Every cell & organ of our body has its own frequency.
Our thoughts & emotions are nothing but the subtlest form of energy that we generate into the surrounding space. Love, hatred, envy, gratitude are all certain vibrations with certain unique wave characteristics & like any other energy, thought allows us to constructively cooperate with the world around us.
We communicate with Universe through the vibration of words, emotions & thoughts when we make choices & perform certain actions. Universe responds to us with events in our lives. Events are her language, so it is very important to perceive & understand the signs that she sends us. The most obvious manifestation of this are of course, synchronicities. For the first time, the concept of synchronicity between people & events was introduced by Carl Jung. He was the first to describe synchronicity as "the simultaneous occurrence of two events having a meaningful, but not causal relationship." The nature of these significant coincidences can only be explained by the energetic unity & interconnectedness of everything that exists. Through such phenomena, Universe sends us confirmations that she hears us.

The vibrations that fill the Universe are called strings of energy, vibrating an infinite number of images. This energy is constantly passing through us & moving around us. In addition, we ourselves, like a radio station, constantly transmit energy signals about ourselves to the surrounding space. Whether we realize it or not, each of us participates in the continuous energy exchange of the Universe.
From the point of view of physiology, we can say that man works on energy. Our individual energy field; consisting of physical energy (body vibration), emotional energy (vibration of feelings) & cognitive energy (vibration of thoughts); is like a passport that present us to the outside world. You know the moments when a complete stranger appeared & you felt either inexplicable sympathy for him or a sharp rejection. At this moment, you were presented with his/her energy passport.

It is so important to have pure thoughts & positive emotions… Be aware that the vibration of our thoughts is energy that enters the information field around us & we can change any energy only by sending new information. All human bodies are a source & receiver of an electromagnetic field. Every thought is an impulse of energy & according to the law of resonance, similar energies attract. Meeting with the vibrations of other people's thoughts in the energy field of the Earth, our thoughts resonate with vibrations of this kind & are amplified. When we focus on something for a long time, voluntarily or involuntarily, then according to universal laws it is attracted into our life. The Universe adjusts in relation to us. When people, events, information, opportunities, situations, ideas & the like begin to get involved in our life, gradually manifesting in reality what we were focused on – this is when the transition happens. This is the Universe unfolding for us. That's when we say: " God himself sent you to me!". This is how our life's reality is created. Understanding this allows us to choose almost any connections of our thoughts with the energy field, coincidences no longer surprise us, we can even anticipate them & create them at will.

Universe is alive, thinking, conscious & we are part of it.
When your thoughts turn into the realities of your life & you find confirmation of both, your doubts & your hopes, then you will realize it is up to you what you create.
