Dog is one of the sacred animals in the mythologies of many peoples, from the Aztecs to the early Christians, his role as a spiritual mentor is mentioned in the ancient Egyptians, Greeks & Eastern religions.
In mythology, Dog was often associated with the gods of the underworld: the Egyptian Anubis, the Hindu Yama, the Greek Hades & Hecate, etc. In the afterlife, Dog played either the role of a guide for the dead, or guarded the gates of hell.
Dog is the closest animal to people & represents only good qualities, such as loyalty, vigilance, affection & sincerity. Brave & determined warrior, symbolizing strength, courage & active attention. But also while Dog is fiercely loyal & protective of those he loves, this trait can also lead to jealousy & possessiveness.
Dog is the domesticated Wolf. How Wolf greets the Moon, he begins to serenade her. It's not just a howl, it's a song to the Moon, a blessing. Howling is distinctive call of Wolf, but is also used by Dog, sometimes they even howl together. These animals perfectly sense the Mother Earth & spirits, know our feelings & have a remarkably developed telepathy. Dogs sense the presence of astral entities.
Dog's aura interacts strongly with the human energy field. This contributes not only to the removal of negativity, but also to the circulation of positive energy from Dog to the owner. This is especially important for children who need energy & protection during a period of rapid growth. Under the protection of Dog, the child will develop beautifully, both physically & spiritually.
Dog is a powerful accumulator of an energy charge & will accumulate & increase both bad & good emotions of a person & will serve any owner, both good & evil. He's aura is so strong that it can neutralize any kind of negativity.
Dogs appearing in our lives can be carriers of divine messages, can represent spirit guides, or establish a connection between our world & other dimensions. They help to solve the mysteries in our life, move to a higher level of knowledge & understanding of things, or overcome certain existential difficulties. Dogs offer a pure & unconditional love, showing us that we are not alone, that we are protected from danger.
Dogs in our dreams symbolize other people in our lives.
Call for a Dog when you need comfort, protection, justice or domestic harmony, when you are looking for a lifelong partner or when you feel threatened by someone or some situation that poses a danger to you. When you need to get in touch with your instincts.

Art by Irina Drobna
