The queen of flowers, the Rose, is considered the flower of Venus, the goddess of love & beauty. 
The sweet smell & soft petals of Rose attract fairies to your garden & are said to grow best when stolen. 

This delicate flower harmonizes the flow of energy in your home, brings love, happiness & only positive emotions. If you grow a Rose on the window, residents will become less aggressive, irritable or lazy. The flower helps women to become more independent, purposeful & enterprising.
Rose petals sprinkled around the house calm personal stress & household upheavals.

Roses are also used for protection. Rose thorns are usually associated with the need to protect a beautiful & fragile flower from anyone who wants to pluck it, they indicate obstacles that invariably stand in the way of true love.
Lush bushes in the backyard will protect you from envy, damage & the evil eye, as well as otherworldly entities, as thorns perfectly reflect negative energy. 
Rosewater is a protective agent worn on clothes.
Rose petals can be added to charms against the evil eye, also added to fast-luck mixtures & when carried, act as personal protectants.
A Rose planted in the courtyard of a private house fills the surrounding space with vibrations of harmony & peace. A Rose planted in front of the entrance will clear the space, fill it with vibrations of peace & purity. 
For personal protection from negative effects, carry the root of a Rose with you.
The aura of only a living flower is positive, not a dead one, that is, a Rose growing in a pot, for example, installed on the windowsill in the couple's bedroom. 

The bud in the pouch  can be carried as a talisman to enhance magical abilities & develop the gift of clairvoyance. 
A tea of Rosebuds drunk before sleep induces prophetic dreams.

Rose petals & hips are also used in healing spells & mixtures.
Balancing female energy finding femininity, solving problems with conception & pregnancy.

Roses are strongly associated with love & femininity, representing female beauty, fertility & love affairs.
Use the magical properties of the Rose to create harmony in the family, conduct love & protective rituals. With the help of fresh buds, you can perform a rejuvenation rite. A female fragrant plant, which is patronized by the goddess of love, will not harm the owner or the home, but only strengthen positive energy.
Roses are often used in love magic to charm a particular man or attract love.
Rose water distilled from the petals  can be added to love baths.
To become more attractive in the eyes of men, a girl is recommended to put a Rose root or petals in a bag made of natural fabric & carry them with her. 

In Roman mythology, Roses can represent pain, suffering & death.
These less romantic representations reappear in European & Near Eastern folklore as a result of Rome’s expanding empire & influence over its populace.
Throughout ancient Christendom, the Red Rose is often used to symbolize the blood & agony of the crucifixion of Jesus; the five petals, representing his five wounds.
In England, the rosarian prunes Red Roses carefully; for if the petals fall from a Red Rose as it is being cut, bad luck will follow.
In Italy, fully open Roses are not given as a gift because death will befall a relative of the recipient.
The early Greeks linked the Rose to love, beauty, purity & passion.
In Greece, divination by observing the leaves & petals of Roses (phyllorhodomancy) was a popular method of foretelling future events.
A Rose petal with a concave form would first be selected, a yes-or-no question asked & then a state of meditation entered into. Afterwards, the diviner would place the Rose petal in the palm of his or her right hand & then firmly clap both hands together one time.
If the petal burst, this indicated an affirmative answer.
But if it failed to burst, this was interpreted as a negative reply.
Forecasting the future or gaining answers to questions by interpreting the various sounds produced by the Rose petal during the clapping of one’s hands is but one of the many variations of phyllorhodomancy.

Roses are of special importance on Midsummer's Eve. It is said that any rose picked on Midsummer's Eve, or Midsummer's Day will keep fresh until Christmas.
At midnight on Midsummer's Eve, young girls should scatter Rose petals before them & say:
Rose leaves, Rose leaves,
Rose leaves I strew.
He that will love me
Come after me now.
Then the next day, Midsummer's Day, their true love will visit them.

The Color of Roses Matters: 

The White Rose marks important events in a person's life & symbolizes unconditional love, purity & innocence, worn at weddings will bring happiness & security to the couple.
White Rose protects a person from the evil eye, curses, negativity, helps to recover faster after emotional shocks & illnesses.
To make protective amulets or healing amulets, it is better to use a White Rose. 

Red Rose means love, fertility, passion, sexual relations.
Red Rose, bright pink & red in color, are a long-standing tool in love magic. So, for example, carrying a Rose root or petals sewn into a miniature bag helps to gain the magical power of charm & attract love into your life.
A few drops of Rose tincture, added to red wine, stimulate the feelings of love. Before that, any love spell is read on the tincture of Roses, since the plant itself is considered a classic symbol of love.

Pink flowers symbolize tenderness, friendship, joy, fun, appreciation.

Yellow Roses are associated with inspiration, also infidelity & separation, treachery.

Orange Rose stands for enthusiasm, passion & love of life.

Black Rose petals are suitable for establishing contact with the other world.
A completely Black Rose has not yet been bred, but there are varieties with a very rich dark red color. 
The dark shade of a Rose plays not only an aesthetic role, but also carries a magical semantic load. If the Red Rose means love, then the Black Rose symbolizes the subtle world of the astral plane, sadness & sometimes death.
Burning dark Rose petals in the bedroom before going to bed is a ritual for evoking prophetic dreams.
Black Rose petals are used as a magical lining. We are talking about throwing Black Rose petals under the door or into the clothes of an enemy, in order to bring sadness, failures in love, etc.

Rose hips can be strung & worn as love attracting beads, useful in calling good spirits & bringing good luck.
