The best time to do this is from the early morning to just before lunch. Take some gifts like cookies, pies, nuts, honey, milk or unwrapped sweets with you to be placed under a living tree.  

Every place has a spirit or a keeper. Before entering this area, if you don’t feel discomfort in your body or mind, bow to the guardian or spirit & ask permission to enter & leave the offerings.

Say: " Spirit of the area, accept a gift from me", you don't have to say it out loud, they know.

Stand with the tree, connect gently with your hands.

Ask permission to put gifts to your Family.

"Spirit of the tree, let me put gifts for the Family."

If there is no discomfort, you can safely put what you brought.

The spirits of the trees or the area will sometimes refuse you this. If that's a case, they will let you know by some sort of distraction, something can fall on you, you drip, etc.. That means rejection.. Then look for another tree. 

When you found your place, greet your Ancestors.

Say something like:

,, I greet you my Ancestors. Please accept Gifts from me as a token of gratitude for your help."

You can sit near this tree, talk to Ancestors & you can ask for their advice & help. When asking for help or advice, do not say NOT. Replace with another word. For example, instead "I wish not to get sick" say "to be healthy".

Thank the ancestors for their assistance. Expressing gratitude completes the circle of exchange.

The answer will come to you as signs or in a dream. .
