Head, Skull, Blow, Resolution, Resolve, Fly Away

Envy can be particularly difficult to deal with but when we envy the wealth of others, we borrow the energy of the person we envy. Sooner or later, we will have to return it & it will be from our own.

If you have been envied, you can take your energy back.
You, the owner of your energy can demand back what belongs to you.
No special rituals or actions are required for this. You just need to firmly say out loud or write on paper that you want to get back all the energy that envious people took from you & direct it to your own development. This is it.

Do not ask to punish anybody, do not imagine their faces & mentally poke a finger: " You especially!" The most notorious envious ones may theoretically not even be familiar to you. Just pronounce the words & observe the result.

Usually in an absolutely unexpected way difficult issues will be resolved, things are going well & good offers are being received.

The same principle works also in the opposite direction. Therefore, do not be jealous so one day you will find yourself in a situation where part of your energy flows back.

This simple exercise, performed several times, will amazingly change your life:

“I want to get back all the energy that envious people took from me, from the moment I was born until this day & direct it to my own development.”

Thank the magic of the Universe that heard you.
