Highly Spiritual Owl Juju Bracelets available in WhisperingWhiteRaven.
Working with Owl.
Hand-weaved extra silky, soft & fluffy cord, cotton cord & leather, semiprecious crystals knotted into the bracelet, keeping the energies of magical wise Owl in mind.
This mysterious & beautiful charm is hand crafted with care & attention. It is a magickal tool, that requires to be treated with love & respect in order to work.
Owl is a harbinger of truth.
Owl represents sacred knowledge, bringing clarity, prophetic visions & strong connection with the mystical world. Owl allows you to see things from spiritual perspective, will show things that might be hidden from you. Sees through the web of deception.
Owl is a symbol of paranormal wisdom, regal silence & fierce intelligence.
Owl allows us to be more observant, calm, majestic & calculated.
The presence of Owl announces change, death & transition.
When working with Owl medicine, be prepared for dramatic transitions or changes. Keep in mind that where one door is closing, another opens. Owl keeps your secrets & your wisdom guarded until the right moment appears to move swiftly into action.
Owl's element is Air.
Crystals to call in the Spirit of the Owl I used for this bracelet are Pearls & Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Lapis Lazuli.
Pearls symbolize purity, love & happiness & are said to attune all 7 chakras & bring a soft, healing energy during meditation.
Amethyst crystals are best known for aiding the Crown Chakra, protects against the influence of negative energies & enhances spiritual awareness. Amethyst stimulates the Third Eye, Crown & Etheric Chakras, accelerates the development of intuitive & psychic ability. It initiates wisdom & greater understanding. Amethyst promotes intellectual thought, clear thinking, sobriety, emotional balance & connection to the Crown chakra.
Amethyst is a natural soother & is used to help improve concentration. It helps to maintain a calm state & soothe an active mind. This stone has the power to help focus your energy, enhance memory & improve motivation. Amethyst is known for its abilities to ability to activate & balance the Third Eye Chakra, to still the conscious mind & inspire an enhanced meditative state.
Amethyst expands the higher mind & enhances creativity & passion. Amethysts high frequency purifies the aura of any negative energy or attachments & creates a protective shield of Light around the body, allowing you to remain clear & centered while opening to spiritual direction.
Amethyst is known for healing impatience, balancing energies, eliminating mental agitation, bringing clarity & helping grounding. It soothes the mind & emotions, while invoking inner calm.
Clear Quartz helps amplify, direct, focus, transmit & store energy. It stimulates brain functions & activates all levels of consciousness. It is excellent for meditation & brings harmony to the soul. Its greatest attribute is known to be its use as an aid to opening the psychic centers, enabling the ability to meditate at a deeper level. It releases the higher consciousness & develops mystical & spiritual gifts. The Quartz Crystal is an excellent powerful general healer & dynamic working tool which works on multi-levels - strengthening, cleansing & protecting. Clear Quartz is often used to cleanse, open, activate & align all of the chakras but is particularly useful for stimulating the Crown Chakra.
Lapis lazuli is an ancient spiritual stone reputed to bring about harmony in relationships & to cleanse the mental body while releasing old karmic patterns. Lapis Lazuli is a beautiful & spiritual stone associated with the Third Eye chakra. Lapis Lazuli is considered be a stone of immortal powers, a stone of intuition & wisdom & is believed to help integrate the lessons from your past lives & your ancestors.
Lapis Lazuli crystals are very powerful for activating the higher mind & enhancing intellectual ability, used by healers, priests & royalty, for power, wisdom & to stimulate psychic abilities & inner vision. Lapis Lazuli represents universal truth.
