In our world there can be many entities that can exist together with us in the same place. These entities can interact & influence us. Similarly, we can influence them.
Sometimes they are generated by ourselves, sometimes by certain forces. Since our world is made up of vibrations, these entities are nothing more than a bundle of a certain density of space & vibration. Parasites that have materialized from human energies do not have hierarchies or any rules of their community.
Not all entities are parasitic or dangerous to humans, but even the best inhabitants of the Otherworld can begin to teach those, who ignorantly tried to invade their space or their territory, a lesson.
As a rule, entities formed by negative emotions & thoughts have great power & therefore, exist independently for a long time after their formation. Among other things, according to the law of the subtle world, like attracts like, so such an entity will be attracted to people who emit negative emotions & will be fed from them, thereby prolonging it's existence & increasing it's strength. This is how the evil eye works. A person sends a curse to someone's address, thereby creating a negative entity & if another person somehow reacted to this, for example by fear, then this entity sticks to him & begins to feed on his negative emotions & feelings. Entities of this kind are parasites. Once created, they feed on people's energy, reducing their energy supply. If such an entity is attached to a person & lives with him for a long time, then it sucks a large amount of energy out of the person, from which the person weakens, his immunity decreases & various pathogenic microbes & bacteria cling to him, as a result of which the person becomes ill.
Now imagine how many times in our lives we have swore at someone, how many times we have radiated aggression & all this has remained in this world in the form of entities. On TV there is not a single day that does not show cataclysms, destruction, war & murder. All these programs cause us fear & negative emotions & feed them to some entities. Not even starting on computer games, social media, casinos etc. 
All astral beings belong to the sub-populated entities like entities from other parallels, alien entities, etc. They are not created by man himself, but came from outside. Person himself can attract such entities with his negative thoughts & emotions. If he has gaps in the aura then with a surge of negative emotions, the entity is attracted to him by the law of attraction & enters the person's field through the gaps, settles in it & leads a very satisfying life, feeding on the energy of a person, affecting his psyche & aggravating negative traits, as well as undermining his health.
A person may not be attracted to the entity in any way, but if he has a weak aura with gaps in it, then the entity can infiltrate & settle down to live. We need to work very seriously with our energy, purify, heal & strengthen it to avoid leaving any vulnerabilities.
Entities can also enter a person when they are particularly vulnerable, when experiencing shock or trauma, during various accidents & catastrophes, with heavy blood loss, during serious illnesses, when a person is very exhausted. They can also penetrate during operations under general anesthesia, during hypnosis sessions & in other states when the normal functioning of protective mechanisms is disrupted.
As a rule, all alcoholics, drug addicts & smokers have very strong & negative entities. A person can be treated for alcoholism & drug addiction as many times & with different methods as you want, but if you do not remove the entity, then this is, to put it mildly, useless. After treatment, he may hold back for a while, but the entities will not allow him to recover. The entities of smokers are not so strong, but they do not allow people to quit smoking.
Entities in a person feed on their life force, which can affect their health, their relationships, their success in life, etc. The essence feeds on their energy & the person does not have enough vital energy to live, work, he has a weak aura, there are breakdowns & blocks in the chakras & channels. The impact on emotions jeopardizes his relationships with others.
Entities don't always show up so clearly. However, if a person has moments when he feels that it is difficult for him to control himself — either during some emotional outbursts, or during depressive states- this could be a sign of the presence of entity.
The lower the energy frequency of an entity, the more problems it creates, often makes a person aggressive. The entity controls a person who doesn't even know that he has no will of his own.
Entities can manifest themselves in various inappropriate emotional states, such as depression, uncontrolled emotional outbursts, etc. Pathological greed, cruelty, suspicion, hypertrophied ego — all these are signs of the presence of entities. Entities seek to strengthen in a person the qualities to which they are attracted. From the influence of entities, there may be causeless fainting spells, strange pains, etc.
Entities can make themselves felt by pressure in the chakras, unpleasant sensations in various areas of the body, in organs, etc.
The signs that you have a being from the Otherworld around you or settled in your home are when you feel that there just is something, you start to see things out of the corner of your eye, air movements, glitches, things falling, nightmares, you feel that someone is touching or watching you. Usually, guests from the Otherworld can smell in a certain way & it is the smells that most often mean that someone is near you.
The smell of burnt paper is most often linked to various kinds of demonic worlds. Remember that demons in general are not necessarily something negative, they do not curate Black Magic.
Usually the smell of sour milk accompanies various demons, which are sent by dark sorcerers to their victims.
The smell of sulfur most often appears from Entities of a dark kind, for example, when pointing a negativity at a person. Curses smell.
The smell of garbage. There can be a lot of guests from Otherworld. For example, vampire entities that you picked up from someone, malicious gnomes tied to the negativity of people can smell like garbage, necro entities & small inhabitants of cemeteries that stick to you smell like this . Small in terms of their rank. In general, the smell of garbage is the most intrusive & they bother a person quite tediously & for a long time.
The smell of sweets, very sickening sweet. Most often, the smell foreshadows the imminent death of someone from around, for example, a neighbor. That is, if this strange smell appears out of nowhere in your home, then you should worry, because that's how those who are tied to death smell. Also, this smell can come from a person who is no longer far from leaving our world.
The smell of rotting autumn foliage can, as well as the sweet smell, mean the presence of those who are bound to death. At the same time, this is the smell of necro entities that a person could pick up from a cemetery, this is the smell of undead entities, that is, if the deceased followed you. There are many subtleties, but one way or another, this smell is most often directed specifically at the worlds linked to the dead.
Entities linked to church magic & christianity smell of incense. They are very affectionate, the purpose of their visit to you can be very different, from you just visited the church at an unfortunate moment & she followed you, to they brought magic on you through the church.
The floral smells are wonderful Astral inhabitants who like to lure a person into their nets. Airy, so fragrant, in fact turn out to be very dark & muddy guys, who are happy to take Astral onlookers, lovers of meditation & digging in past incarnations & in general everyone who does not know how to handle Astral worlds. If you invade the Astral Plane, you can become a victim of any of its inhabitants & drag them with you to our World.
These are the most common smells. If you feel a strange smell out of nowhere, this is a reason to think that someone from the Otherworld has appeared near you. He may be a random guest, maybe he came to your house with someone, or maybe you picked up this entity yourself, or they brought unpleasant magic on you.
If the smell is present regularly, you should find its source in order to either escort such a creature out of your home, or remove the negative from yourself.
Those methods of protection against energy attacks, like wrap yourself in white light, do not help. This is not an obstacle for entities. A lot of methods have stopped working because the entities have adapted to them. It is very important that the aura is complete, so that there are no access points for connections. Achieving wholeness is serious work, it is done only by the person himself. It is also important not to attract entities with your negative emotions, because they feed on them. Do not enter into conflicts with people because then you can very quickly get an attack from the entities of these people.
Don't be afraid of or hate entities, it will only strengthen them. They should be treated calmly & neutrally. They are what they are & they must be accepted as such. It is just as natural for them to live on low-vibrational energies as it is for humans to live on animal meat & plants. They live in another dimension & there they are natural & useful for the whole, but in our world they create problems for people.
When a person gets rid of entities, his life changes dramatically. He becomes more positive & cheerful.
Try to always be in harmony, purify yourself & your home, increase your light & treat all people with love & acceptance. Entities based on the law of attraction can only attach themselves to the dark energy inside a person. When a person works on himself, transforms his consciousness, cleanses & strengthens his energy system, he becomes less vulnerable to any energy attacks.
