Place a burning candle in front of you. Surround yourself with peace, comfort & tranquility. Focus your attention on the flame. Look at the flame, do not take your eyes off & think only of this fiery element. Become completely indifferent to everything else. Don't get distracted or blink. Try to extend this exercise as long as possible. Repeat it as often as possible & very soon you will notice how easy it will be for you to focus your attention on other subjects & circumstances.
Such concentration of attention should become your daily practice. As soon as you have the opportunity, focus your attention on any stationary object: on a pencil lying in front of you, on a point drawn on paper & so on. Imagine that at the moment this object is the most important thing that is now in the whole world, that the entire Universe is concentrated in it. This object should become for you the only object in real space, nothing can distract you from contemplating its appearance & feeling its inner essence.
Then move on to concentrating your attention on moving objects. Watch the movement of the second hand of the watch without taking your eyes off it. Focus on the person passing by you. It is not necessary that your concentration lasts too long. Ultimately, you must learn to quickly turn your attention on & off.
Try to read the book in the presence of extraneous sounds, trying not to be distracted by them at all & clearly understand what you read.
Try to draw a circle with one hand & a square with the other. Do it without will & if you don't succeed, make a strong-willed decision to make sure to do it & make sure you do.
The same applies to things that you do not want to do, but which are necessary. Carry them out with the help of a strong-willed decision & you will definitely notice a surge of special power, a special type of energy that gives you a new feeling, a desire to do something else & use this secret power.
Try to force yourself to evoke certain emotions. Feel the joy, fun, excitement, anger, rage & elation. Create different moods & feelings for yourself. All this will be necessary for your craft when for example, in order to attract & win over others, you will need to experience the same feelings that you want to evoke in other people.
With your will, see some object that is not currently near you. For example, the flame of a candle or a person you know & your will will become a part of your imagination, capable of moving you to another magical time & dimension.
