Magic is a way of interacting with the outside world, with the goal of changing the surrounding reality in accordance with one's will & desires through the use of esoteric knowledge & the energies of animate & inanimate nature.

Natural magic traces its history back to animism - the practice of endowing nature, natural phenomena & objects with supernatural, magical characteristics. Here's the belief that nature & all that is contained in it, is a living, conscious energy. The spirits of the elements, evil & good spirits of forests, rivers, deserts, mountains, fields, swamps & dungeons originate from here. It also presents work with the energy of the Mother Earth, with egregors of places, with geopathic zones. Sacrifices to all the spirits & elements are also presented here.

Homeopathic magic is the use of stones, minerals, plants, mushrooms, trees - their healing & poisonous properties, as well as the energy of these elements. This is where healing, homeopathy, herbal medicine & other types of practical work with the world of minerals & plants originate. This magic has been used by druids, alchemists & shamans.

Sympathetic magic is built on the principle of the idea that someone can be magically affected by an object or action that represents or is connected with them.
From here comes the practice of rebirth into a beast, which was used by the ancient hunters; ritual cannibalism, when they ate a dead enemy to get his strength. Its use can be traced in the modern world in the form of Village magic & Voodoo magic.

In Village magic, sympathetic magic manifests itself in the form of love spells, when the customer's biological objects - blood, sweat, secretions, saliva - are used to get inside the victim's body. The same methods of Sympathetic magic induce damage when the biological objects of the victim - blood, hair, nails, sperm - are badly manipulated. The same magic is also used to remove damage, diseases & other negativity from a person by transferring it to another living organic object - an egg, an apple, wax, an animal, a plant.

Voodoo magic has shown itself in Sympathetic magic with its famous dolls, where, by the way, the biological objects of the victim are also added. These pupae themselves are called the names of the victim & then bad manipulations are carried out on the pupae.

Ritual magic includes magical actions built according to a carefully considered program - a ritual. The purpose of the ritual is to expand the capabilities of a magician through the use of magical attributes - artifacts, magical symbols, appeal to otherworldly forces. Ritual magic also includes the rituals of Satanism with their evocation of demons & spirits, as well as necromage - work with dead energy.

Qigong, yoga especially raja yoga & bioenergy - all these areas allow you to change events, influence the environment & people - their health & consciousness, through mental concentration & control of various types of energies.

If I talk briefly about the types of magical defenses, then I think that they can be reduced to three types.

The first is egregor protection. Egregor is an energy-information structure artificially created by adherents of a certain idea, religion, order or group. The strongest egregors are the egregors of religions. The egregor of religion protects his adherents. This includes prayer protection. Also - the protection that sacred & sacral symbols & attributes give - crucifixes, pentagrams, the Star of David, runescripts, the relics of saints & objects from sacred places of power.
This type of protection includes protective talismans & amulets, which are made by specialists for the customer & which perform specific functions.

The second type is mental defenses. This includes psychological techniques, NLP techniques. These techniques protect the psyche from mental & psychological attacks, as well as from attempts to manipulate consciousness. Also - the use of visualization methods for setting defenses. This is the mental installation of mirrors, walls & other types of protective barriers around oneself. These techniques protect one's energy from energy attacks.

The third type is energy protection. This is the installation of energy blocks & shields, energy cocoons, the creation of energy doubles, the use of phantoms. It uses both the personal energy of a person & the energy of the surrounding space.

Protection methods can be divided as follows:

Active protection. In this case, the protective structures of a person repel an energy attack & return destructive energy to the aggressor. Also, such defenses may have the peculiarity of delivering preemptive strikes - a person thought badly about another, only had time to wish bad & he himself already felt bad. The defense worked according to the algorithm: detection of the threat of attack - concentration of energy - inflicting a counter preemptive strike.

Passive protection. This type of protection can absorb negative energy, which will be absorbed & concentrated in protective talismans. Maybe you noticed that silver jewelry darkens? Silver is an active metal that is often used in the creation of magical defenses. It can randomly collect negativity from a person.

Removal protection. This type of protection allows you to divert attack energy to the so-called traps or energy phantoms. Or deflect the attack on animals, elements or other objects.

There is a type of people who can do without artificially established protections. Their type of energy, either from birth or due to long-term practices, is built in such a way that the negative energy that comes to them is absorbed & transformed into pure creative energy & benefits them.
