Aura or biofield is an energy field around a person, which includes all his subtle bodies. It can reach 5- 10 meters in diameter, more or less, it differs from person to person. In a healthy person, the aura looks like an ellipse.
All living things, animals, plants, etc. & even non-living objects have an aura.
Aura or biofield is our protective field, a natural protection from external influences. When it is violated, a person gets sick & has lots of physical or psychological problems.
The influences of the environment like toxins, radiation, electromagnetic fields, being in geo pathogenic zones, the regular use of alcohol, drugs, strong medicine, as well as under the influence of anesthesia, some entity attacks that person comes in contact accidentally or trying to contact them without good knowledge & preparation, can cause the holes, breakdowns & blocks in the energy field.
Constant negative emotions: resentment, hatred, anger, etc., strong emotional shock, or after working with or being around lot of people can cause the weak leaky aura.
When communicating with people, we don’t only interact with them on the physical plane, but also at the same time, energetically. Knowing that the aura recedes beyond the body by up to 5 meters, you can imagine how closely we interact energetically, literally penetrating auras into each other & this is not without consequences. So, a person with a not very strong aura, energetically interacting with people with low-frequency biofields, can get a deterioration in the state of their aura or fall under their negative influence.
An attack on the biofield can be any strong release of negatively charged emotional energy. The breakdown in the aura can be created by any person with strong energy, your relative, a neighbor, some random person in the bus or a work colleague.
The most dangerous attack of this kind is when your aura takes on a strong stream of negativity from a mentally deranged, crazy person. There may not even be screams & insults, just hatred & the release of a portion of it's energy.
Signs of breakdown of aura or biofield.
Loss of strength, general malaise, sometimes slight chills, unwillingness to live, unreasonable fear & sometimes panic attacks, constant feeling of incomprehensible weakness, as if there is no strength left, a sharp suppression of the will.
Unexpected difficulties & troubles in communicating with people, people around you start to show negativity in the attitudes towards you. If you have all at once & especially when there is a unreasonable sense of fear, then most likely it is a breakdown of the aura or, an evil eye.
Most often, for a relatively healthy person, it passes by itself in a couple of days. The aura is restored if you or others do not aggravate the situation. If nothing has passed in a week & chronic bad luck & unwillingness to live are also added, then perhaps this is not just an evil eye, but a proper damage.
Restoring the aura.
Stand up, bend your legs slightly, calm your breathing. Smile. Give yourself the installation that you will now restore your energy field & health.
Turn off the thoughts.
Stretch your relaxed arms forward, then to the sides, then up, try to feel the edges, the shell of your energy field. Most likely, you will be able to feel it the first time. Imagine it as a kind of package of light. Shaped like a butterfly cocoon.
Try to spin the cocoon around it's axis without moving the body. Just imagine it. At first it will seem that nothing is happening. Don't think about it. Just do it. Inhale - half a turn of the cocoon, exhale - the second half-turn. Make 10 turns counterclockwise & 10 clockwise.
Walk around the room, try not to think about anything. Repeat the previous, but now imagine that the cocoon has holes & the shell itself has become sticky like honey. When turning around the body, the holes getting covered with this adhesive shell & tighten the gaps. Make 10 turns counterclockwise & 10 clockwise.
Now you don't have any holes, everything is overgrown & glued. You have a whole & elastic aura that has the right shape & is able to repel any attacks. Save this image in your mind…
After some time of practice, the restoration of the aura will take only a few minutes. The main keys of this practice are visualization, turning off thoughts & your intention.
You can also restore aura with help of the elements.
With the intention of purifying yourself, you can use the energy of Fire, like candles.
You can restore the biofield using Water in open sources in nature, reservoirs, rivers, lakes, seas, healing springs. Formulate an intention to purify yourself & ask for Water to wash away all negative energies.
Restoring the aura with the help of Air energy will also be effective if you climb to the top of a hill or mountain, even a small elevation, feel the movements of the Air, gusts of wind & let go with them your mental & physical suffering.
You can also use the incense smoke & herbs for smudging your home, yourself & family.
Restoration of the aura with the help of the forces of the Earth is usually carried out in nature. You just need to lie down on the ground & ask her to take away all the negative energies from you, then mentally imagine how heavy, destructive energy separates from your biofield & falls into the center of the Earth, into the magma & is burned there without harming anybody. Feel how the Earth fills you with her warm energy, her power. When you are full, thank Mother Earth for helping you.
We are not aware enough that we are all capable of restoring our beautiful auras, we are just amazing like that.
