Copper is a powerful metaphysical tool to use when setting your intentions. Wands help you to harness your intentions when you use them to amplify your energy while casting.
Copper wands are also used to cleanse, energize & balance the subtle energetic field within & surrounding the body. When the subtle energetic body is healthy the physical body has much easier time also becoming healthy.
There is no right or wrong way using your wand.. The magic isn't in the wand, it is in you but the wand will come to life when you use it.
It all has to do with particles of matter. Everything is made up of matter. Matter is energy & energy is always moving & changing. When you start to use your wand, you 're taking a conscious part in that change, using the energy of your thought. You make a decision & the energy goes one way: change your mind & the energy goes another way.. When you involve your wands in the thought process, you blend your energy with that of the wand & your thoughts create the intent for what you're going to do.
The intensity of the energy that builds up in the rod depends more on the emotional intensity of the person using or charging it. Think of it as putting your wish or your desire into the wand & using that as the energy to charge it. When you are ready, point the wand where you want to discharge the energy & mentally set free.
Practice makes perfect. The more you work with your wand, the more you will bond with it & it with you, so you can use it quickly & efficiently. Working with a copper wand you can expect to see subtle results with just a bit of practice. Use it responsibly`.

How to make your own..
Get about 1,25 cm thick copper tube, choose a width that feels good in your hand. Use your intuition & go with what feels right.
Choose a stone that is in keeping its purpose for your energy wand.

Channeling crystals channel energy & information to the person using them.
This crystal has a 7- sided face at the front & center of the stone; & another, smaller 3-sided face on the opposite side. These stones help you connect with the collective unconscious. They help you to find your authentic empowerment & your place in the grand scheme of things.

Isis crystals are shaped very much like channeling crystals, except they have 5, rather than 7 sides on their front face.
These are very feminine stones that help you to get in touch with your own feminine side. This is a wonderful stone to add to a wand that is going to be used for healing, whether on an individual level or group setting.

Transmitter crystals can be recognized by the formation of their natural points. These crystals have a smaller triangle at the front of the stone, with two 7-sided shapes either side of it.
These stones are great for projecting your intent out into the cosmos. They help you understand what you want & they assist you in leaving a thought-form of energy to manifest when the time is right.

Window crystals have large & equally balanced diamond shape at the front & center of the stone. You'll know you have a real window crystal when the shape is symmetrical & allows you to look into the stone itself.
Window crystals not only show the inside of the stones, they can reveal much about your inner self too. These are excellent stones for shadow-self work.

Time-link crystals look very similar to windows but at the front of the stone, a time-link window will slant either to the right or to the left side of the stone. Slanting to the left will assist in allowing your energies to travel back in time to do healing or repair work to release old baggage & lay aside old wounds.
The links that slant to the right will help you to project your energy forward in time. This will allow you to take steps toward creating the future that you want to live, one that is up until now only a possibility.

Laser wand crystals, like any quartz points can come in different sizes, most of them are tiny dynamos of power & they focus energy with compelling precision. They are long & slender with small terminations.
They are best used in small healing wands where a burst of accurate & focused energy is needed.

Double terminated crystals are quartz points that have natural points on both ends. These stones have the ability to draw energy & also release it simultaneously.
These wands make exceptional healing tools.

For dressing your wand, wrap it in leather or any kind of hide material. It needs to feel comfortable to your skin.
Do what works for you. It's your intent that is the most important.
Leather thonging can be tied around the wand to help hold the wrap in place with the ends decorated with meaningful beads or charms. Choose those that resonate with your own energy & with the wands purpose.
Gather any herbs or other items you want to include in the hollow copper of the wand.
Start by gluing the end cap onto your copper if you need to do so. Let the glue dry a bit & then use the hacksaw to cut an 2"x" shape in the other end. This is where the stone is going to go. What you are doing here is making it easier to fit the copper piping around the base of your crystal point. It's easier for your first wands if you choose a point that is roughly the same diameter as your copper piping. Cut your copper so that the stone fits into it nicely. The cut needs to be least one-third the length of the stone.
Using the needle-nose pliers, gently splay the copper where you've cut it & fit the base of your crystal into the end of the wand. You may find that the stone fits one way better than the other: let it go how it wants to go. When it looks & feels balanced & comfortable, gently tap the copper into place around the stone with the hammer. At this point, you can add glue to help the stone set. If you prefer not to use glue, then wrap a bit of sinew or strong thread around it to hold it in place.
For dressing your wand cut long lengths of leather or hide about an inch thick & spiral wrapping them around the wand. Gently overlap them as you work your way to the top. Use glue to prevent slipping if need be. Pay attention to the finish of the wrap around the capstone. To make it look neat & tidy you might want to taper the ends. Make sure that the wrap is helping hold the capstone firmly in place.
Dress your wand however you wish.
