Face your Fear. 

Fear is one of our main emotions, there to draw our attention to the source of danger so that we know to be careful, some fears have a role to play in protecting us from situations that have harmed us in the past, for example, spending time with toxic people. But when we allow Fear to take a control, it will grow like a rolling snowball, pushes us to hide in our darkest corners & eventually makes us paralyzed in our lives.

Fear causes anxiety, stress & worries, generating negative thoughts. When we let it grow & stay, we are weakening ourselves, as the amount of  stress hormone cortisol in our body increases & when it is tuned up all the time, our body is in a constant state of disorder & our immune system will weaken as well.

However, our thoughts are our own. In every moment there is definitely something to be grateful for & enjoy.. Is it precious time spent with children or loved ones, favorite nature trails, cuddling with books or music, even smallest daily achievements or just being here & now.

Positive anchoring  can be very helpful. You need to have an experience that is both positive & comforting, be fully aware of the beautiful emotions you feel & memorize it, so you can come back to it when feeling down.

Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body.  Take deep breaths often, when getting up in the morning, leaving home, meeting someone, going to bed or before specific activities that would cause stress & anxiety. Belly breathing is very relaxing.

Movement can shake the worries that torment our minds. Choose the physical activity you like the most & practice every day. Spending time in nature, walking barefoot, listening the birdsong, sunshine & sea breeze are the greatest healers for your being,

& of course, practicing yoga & meditation are always the best ways to calm the mind, relieve stress & preventing anxiety disorders. 

Today, a huge number of chemical drugs have been invented to help with stress, depression etc., but don't forget about our natural healers, herbs that our Earth Mother offers.

Some of the best soothing herbs are: St. John's wort, Cowslips, Honeysuckle, Heather, Valerian, Oregano, Chamomile, Meadowsweet, Linden, Nettle, Thyme, Fireweed, Hawthorn, Rosehips, Dill, Hops, Peppermint, Motherwort etc.

Lavender can be consumed as tea, but it is most effective in the form of an essential oil. Add it to the scent lamp or drop it on the pillow for a restful sleep.

Ginseng has a stimulating effect, improves concentration, thinking & memory, as well as increasing physical endurance. All this contributes to reducing anxiety due to the strength of the overall body, helping to reduce stress, improve health & maintain emotional balance.

Then there are beautiful crystals to keep in your pockets. As Fear can hyper-increase our vibrations, crystals will help to balance our vibration to a tranquil, calm frequency. 

Citrine helps to unwind tension & anxiety from your body, mind & emotions. 

Amethyst is incredibly protective, healing &  purifying,  attracts positive, calming vibes. Amethyst also has the ability to settle the mind chatter that keeps us awake & is perfect for those who suffer from insomnia or nightmares.

Green Moss Agate is a powerful stone that soothes feelings of anxiety, fear & stress.

Smoky Quartz is a powerful grounding stone, help ease feelings of fear & anxiety, improves the ability to deal with stress & encourages positive thought patterns. If you are afraid to take the leap forward to manifest what you desire out of life, Smoky Quartz can serve as a protective stone to illuminate the way.

Celestite has the ability to relieve stress, anxiety & obsessive behaviours, perfect for anyone anxious about a new experience as the energy will alleviate any type of stage fright, nervousness, fear of crowds & shyness. 

Labradorite is a protective stone that can be used to remove fears & insecurities. It calms an agitated mind, helps to balance imagination & rational thinking. 

Charoite releases deep-seated, irrational fears, its calming energy can help to ease compulsions & obsessions. Charoite is good for anyone who feels alienated from society, suffers from loneliness & anxiety as a result of this. 

Carnelian is powerful crystal for fear, empowers you to move forward towards your fear rather than avoiding it & running in the opposite direction.

Lepidolite has incredible properties to ease anxiety, helps bring  mental & emotional stability.

Selenite points you in the direction of intuition, a strong force over inhibition.

Rose Quartz brings soothing energy to manage stressful situations, invites love & understanding to our fears.

Moonstone dispels the feelings of fear & stress & helps to stabilize emotions.

Aquamarine works to cleanse our thoughts of fear & anxiety, allows us to handle uncomfortable emotions & to ultimately release these feelings & trust our own abilities & intuition. Aquamarine is a Throat Chakra stone that also encourages you speak & communicate your truth. 

Black Tourmaline is one of the strongest protectors against dark forces & evil. Connecting with the Root Chakra, Black Tourmaline offers balance & strength, supports the sense of safety & security, crushing fear.  

Sodalite helps to ground & take root amidst chaos, soothes our minds so that we can think rationally & be at peace. 

Blue Tiger’s Eye, the crystal of Solar Plexus & Throat Chakra, targets fear over failure. 

Rhodonite helps reduce & suppress anxiety, brings order to feelings of panic & helps you feel calmer & more secure. Helps to clear away emotional wounds & scars from the past.

The Base Chakra crystal Hematite calms during times of stress. 

Protective Obsidian can encourage you to move forward with strength & courage, helps you step up & face your fears, aids in releasing the things that no longer serve you.

& most importantly,
be kind to yourself.
