Record Keeper crystals are incredibly powerful & have very unique energy.
Record Keepers can be identified by the appearance of raised or sunken triangles on the faces of the crystal. The direction of the triangle doesn’t mean anything in particular. It’s whether the triangle is raised on the face of the crystal or whether it is sunken into it is important. If you have very clear triangles that are raised up on the surface of your crystal or sunken into it, then these do indeed represent past & future information.
The triangles on the Record Keepers can be used to access information that’s been stored within the crystal & you can access this through meditation or simply by making it your intention to consciously access the information that may be stored in the crystal. These crystals are often used to access the knowledge & wisdom of ancient civilizations & peoples, our ancestors.
Record Keeper stimulates ones latent healing potential, enhances personal vibrational essence, promotes personal peace, love & understanding. These crystals activate dormant intuitive abilities & enhance ones psychic skills. In particular, these crystals can help you to develop clairvoyance & clairaudience. For this reason, Record Keeper crystals can be successfully used in meditation in order to connect & communicate with your personal spirit guides.
These crystals are highly programmable & you can actually store your own information within the stone.
Working with Record Keepers is best done by meditating with them, to connect with their energy. They are excellent when used during Shamanic journeying or Astral Travel to heal & clear negative energy from your ancestral line. Record Keeper crystals can also be useful when placed over a chakra containing a blockage, because they can help you to discover the reason for the blocked or stagnant energy, facilitating release & deep healing.
Record Keepers triangles are normally found on only a few of the crystal faces & they show the direction of the fluid flow as the geologic event that formed them was occurring. Although most commonly found in minerals like Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, the Record Keepers are also sometimes present on Ruby & Sapphire.
