Four virtues necessary in the practice of magick, none of them is self-sufficient: each should be developed equally, in order to balance each other.
Knowing – Noscere. Know what you are doing. Strive for knowledge & apply the acquired knowledge. We must seek the truth, no matter how difficult the search or revelation may be. This rule is related to Air & intelligence.
Daring, have courage– Audere. Dare to practice the Craft. Be courageous. Question everything, even the truths that are dear to us. Water & emotions.
Willing– Velle. Focus. To will the power. You need to meditate on your goal, clearing your mind of anything that might distract you. Associated with Fire & change.
To be silent is Tacere. Be silent about your work. Know when not to talk about & share your knowledge. In silence listen to your inner voice. Related to the element of the Earth.
“To attain the Sanctum Regnum, in other words, the knowledge & power of the Magi, there are four indispensable conditions: an intelligence enlightened by study, a courage that nothing can shake, a will that cannot be broken & a discretion that nothing can corrupt or pollute.
Knowing, daring, willing, keeping silent are the four words of the Magus, inscribed on the four symbolic forms of the Sphinx.
To dare we must know; to want, we must dare; we must will to obtain the empire & to reign we must keep silence” Eliphas Levi
