The Year of the White Metal Rat begins a completely new 12-year cycle bringing a new beginning, a year of preparation, planning, setting new goals, as well as a year of preparation for change. It is useful to write down your ideas, let your creativity fly, while avoiding being superficial.
White Metal Rat is extremely emotional, clever & can be inflexible & unwavering when giving its opinion. He has a sharp tongue, he can crush & he can also crush himself. He has strong financial instincts & is able to set aside assets for more difficult days. The Year of the White Metal Rat is the last year that the element of money energy is still in the currency, the years of change & crisis await us. With strong analytics & good groundwork, with a reliable team, you can still execute your business idea right now, laying the foundation for a strong project. Money energy is once again on the rise in 2024-2025.
2020 is a year of pleasures, of entertainment, of celebration, of communication, of love, even of uproar. Rat is generally healthy, curious & mobile. Metal Rat gets a lot of frozen, hanging energy around us & we need heat, light, fresh air, sunshine or romantic candlelight, fireplace light.
Rat prefers to live in a circle of his own & from this, the rodent loves the family. This fact must be taken into account by anyone who wants to establish good relationships with their close & distant relatives. You can try to find your other half or marry an existing partner - marriage will be strong. If you don't have many friends, you have the chance to find them this year but don't expect someone to show a friendly interest in you - you will have to become more active & friendly.
Despite the softening white nature of the Rat, the metal still has a dominant value, as does the nature of the animal. In this context, the year should not be expected to be easy, bringing only joy. This is particularly difficult for those who want to achieve their desired goals through fraud & illegal activities. The plans of such people are shattered, expectations are not fulfilled. Quite respected personalities also have many obstacles. In order to make adversity easier & more prominent, it is advisable to pursue active sports, tourism & travel around your home country. Hereafter, the power of the animal is weakened, less evident & life goes back to normal. In this regard, astrologers recommend planning important events for summer, autumn & refraining from doing business in winter & spring.
Another obvious feature of the Rat is its high adaptability to any condition. No matter how difficult the animal may be, it will still find a way to survive, survive & later adapt to the difficulties. Rat never looks for trouble & prefers to live as comfortably as possible.
Intuition is something that cannot be taken away from a Rat.
2020 will be successful in terms of finance for so many people. White Rat does not conceal opportunities from anyone, just be more observant. Everything will return with interest, do not worry because of minor losses.
Try to build your business openly & honestly, then it will be doing well, even in the face of an overall pessimistic picture, crisis & instability. Show your will, believe in your success, do not give up & suddenly opportunities to break the deadlock & difficult situations will open up.

I wish you all a Happy New Year full of beautiful moments!!!
