So how the negative energy feels in your space & what are the signs that you need to cleanse it energetically?

For more sensitive people, negative energy falls like a heavy stone around their neck, causing nausea, heart palpitations, anxiety, feeling cold, irritability & rapid tiredness, bad dreams & frequent illnesses.

Blocks are on the way, it is always difficult to get home, we tend not to go there for various reasons.

We want to leave the room quickly; when we leave, we feel like we have escaped into free energy, where there is a lot of air & feels good. While in the room, there is a rapid feeling of tiredness, weakened thinking, drowsiness, recession & constant fear.

There may be various strange odors in the room like sour, musty, fishy, etc.

There is constantly exhausted air in the room, you need to open the windows to get new energy. Often, no air enters from an open window. The dust particles constantly floating in the air.

You need to constantly repair your home. All paint & objects in the room get constantly scratched & damaged. Rooms constantly lose their shine, things fall apart, etc ...

There are incomprehensible discrepancies in the relationship. We talk to each other & do not understand, do not hear what the other person says. Intimacy between two people is bound to decline.

If there have been negative emotional experiences, disputes, quarrels between the walls of the home.

When the energy of quarrels, bad mood, anger & disputes is constantly brought from one's work environment. Nervousness & constant power struggle in between the people.

If someone has been sick between the walls of their home.

When someone constantly thinks about negative thoughts & talks about negative things.

Constant alcohol or drug abuse.

When someone has left home.

When children start talking about strange visions, feelings, or something unusual happens at home. Children are constantly moody, have difficulty learning, become drowsy & very soon move away from home & parents.

Pets are constantly nervous, chewing on furniture, urinating in a room, etc.…

Poor growth of houseplants & the formation of constantly yellowed leaves, mold etc ...

Constant lack of money & other resources. It is difficult to attract new customers to your business.

Our own old verbal conversations & ideas do not allow new knowledge to develop.

Energy of previous owners or tenants. A particularly aggravating circumstance is when our activities involve activities & visions other than the former people had.

If this home has been inhabited by former owners who have left their energy-print in this place.

Movement of energies, linked to previous suicides or violent deaths. We repeat the activities related to the old events in this room.

If you have brought home second hand items.

If you have a lot of visitors or you have let strangers in.

Here's a list of ways to perform an energy cleaning, but you don't have to do them all at once. Choose the methods that are right for you & use them in addition to the usual dusting at home. You will definitely notice how much more pleasant it is for you to be at home after that & how well you feel.

Put away all useless, unnecessary clothes & items - throw them away or give them away. That's how you let go of the past. If it's hard to let go, sort out the things that's hard to let go of, take it out & do it a little later. Preserving the past prevents you from living here & now.

Open the windows & ventilate, let in fresh air everywhere.

Move the furniture in the room from time to time. Pay special attention to the corners - stagnant energy accumulates there. Put a candle in the corners & ask it to cleanse all the negativity.

Wash the walls with water to which 1 tablespoon of Sea Salt per bucket of water has been added.

Wash the floors with water with a few drops of essential oil like Mint, Sage, Juniper, Sandalwood, Cedar.

Make a spray with clean water & few drops of Eucalyptus- or Lavender oil & occasionally spray this water into the air.

Clean your home with Sea Salt- start moving from the front door of your home, putting some Sea Salt near the walls & corners. Move clockwise until the entire apartment or house has passed & you return to the front door. In doing so, ask the Salt to cleanse your home of stagnant, negative & pathogenic energy. Let the Salt stay there all day, best when you're away from home, up to 24 hours. When you come back, wipe the Salt with a request - I will wipe away all the dirt & negativity. Then flush the Salt down to the toilet. After a major quarrel & misfortune or illness, it is worth sprinkling Salt all over the floor.

You can put a cup of Sea Salt in the room of a sick person & light a candle. Salt, Garlic or Nettles can also be placed under the bed.

Burn candles often at home, use an aroma lamp, or incense.

Play mantras, healing sounds, calm & balancing music at home.

Occasionally clap your hands or ring the bells to clean your surroundings & the environment.

Keep your home bright - let the Sunlight shine & charge your home with positive energy.

Repair broken things. If it is not possible to finish the work immediately, do it gradually or replace.

Remove as many sharp-edged objects from your home as possible. Prefer round shapes, streamlined furniture & interior accessories. Add mirrors. To bring more good energy to the room, hang mirrors in the rooms to create positive vibrations. Just don't hang the mirror where it faces you when you sleep. & never use second hand mirrors in your home, unless you are comfortable with your knowledge how to cleanse it.

Bring your home to life with flowers. Houseplants clean the air & relieve stress. Cactus with sharp thorns break down negative energy. The more thorns, the more effective. It doesn't matter if the thorns are thick or thin. There could be at least 1 cactus in each room. To enhance the effect, the cactus can be reminded from time to time of what it has to do: dear cactus, please break down all the negative energies in this room & things. Always remove dying or dead plants immediately.

Our vibration is very unstable & very easily influenced. It changes constantly as we’re exposed to other people, social media, the news, traffic, the weather, good news, bad news, our own memories, etc. Crystals, on the other hand, have a super stable energy frequency that doesn’t change.

Get a large crystal like Selenite or Clear Quartz & ask that crystal to keep your home cleansed & recharged.

Black Tourmaline is one of the best crystals for cleansing the energy of your space, it absorbs negative energy & helps to foster a protective energy shield around you & your space.

Amber is warm crystal, carrying a beam of light around you, clearing away sadness.

Amethyst is a beautiful ally for emotional protection.

An Orange-scented aroma oil will cleanse the rooms of negative energy & lift your spirits.

One of the oldest rituals of energy cleansing is with smoke. Plants or wood like Juniper, Sage, Palo Santo can be used. Local raw materials always work best, as each plant is associated with its own country of origin.

Open all doors including cabinet doors & drawers. Maybe start at the front door & move to the right from one room to another. To clean, smoke the whole room, starting counterclockwise along the room with a smoky herb. Go through all the corners. Finally, open the windows & vent all the cleaned energy debris. After cleaning, you can make a new circle to the room, this time clockwise & fill the room with joy & peace for example.

Stuffed flowers, dried flowers & pictures of dead people hold the energy of death & decay, which radiates & takes energy away from those in the room.

When washing mirrors & windows, do so with clean water with a little salt in it. You can light a tealight in front of a clean mirror.

Wash the walls.

Clean your aura & create a strong energy shield around.

The best crystals that repel negative energy are Black Onyx, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz & Black Tourmaline. You can wear these stones as jewelry or just as a protective stone in your pocket.

Ground, center & shield.

Practice shielding. Imagine in your mind's eye that your whole body is surrounded by radiant white, silver, or gold radiation. Feel how this light protects, warms & keeps you.

Burning Sage, Palo Santo or Juniper has the ability to repel negative energy & evil spirits.

Let the running water wash away everything you don't need. Always wash your hands under the running water, first thing when coming home.
Practice meditation & calming techniques​.

Sounds ward off negative energy. The ringing of bells helps to increase the frequency & block attacks of lower energies. It also dissolves stagnant energy. Hanging wind chimes on the door helps keep energy in constant motion.

There are many different amulets that can be worn to protect against negative energy.

& above all, always radiate the brightest light, stay beautiful & stay positive
