Wolf teaches you to listen to your inner voice. He will always protect you. Sometimes strictly, sometimes affectionately, but always with love. Wolf helps you to breathe new life into everyday rituals & if you practice discipline & maintain harmony, you will know the true spirit of freedom.
Wolf is a true team player but he can also be an incorrigible loner & his loneliness will give him strength & not depress him.
Wolf is a precursor of new ideas, looking for a path. Someone who returns to the clan to teach & give help. These qualities make a Wolf very similar to us.
Wolf spirit guide is suitable for reasonable introverts, brings a sense of balance, protection, a certain detachment & relieves fear. Communication with Wolf sharpens intuition & makes contact with yourself more dense, you begin to live more consciously.
Wolves represent protection & loyalty, strong intelligence, a desire for freedom, family & friendship & are a warning sign of threats or distrust of others or ourselves.
The Wolf's senses are very sharp & Moon is an ally of the force. Moon is a symbol of psychic energy, which contains the secrets of knowledge & wisdom. Lunar phases can be indicators of a Wolf's desire to connect with new ideas that are only in the subconscious.
Wolf can show you who & what in your life oppresses you, makes you vulnerable or causes you harm. In difficult moments of your life, ask Wolf to manifest so that it can protect you energetically & lead the wrong people out of your way.
Wolf spirit guide offers to its owner physical endurance & fearlessness, an unrestrained will to win.
Wolf is a patient animal, but you should not intentionally test its patience, it is not a Dog.
Wolves rarely show their superiority in combat, usually just a look, a growl & a pose are enough. Wolf teaches you to develop confident strength & calmness, which without excess blood can demonstrate a dominant position.
There is a clear hierarchy in the pack. During rest periods, democracy reigns in the pack, however, during long marches or hunting, everyone unquestioningly submits to the leader.
The pack is controlled by a dominant male & female, who create a pair for life. They are wonderfully caring parents. If the parents are killed, other females of the pack take on the role of nannies. Wolves teach us to respect family ties & love children.
Among the Romans, Mars, the god of war & Greek's cult of Ares were associated with Wolf. Also in the military traditions of other nations, images of the Wolf pack are used, as the cohesion, courage & power of a combat team.
Two Wolves accompany the god Odin, sitting at his feet. Geri & Freki are the companions & guides of their divine master. At the end of the road on the border of Valhalla, Odin was predicted to meet another Wolf. It was the most terrifying & powerful – Fenrir, symbolizing chaos & destruction.
Wolf represents a brave & valiant warrior in Celtic symbolism & mythology. One Celtic myth in particular concerns a high king of Ireland named Cormac mac Airth, who was raised by a she-wolf. In other myths, people turned into Wolves & then turned back into humans.
When a Wolf appears in dreams or meditative practices, or in any other way draws your attention to itself, know that he reminds you that there is a Wild Power in you. The Wolf comes to teach you about your inner self, to help you discover your own hidden potential & stamina. He is someone who understands the order of things. He lets you know that it's time to take control of your life & do it in harmony & discipline.
The primitive, heart- piercing howl of a Wolf is heard when a Wolf is looking for its own, or when it lets Wolves who are not in the pack know the boundaries of its territory. If you hear a Wolf howling, it may tell you to stand your ground, defend your borders, or it's time to find like-minded people. The fact that Wolf appears in your life is also a call to use your instincts & intuition to deal with the recent difficulties that you have experienced in your life.
Seeing a Wolf in a dream is often a warning to act cautiously & be careful with the world around you.
The more you learn about your spirit guide, the more you think about his possible impact on your life, the easier it will be to access his associated energies.
When you see a lone Wolf in a dream it is a symbol of freedom.
To see a Wolf in a pack is a symbol of community.
Meeting the Wolf as a totem animal means that it is time to find a new path & breathe fresh breath into everyday rituals. Only a combination of discipline, reasonable calm & balance allows you to experience true freedom, which is the main lesson of the Wolf Spirit!
