The Earth element manifests itself as the material world around us. These are houses, ravines, mountains, plains, fields, caves, animals, trees, grasses, people.

In people's daily lives, these are money, business, work, everyday chores, old age, sweet food & clothing.

The main properties are firmness & the ability to keep a promise, information, money etc.

In the physical body, the Earth element is muscle, bone & tissue. On the physical plane, the element of Earth can be felt through the taste buds. The so-called "taste of life".

Earth energy controls thoughts, provides clarity of mind. This is the kind of energy that allows you to soberly assess the current situation in life, make adjustments, transform it & get results.

Earth is salt. It is used to store food & maintain our earthly strength.

Earth elementals are dwarves, trolls, dryads, banshees, pygmies, gnomes, fairies, leprechauns, elves.

There is something about connecting to the Earth that provides comfort. Go ahead & spend some time communicating with nature. Take a walk through the forest & feel how colors change around you, let the leaves & grass soothe you & wipe away the low vibrations. Earth has its own gravitational pull & natural frequency. When you connect with the Earth, it can act as a magnet & draw negative energy out of your aura, acting as a grounding rod, but instead of absorbing the energy from a lightning strike, it absorbs those bad vibrations that are hovering in your aura.

Earth Meditation
Sit or lie down on the floor. Feel like a stone belonging to the Earth. Direct your attention to the body, it is solid, motionless. Breathe slowly & calmly. Pay attention to the hard objects around you. Solid floor, solid tree trunks, house foundation, boulders in the flower bed. This is the Land around you. Feel connected to her. Imagine that your feet are the roots of a tree that reach deep into the Earth, filling you with strength & wisdom. Stay in this state.
