Spring Equinox 2024 in Northern Hemisphere will be on Tuesday/ Wednesday, 19.-20 March 2024 (March 19, 23:06 EDT, 20. March 03:06 GMT Ireland, UK). The equinox is an unique phenomena of nature. This is the period when the Sun crosses the equator in its apparent movement along the ecliptic. It moves from one hemisphere to the other & these days in all countries the day is almost equal to the night.
Ostara marks the Spring Equinox in Celtic tradition & is a festival adopted from the ancient germans into the Celtic Wheel of the Year. The goddess Eostre or Ostara was considered to be the patroness of all plants, seeds & growth & symbolized land & fertility. To get a rich harvest, it was necessary to appease this goddess Ostara who gave fertility, but only related to the Earth. Spring Equinox marked the arrival of Spring & a new harvest year. It was from this day that our ancestors began preparing for work on the land. It was believed that the regeneration, revival & rebirth of nature would begin from this day: the first Spring thunderstorm, the swelling of the buds on trees & flowers, the sharp emergence of greenery, strength & fertility awaken. The Spring Equinox represents the return of light & life, the birth of baby birds & animals.
With Ostara, when the primordial waters awaken, we will awaken the element Water in ourselves, revealing the astral body in its maximum volume of power & frequency.
The astronomical context makes this day very magical.
Spring Equinox is a time of renewal, both in nature & at home.
Now it's a good time to clean up around the house to remove the negative or old energies that have been accumulated over the winter months. Free up your space to fill it with the incoming light from the Sun. Discard, not hide, fold or scatter in the corners, all the unnecessary, old, broken, useless things.
Decorate your home with budding twigs, sprouting bulbs & Willow catkins, Spring flowers like Daffodils, Violets, Iris.
Plant seeds or start your herb garden.
Take a long walk in nature with no intent other than reflecting on the magic of nature & our Great Mother Earth & her bounty. Try to get as close to nature as possible, merge with it, enjoying the beauty of the forests & the songs of birds. During the Ostara holiday nature is especially healing. All those who can't go to the nature should bring home some Spring blooms like Primroses or Willow branches to increase the vital energy & strength of the weakened body.
To celebrate with crystals, you can use amethyst, azurite, aquamarine, clear quartz, citrine, rhodochrosite, tiger's eye, chrysocolla, carnelian. lapis lazuli, serpentine, moonstone or rose quartz. These crystals correspond with healing, peace, strength, health, love & happiness, growth & renewal.
One of the symbols of the Ostara holiday is a Dove. This bird has a calm & harmonious energy. If you find her feather during this holiday, it will symbolize the upcoming good luck.
Ostara colors are white, green, yellow, golden.
Any dairy food is an Ostara food.
Goat cheese in particular have a very close connection with Ostara.
Leafy green vegetables, seeds such as Pumpkin, Sunflower & Pine. Edible flowers & sprouts.
Drink Dandelion, Nettle & Burdock teas & cordials at this time as these herbs help to cleanse the blood & are a good tonic for the body after its winter hardships.
