The nature of the Universe consists of planes & sub-planes in them, various levels & sublevels, all kinds of spheres of being. The Universe is a single field of thought energy. All energies are interpenetrable & interact with each other.
The largest in the Universe is like the smallest & vice versa. Everything in the world is one single whole & obeys the laws of the Universe. Energy is the building material of our Being, whose concentration leads to the materialization of this energy into a form.
Man & everything around him is pure energy. We are an integral part of the energy field, a single whole. There is an exchange between energies, nothing can appear by chance, or disappear. Everything in the world has its price, before you get it, you must give it away, because this is a single integral process of energy transformation. Matter is perceived by the senses as solid objects unrelated to each other. At a more subtle level, matter decomposes into small particles & ultimately, it turns out to be all energy in its pure form.
Energy differs from each other in quality, density & speed of manifestation & onsists of elements; - air, fire, earth, water. The elements, in turn, consist of wind, heat, humidity, dryness, cold.
Each energy entity has a different oscillation rate. As a result, there are different qualities, in density & shape, in time & space, but we still interact & influence each other. The laws of the Universe are the same for everyone.
Energy is also one, but with different poles: male-female, cold-heat, wind-humidity, heat-dryness, negativity & positivity, darkness & light, top-bottom, inner-outer, left-right, hollow-dense, etc. A person exists simultaneously in 3 states- solid, gaseous & etheric.
Energy attracts energy of the same quality. This is how objects, life situations, unions, families, collectives, states, nations are formed. Thoughts & feelings attract similar energy.
Our strength is in the present moment because right now, we can control the energy, create & manage it. Our thoughts, emotions, actions in the present moment, paint a picture of tomorrow & the past reality does not disappear, it becomes the past, which makes up our experience.
