Money is an energy & it has one feature that is also common to all other forms of energy - money must flow constantly. Money is like love - the more you give out, the more you get in, because the universe does not tolerate an empty space & fills it again like a well that fills up every time it is extracted.

When our relationship with money is perfectly balanced, then we live in the belief that whatever we need, we get. 

To attract money to ourselves, every nation has its own special talismans. It is customary to keep a coin with a drilled hole in the pocket or purse or a new banknote, because money attracts money. 

One of the traditions from ancient times is this: during the creation of a New Moon, shake a purse in front of the Moon & ask that the money always be there. It is even better to show the Moon the salary you have just received that has not yet been spent.

How To Attract & Keep The Riches

When you first see the young Moon in a month, show her a wallet with money or a large bill, so that the money would grow with the Moon.

Count the money after the sunrise, otherwise it will decrease.

It’s better to give out a loan in the morning, not in the evening.

Keep always a little bit of money on the table under the tablecloth, then it will never leave the house & there will be no theft & losses.

Money may not be borrowed or given in the evenings.

Receive the money with the left hand & give with the right hand.

Don’t give a loan for a long term - money just might not be returned. 

Don't take out a loan on Tuesdays, you will start to owe a lifetime.

Don't give a loan on Sunday, it may not be returned at all or it will take a long time. On Monday also don't give money for a loan or don't pay back or the money will not flow.

If necessary, take out loans during the growing  Moon & repay the debt in smaller banknotes during the decreasing Moon.

Sort everything out in your wallet & get rid of everything unnecessary - if there is a mess in your wallet, no new money will come in there.

It is also important that your wallet is intact. If there is a hole in the wallet, replace the wallet - it is believed that a broken wallet scares the money away from the person.

However, a whole & sorted wallet attracts money.

Don't let your wallet go empty, always keep some money in it.

Don't spend your money on the pay day.

For a successful outcome of any kind of undertaking & good luck, when entering into a room, let the man enter first.

Never take the rubbish out of the home in the evening.

Don’t throw anything at the windows so that the bliss will not leave your home.

Always hold the broom so that the bones are above & the stalk is on the floor.

Use only one broom in your household, if you use two or more, the energy of money hides into the corners.

When moving into a new home throw the silver coins over the floor first.

Scatter coins in your home & say, "Let abundance come to my house."

When you open your business, make sure you make a first sale with the man.

Who peels seeds, can't keep the money.

Don't wipe anything off the table by hand without a napkin or sponge.

Don't whistle in the house, or it will be empty.

After the sunset, don't clean the house, it is especially dangerous to sweep it - you sweep out your comfort & well-being, washing the floors in the evening - you wash away your blessings.

After the sunset, don't give anything to strangers from your home.

Don't cut your own hair, even not the ends of the hair.

So as not to be out of money, remember: don't put a hat or gloves onto the table.

Sitting on the table brings you a poverty.

If the palm of the right hand itches, then the money comes, if the left hand, you have to give away money.

Buy a needle on Monday &  place a needle with a thread on the front of the blouse on Thursday.

The number 8 is for magic & the color green for money. Number 8 also means infinity & cash flow. The ideal date for money magic is August 8th every year. On this day, wear green, burn a green candle, put 8 in your wallet on a piece of paper, find or create a suitable money mantra to repeat during the day. Wake up in the morning, wash your  eyes with cold water, light a green candle immediately to open the vision of money coming into your life. 

These are simple suggestions, but there are also more complex spells & actions.

Money Spell

On Tuesday, at sunrise, shake 3 teaspoons of salt into a small paper bag (you can make it yourself) & put the bag in your wallet between the banknotes. Then go to the open window with your wallet & hold the bag between your palms, stand facing East & read the money spell 7 times:

"My doings begin, my doings turn into money,

& let this money never end, from eternity to eternity, 

So Be It!"

This spell is used when there are some business or business matters going on. If you are going to agree with someone & you also want to benefit financially from this agreement, take a paper bag & put it in your right pocket. After the agreement, put the paper bags back in the wallet between the banknotes. Keep the sachet there for as long as it comes to what you wanted. 

Each new activity requires a new spell. 

Pour the used salt into the sink & let the running water over.

The Rite of Abundance

Take the jug with the lid, put 3 new safety pins (closed), 3 new needles & 3 new nail in the jug. Sprinkle with salt (three-quarters of the jug). Put the lid on & shake the jug 9 times - think of abundance at home. Then melt the lid of the jug with the red candle wax on the jug & put the jug hidden somewhere where it is not visible.

Before you start your ritual or spell, do the following:

Cleanse yourself - if possible, take a bath, burn a candle (a white candle is best) or clean yourself with incense or sage. Thoughts must also be purified.

Invite out loud the guards of the four worlds or the gods of the four worlds (Ariel, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, etc.), whoever you are working with. 

"I invite you here (....) to defend this circle."

Do your ritual or say your spell.

Thank your guardians or the gods, saying, "I thank you (....) that you were protecting me during performing my ritual (spell) & you can go in peace. I thank you!"

Box of Abundance 

The box of abundance creates a positive, prosperous & abundant flow of energy in your home. The box of abundance can be created with crystals carrying energy of abundance, money & other powerful symbols.

The box should be with cover, ideally wooden or golden color.

The right crystals can eliminate the blockages for greater wealth & will help raise money vibes.

Green Jade, Green Aventurine, Yellow Sapphire, Green Moss Agate, Garnet, Muscovite, Quartz Crystal point, Citrine, Pyrite, Calcite, Peridot, Fuchsia, Tiger Eye, Fluorite, Stibnite, Sunstone, Amber, Blue Kyanite, Black Tourmaline, Amethyst, Turquoise, Bloodstone, Ammonite, Carnelian, Malachite, Emerald & Ruby are good crystals to use.

Eight crystals are a good start to creating an angle of abundance. In numerology, the number 8 is a symbol of infinity. Number 8 is abundance & success, tangible & intangible balance. This number of crystals, together with the numerological concept, is the key to your success & the paver.

On the bottom of the box would be good to place an used horse shoe.

The frog is a symbol of happiness & success.

The elephant is a symbol of wisdom, happiness & prosperity.

A coin with a money tree makes money flow abundantly.

Cinnamon promotes well-being & brings success in various activities. Cinnamon bark, dried Basil, Laurel, Juniper berries, Rowan stick.

Other symbols of good luck, wealth & abundance are Turtle, Tree, Sun, Feathers, Buddha.

You can start collecting money for something specific or just cash if you wish. Dont ever let your box run empty. Try to add money even little bit into the box during every growing Moon. Ideally add foreign currencies as well, it will make your magic even more powerful.

The abundance sector is located in the southeast of the home or chosen room, that is where you should always keep your box along with other wealth & wellness supporting symbols. It is good to burn green candles in that corner & grow a Money Tree plant. During the growing Moon, cleanse your home with cinnamon incense & place the crystals & symbols of wealth of your choice in a wooden box of abundance.

Each month, add success & money crystals or currency. Also, every growing Moon, cleanse your money & success sector with cinnamon incense. Cinnamon has a quality & energy that attracts abundance to your home.

Burn one of these scents during meditation or as a compliment to a money ritual. Or, simply set the intention to call in more money & then light the incense. Consciously employ the power of scent by burning or diffusing one of these aromas & draw more money into your life.

Cinnamon lifts your consciousness to the frequency of plenty. With its high, sweet & pure vibration this scent reminds you that abundance is your natural state & that you are worthy of money & every wonderful thing.

Clove helps bust through abundance blocks & tap you into the unending flow of wealth that is your birthright. This scent helps you to release fears related to money & to feel consistently safe & supported by the Earth & Universe.

Patchouli is one of the best types of incense for drawing money. Nothing grounds you in your body & the physical world quite like the scent of Patchouli. It aligns us with the richness of the Earth & inspires us to allow luxurious blessings to flow endlessly into our life experience.

 opens up our natural force of attraction & consequently helps us attract both money & love. This incense scent helps us live our beauty & our life circumstances naturally follow suit.

Vanilla warms the heart, sweetens the spirit & helps us feel cozy& safe. This scent aligns us with the energy of money by helping us feel at home in the world & naturally supported by the powers that be. 

Pine provides a thorough infusion of luck, vitality & lasting affluence. Pine lifts the spirits & helps us to feel excited & joyful about money & the activities that attract it. This scent also awakens our intuition so we know just what to do in order to incrementally increase our financial flow.

Saffron is among the most potent aromatic money magnets, as it confers a sense all is well, that money is flowing to you endlessly & that you are naturally rich.

Cardamom awakens & invigorates the mind while soothing the body & relieving stress. This incense reminds us that life is beautiful, that nature is abundant & that the Divine is generous & wants you to succeed. The scent of cardamom dissolves worry & replaces it with a sense of grounded vitality & expansive well-being.
