Since ancient times, there have been many evidences of mysterious phenomena associated with mirrors. Mirrors are characterized by the ability to remember everything that has been reflected in them throughout the entire time of their existence. The information stored in the memory of the mirror can have a certain effect on the one who looks into it.
Mirror can memorize events, introduce a person into an altered state of consciousness & helps to see images of the subtle world.
A mirror can also turn into the open portal & let in the spirits.
When somebody dies, mirrors should be covered in that space. Through the open window in the mirror the deceased spirit can drag someone into another world or become restless. While the dead is in the house & the window from the other world is unlocked, astral beings, including other people's restless spirits, can enter & this can cause mental illness of family members. The spirit of the deceased, instead of going to another world, can also enter the mirror & get trapped. If such a mirror is purchased, it can bring lots of troubles on the whole family.
Such mirrors are very cold to the touch & candles go out in front of them. They must be broken (in the cloth, not looking at the broken pieces & bury it all) & thus free the spirits in them.
A child up to age 3 should not look into the mirror.
Mirrors should not look over the sleepers: you will lose energy & strength.
Do not take an old mirror with a rich background into the house. If you did by any chance, then you will know all about it in your dreams. After bringing an old mirror home, you start to see suddenly intrusive & unfamiliar dreams regularly, unusual desires, unexplained fears, etc. will arise.
When you are sick, upset or overworked, don't look in the mirror.
In no case say negative things about yourself in front of the mirror, it will remember everything & start the negative program. Before you leave the mirror, wish yourself success. The positive program reinforced & returned by the mirror will help to relieve stress, cheer up & set you up for good luck.
