We all know what it is.. an irreconcilable contradiction between our high expectations, the idea or vision of something & reality. These are our overestimated expectations, views, position in life. Hate is relatively stable feeling of rejection, a constant desire & purpose to harm, accompanied by a constant aversion to a living being, a person, an event, an object, a circumstance etc.
Hate can be hidden, extremely dangerous & difficult to escape, not directed at the people who actually caused it, but at someone's path.
Intentional anger spreading from outside is a method of inciting conflict in society, of hatred between people. The lack of a proper explanation of the correct educational process & the reality of life & the invented idealistic worldviews. Spreading negativity, an open flow of deceptive information, distorting facts & inciting hatred are methods of even triggering wars..
How strongly & deeply certain dogmas & principles are implanted in us that bring pain & suffering into our lives & we received them unconditionally, without even attempting to doubt their justice.
Sometimes, at first glance, a person starts to hate you for no reason. This anger may stem from past incarnations.
Hate & hostility are universal energies, they exist for the survival of species & the evolution.
Hate & anger can be both the most powerful destructive force, like a black hole wanting to draw everything into it. We must learn to deal with these emotions as it can overwhelm a person & trigger the aggression or inadequate behaviour at any time for no apparent reason, because the cause of anger & irritation lies within ourselves deep & dormant.
If you made it here, you probably noticed how tense & stressed your body & mind got just by reading these lines. That's exactly how low vibration the energy of hatred is.
Let go.
Don't focus on hate.
Destructive hate & anger breaks down one's energy field in general & makes it ultimately very fragile. When we think negatively, we produce negative energy that has a low frequency. In the aura, hate's predominant colour is almost always black. With such an energy in one's aura, it will be very hard to progress spiritually.
By thinking positively, we produce positive energy with a high frequency.
If a person's general behavior is negative, he or she will age very quickly or get ill & people with a positive energy field are happy, healthy & will live much longer. When a person has a very strong negative internal charge & shakes it out on others, he lets that energy move & in this case can live to old age, scattering low-frequency energy everywhere. Unrealized & uncontrolled release of energy in the form of outbursts of anger & adrenaline can provoke tumors, severe skin conditions & acne or more serious problems with head & eyes, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, paralysis, trauma in general, migraine, also negative personality traits, such as resentment, anger, revenge, unforgiveness, relentlessness etc .
The consequences of feeling the hatred is that we throw a powerful charge of negative energy into Universe & attract a more powerful negativity to come back.
To avoid falling victim to this incredibly destructive emotion, we need to change our worldview & our behavior.
Hatred can be very difficult to let go of. Chances are, we are justifying our hatred. It's our choice how to react, we are choosing to hate.
Don't let others disturb your inner harmony & peace of mind. When you give in to be manipulated by other people, you acknowledge that they are stronger than you & thereby empowering them.
No one but you should control you, your actions, your emotions, your thoughts & your words.
When you begin to feel out of control, stop, take a deep breath, consciously challenge your hateful thoughts. If your feelings are directed at another person, limit your contact with this person.
Refocus your mind – spend some time with Mother Nature, take long walks, listen to the songs of birds & bees, smell the flowers, sink into the smiles on faces of your loved one's, read a book, exercise.
Crystals to wear in the pockets:
Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz, Hematite, Citrine, Amethyst, Green Aventurine, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Morganite, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Lace Agate, Obsidian, Peridot, Carnelian, Aquamarine, Amber, Black Tourmaline, Moonstone, Lapis Lazuli, Selenite, Labradorite, Bloodstone, Kyanite, Pink Opal, Mangano Calcite, Watermelon Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Pink Tourmaline.
Take care of yourself, your loved ones & the world around you
