The watches, accompanying us through life, are silent witnesses of our joys & sorrows. Be it a wall clock, an alarm clock, your mobile phone, wrist watch or pocket watch, it measures the time, reminding us of our finiteness.
Clock is a magical object.
Often, problems that arise with the clock are a kind of sign from the Universe. It may indicate that a person urgently needs to solve long-delayed issues or analyze events that have occurred in the recent past.
When the hands point to the same numbers on the dial or the same numbers are displayed on the electronic clock, for example, 21:21, then at this moment you should quickly make a wish. Also it promises success in business, interesting events in life & pleasant gifts.
The watch found on the street should be taken as a favorable sign from fate. Good luck, pleasant changes & joyful events are waiting ahead. However, it is not recommended to take the watch home though, as it carries the energy of the previous owner.
Watch is an excellent talisman. Especially those that are passed down in the family from generation to generation are the protective amulets of the entire family. They accumulate a special vital energy, helping to establish contact with ancestors & give protection. Every year this item absorbs energy – & every year it becomes stronger & stronger. These magical watches can ward off negativity, curses & evil eyes.
It is commonly believed that a broken watch shows dead time, it is a symbol of troubles & failures, especially the watches that are made by hand. You should try to repair the broken watch, if it cannot be repaired, then it is necessary to remove the mechanism from the case, wrap it in a purple cloth & store it in a dark box. Purple is considered a shade of the Dark Moon, which absorbs negative energy.
You cannot give a watch or clock for a birthday to friends & relatives, the separation may follow. If you present a watch or clock to a person on their birthday, it will take their life away by the second. The clock presented to the newlyweds on their wedding day will sow discord in their relationship, which can lead to divorce & the clock has already started counting down. If you really want to give a watch to a loved one, you need to take a payment from the person to whom the gift is intended – a coin - in return to neutralize the negative energy. In this case, the watch will not be considered a gift, but an exchange.
Any watch received as a gift is potentially a very bad sign. You can lose vitality, health, beauty & youth. In no case should you accept a watch as a gift from strangers or suspicious people.
If suddenly the wall clock falls - funerals, tears & misery. Someone from close relatives will get seriously ill or there will be a fire in the house, the pipes will burst.
If the strap on your wristwatch is frayed, it means that you are making the wrong decisions & following the wrong path in life. You need to quickly review your priorities & change your goals, otherwise you will face unsolvable problems.
When the watch suddenly flew off your hand of it's own accord, it means that you are wasting time. You are too focused on some small matters & worries, not noticing the impending unpleasant changes.
The hands on the clock start to rotate in the opposite direction suggests that something unpleasant from the past will return to life. These can be repeated terrible events or people who once seriously harmed you.
If watch has a broken glass, it portends a serious illness or even death to the owner. The cracked glass at the wall clock warns that a "black streak" will soon begin, there will be conflicts & scandals in the family.
A wristwatch broken for no reason is a sign of obstacles that arise on the way will be impossible to overcome. Any initiatives will lead to collapse & losses.
It is very bad if a person accidentally lost his watch. This suggests that life will stagnate, there is a risk of getting bogged down in problems & stopping in development. The long-awaited changes will not come.
If the clock starts to lag or constantly run forward, you need to reconsider the rhythm of life to avoid problems. Haste in actions will lead to mistakes & exhaustion. Procrastination will lead to misfortunes & difficult questions.
In addition to the signs, it is also important on which hand you put them on. The right side in magic is the future events & the left side is the past.
Psychics & magicians do not wear watches, because they cannot withstand the barrage of energy of their owners. However, psychics & magicians themselves are well versed in the magic of watches.
Clockwork mechanism can be used by sorcerers & witches to "steal" energy from another person & the time allowed to him in this world.
Whether you should believe in signs & superstitions of the clock, we can't be sure. Some believe that we should look at the world more simply, without attaching much importance to signs & superstitions. Others believe that having rejected superstitions, a person neglects the wisdom of his ancestors. Gives you something to think about while the clock is ticking.
