importantly, quickly. During a storm or hurricane, scatter pre-prepared seeds of poppies, cereals, weeds, etc. for the work you need. Scatter the seeds against the wind, backhanded with the left hand & spell.

Raising winds through knot tying provides a powerful focus for releasing magical energies. Power of the wind can clear stagnation in your life, blow you in a new direction or carry you forward to success.

A Hilltop Knot Ritual:
Use an old, brightly colored scarf or ribbon with happy associations & made of material sufficiently light to catch the breeze.
On a windy day, take the scarf to the top of a hill or an open plain & as you walk, tie a large loose knot in the center to represent a problem that must be resolved or an obstacle that must be surmounted to put you on the road to success & happiness. As you tie a knot, visualize power rising through your body from Earth & Sky, like glorious rainbow liquids rising in a crystal phial. When you reach the top of the hill or center of the plain where the wind is strongest, hold your scarf by one end & feel the power tugging to escape.
Turn round clockwise 9 times, holding the scarf & saying
Blow free,
Blow me,
Wind untie,
Knot fly,
Fly free.
On the 9th chanting, untie your knot & run fast, letting the scarf or ribbon fly away.
Recite again & again
The Power is Free
until your scarf is carried far away on the breeze. The scarf may be found by someone, perhaps a child to whom it will also bring happiness.
Open your arms & feel the power of the wind, carrying you like the scarf above all the petty restrictions & problems that are holding you back. Run as you did when a child & feel again the possibilities of the open sky as you, too, tug free from the cords. You can now fly free anywhere you wish.

Balloon Magic:
The principle behind balloon magic is to free your wishes or decisions from their earthly bounds in a magical rush of energy.
You can use a string of colored balloons tied together or a single silver helium-filled balloon, decorated with a symbol of your need or wish: for example hearts for love, flowers for fertility, boats or planes for travel, golden scales or keys for a court case or matter of justice, toys for children & family concerns or golden circles for money.
Take your balloons to an open space or a hillside on a windy day.
Write on a long piece of paper your secret dream or need. Tie this to the balloon strings. Wait for a strong gust of wind & let your balloons fly free.
If your balloons fly directly upwards, then your wish should be  fulfilled within a short time.
If they fly diagonally for a while before ascending, you know that you may need to put some extra effort into the venture & be patient.

Sky Divination:
Sky divination involves studying cloud formations & raising morning mists for visions.
You may be by lake or riverside when mists rise & see your visions of future.
You can also use this form of magic at home.

Cloud Divination:
Cloud divination was used by the Druids whose magic relied very heavily on intuitive process.
Look for large single dark clouds in a clear sky or a dense cumulus cloud formation at sunrise or sunset when the clouds are touched with gold.
Don't try to identify & name specific pictures in the sky, but let the shapes, whether a single image or a series, suggest an idea or picture quite spontaneously to you. Others will see the same cloud entirely differently because we all have a different world view.
Cloud divination is more fragile than many forms of Air magic, but it can address profound issues & provoke major life-changes with its slow-moving images that can penetrate a very deep level of unconscious wisdom, perhaps the knowledge accumulated by the human race.

Air Fragrances:
Fragrances can awaken deep magical impulses within us. Burning oils in a special burner or lighting incense cones or sticks provides easy access to magical visions. Whether you meditate or just enjoy sitting quietly while your favorite incense or oil releases its fragrance into the air, the spontaneous impressions can offer insight beyond visual or aural senses.
Certain scents are linked with the properties of different planets & these can evoke the intuitive energies symbolized by them. Each incense or oil is associated with a different day of the week when you can tap into a subtle but powerful energy source, whether for energy, wisdom or healing.
Jasmine for Monday, day of the Moon.
Pine for Tuesday, day of Mars.
Lavender for Wednesday, day of Mercury.
Sandalwood for Thursday, day of Jupiter.
Rose for Friday, day of Venus.
Cypress for Saturday, day of Saturn.
Frankincense, oil & incense of the Sun, Day is Sunday.
