Our body constantly emits & absorbs the energy fields with which it interacts. In metaphysics, it is called aura. Our body is an amazing mechanism. It produces sounds & light & electric-, magnetic-, electromagnetic- & thermal energy. It is also able to receive & respond to all these types of energy. Such interactions are controlled by our subconscious mind. If you have experienced an inexplicable tension in an unfamiliar place or with some people & it immediately became easy after you left, most likely you experienced an energy exchange.

When we touch things, we leave our own personal energy imprint on them.

Psychometry is the ability to receive information from objects, persons & places by touching, or being in a certain place. We can't accept it with the sense of touch alone, but that sense becomes a bridge between the normal sensory system & the more intuitive one. By reading the energy we can feel emotions, sounds, smells, tastes & see images that are part of the history of that object & its previous owner or place.
There are two main types of prints left on objects & places. We can see what happened to a certain person or it is a combined or group print, everyone who has touched an object or who has passed through a particular place or lived in that place. This type of print makes it very difficult to read antique items — there are so many different images that makes it very confusing.
There is often an emotional element to what we feel or do. In most cases, physical & / or intuitive impressions become much stronger when they are accompanied by an emotional impulse. A personal item or place is charged with the emotions of its owner or the emotions of the event that happened at that place. Emotions magnetize, fill a thing or place. The intensity of emotions surrounding an object or place largely determines how strong the information coming from them will be.
Metal objects tend to hold a larger amount of energy compared to other objects.
Items that were used more frequently also contain more energy due to the extra prints they accumulated.

Every person has the makings for psychometry, but not all of them are active.
