In life there are problems, everything happens.
In difficult situations it may seem to us that it is impossible to change anything & there is no strength to carry on. The problem is not that there is no way out or we don't see it. The problem is that we may not have enough energy to deal with it. So, in order to get out of the impasse, we should not only try to find some special solution but also look for energy sources.
Such sources can be either a new productive relationship, a new inspiring love, starting new studies, taking up art projects, or an inspiring journey to a place where you have long wanted to go - some kind of victory, realization, achievement. It is necessary to realize uplifting desires, accumulated energy of victories, then we will be able to knock the wall that seemed to be an unshakable barrier, down.
Rituals can & should also be done if we have a strong desire & motivation to improve the situation. We can perform a ritual with the programmed candle to open the possibilities & launch our wish into Universe, creating the circumstances that are necessary to achieve the goal.
So how to mind the energy in our Etheric Body?
Chinese medicine distinguishes between the inherited & acquired energy.
Inherited energy is stored in the kidneys, the activity of a person & his longevity depend on its level. It is consumed in the process of life & is usually not restored.
The acquired energy is replenished by external sources of energy, such as food, Air, Earth, Sun, etc.
The higher the level of internal energy, the more opportunities a person is able to reveal in himself, the brighter & more fulfilling is his life & stronger is the health.
The immediate cause of most chronic diseases is low energy levels. Moreover, modern methods of treatments: synthetic drugs, medical devices, etc., further reduce this level.
Most causes of uncontrolled energy consumption are improper nutrition, poor-quality, processed & fast food.
Slagging of the body, poor bowel function.
Polluted air & improper breathing.
Mental overload, anxiety, idle chatter.
Uncontrollable emotions like anger, fear, anguish, etc..
Habitual negative states, the habit of always being dissatisfied, domineering, cool, etc.
Bad habits.
Excessive or perverted sexual activity depletes innate life energy.
Drug or alcohol use.
Artificial stimulation of the senses with horror films, gambling, etc..
Excessive activity, fussiness dissipates energy & is itself a sign of low energy levels.
Separation from nature & lack of spirituality.
Lack of physical activity.

Energy Blocking. Disruption of the movement of energy gives the impression of low energy levels. It occurs in young people who have not yet had time to waste their innate energy. There is a feeling of tension, tightness, depression, with periodic uncontrollable emotional outbursts. 

Eating large amounts of meat, alcohol & spices leads to an excess of poor quality energy. The consequence of this is infections & acute painful conditions.

Replenishment of energy. The first thing to do is to eliminate unreasonable energy consumption. There is no point in pouring good wine into a leaky jug. Put your life in order, adjust your sleep & use energy wisely. In most cases, this will be enough to feel healthy & adequately manage the affairs of your daily life.
Replenish your energy with good nutrition & proper drinking regimen.
Breathing exercises (pranayama).
Sufficient physical activity, various psychoenergetic exercises/techniques.
Moderately diverse positive emotional impressions.
Meditative relaxation alone with nature.
Daily meditations, periods of silence, peace of mind.
A good night's sleep.
Correspondence of your activities to inner spiritual aspirations, the path of the heart.
Natural remedies like tonic medicinal plants: ginseng, elecampane, golden root, etc.. Use no more than 1 month per season, except summer.
Our ancestors intuitively knew that when worn, the energies of the crystals would interact with the human electromagnetic field to bring about energetic changes. Wearing the crystals like Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Carnelian, Pyrite, Bloodstone, Tiger's Eye gives a strong, positive energy boost.

When energy is blocked, the physical exercises & creative mental activity, a change of impressions, changes in life & active types of recreation are all very useful.
For those who intend to follow the path of knowledge of craft & reveal all their capabilities, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of free energy & the ability to control it.
You can release energy by eliminating useless & energy-intensive behavioral programs from your life.
Develop the ability to collect & take control of previously dissipated energy.
The fact is that in the process of life, energy gradually dissipates, moving from the center of the energy body to the periphery. Control over the peripheral energy for an ordinary person is impossible.
With targeted training & an impeccable lifestyle, you can establish control over the dissipated energy, collect it & use it for its intended purpose.

Two energy saving techniques:

Nabho-mudra, placing the tongue against the palate, ensures the continuity of energy circulation in the circuit of the small celestial circle.

The habit of always keeping your stomach toned. Keep the abdomen from the pubic bone to the navel slightly tense, as if slightly pressing the abdominal organs inside. This seals the openness of the lower light field & packs the energy of the downdraft, impregnating the internal organs with it. In addition, correct posture is developed.
