The most common form of entities, Larvae are energy parasites or entities that enter the field to a person who regularly accumulates a lot of heavy & disharmonious energy through negative emotions, constant dissatisfaction & bad mood. 
If a person constantly thinks about something, drawing in detail the object of his thoughts in his imagination, a certain energy structure is formed, surrounded by a shell or field. It is a simple organism that can live independently & has a basic instinct for self-preservation. Often they are also called thought forms.
Larvae have almost no consciousness of their own. They are energy parasites that take away some of the energy & vitality of a person.

It can happen that a well-formed thought form is able to cling to the consciousness of other people, receiving energy from many sources & continues to strengthen. Someone else's thought form can be perceived by a person as an obsessive thought or inner voice, not able to distinguish between where an idea came from.. from their own consciousness or from the outside world. We can see it clearly when observing the certain groups of people during the parades & marches, war, all types of activists etc...
These entities of the astral world are sometimes not separated from the larvae. They are approximately of the same order, differing only in the way they are born. The fact is that our thoughts are material. Each has its own level of energy, even the most simple & short-lived. If a person constantly thinks about something, he pumps up the thought with his inner forces, which he receives from the Universe. It becomes an independent object that can exist separately. A thought form can attach itself to another person & influence them. Sometimes it happens that a person does not understand where a certain idea came from, whether he himself gave birth to it or borrowed it from someone. However, he can't get rid of the thought form. It's a parasite. It draws strength from its new host. Moreover, it encourages you to take certain actions or make certain decisions. The media & the Internet now help create thought forms. They grow rapidly, capturing the consciousness of a large number of people.

These astral parasites are amoeba-like entities & respond to negative emotions accumulated by a person in the astral body. Larvae wander in space, looking for food. They sense the destructive personality & rush to its aura. Having found the place where the negative is gathered, they suck in to eat aggressive low-frequency energy. Despite its lack of intelligence, larva can provoke a person to further generate low-frequency energy.

Larva is an energy form that exists on / in the human biofield. In relation to energy exchange, larva is a recipient. The existence of larva directly depends on the donor, the state of his physical body, as well as subtle bodies. Therefore, larva is usually interested in the life of the donor. Nevertheless larva often, if not always, becomes the cause of extinction & death of a person, as it grows over time, penetrating deeper into the subtle bodies of a person & into the physical body. As the larva grows, its energy demand increases & as a result, the carrier is depleted.
This is clearly seen in the work of larva of alcoholism & drug addiction. These astral entities provoke a person to drink or use harmful substances. Person gets into uncomfortable situations, makes friends with drinkers, all his thoughts are focused on one thing: where to get another portion to feel relief. If alcohol or drug does not enter the body, larva torments the sufferer with pain. He's in pain, he doesn't know why. A person's mood deteriorates. He perceives intoxication as a normal state.
Larva is attached to the aura from the moment it has energy that is acceptable for consumption. A person tried his luck in casino, felt the excitement & liked the feeling. That's all, larva clung, because all three main criteria coincided: action, emotion & internal approval. Now this larva will as often as possible cause its victim to want to experience it again. With larvae of smoking & alcoholism, everything is basically the same. But if there is no last & most important criteria, the inner acceptance & agreement of a person with the fact that he likes this state, then larva will simply have nothing to cling to. For example you once tried to smoke for the first time & it caused you such a strong disgust that you never want to try it again, then larva will not be able to cling to you, because in your subconscious mind there is already a program that you do not like it & you do not need it.

You may wonder what astral entities look like. A larva doesn't have a body. It is a bundle of negative energy that can only be seen with the help of psychic abilities that we all have.
Astral entities do not perceive us as human beings, but as a luminous cocoon of energy that looks very appetizing to them. The effect of astral parasites looks like a sucker on any part of the aura in the form of a leech, snail, stingray, etc. These include the larvae of addictions & they need the energy of our manipura chakra, as well as manifestation of low emotions-aggression, fear.
It can be identified as a dark or unusual, unnatural color spot in the aura, breakdowns & funnels in the aura, or viscous, sticky areas. Larva may appear stuck to the biofield, then it covers it as it grows, like mold or a cloudy film. But the most dangerous larvae are embedded quite deeply & in the most difficult cases can block the energy flow of a person or even block any chakras, more usually Muladhara or Svadhisthana—that is, the accumulation of energy becomes obviously impossible, since the larva is connected directly to the chakras that are configured to receive & store the energy. If you have ever seen the images of the people affected with the so called zombie-drug, this would give a visual..
Larvae are able to influence the emotional sphere of their forced owner. The more negative emotions an alcoholic generates, the denser & more voluminous the parasite becomes. Larva is able after some time, depending on the level of resistance, to completely subdue the individual.

Incubi & Succubi are creatures of a higher order, whose task is also to take energy from the Svadhisthana chakra, but they act more consciously than larvae.

Demons act as a rule through dreams to get the energy of fear, or directly awakening spontaneous aggression in a person, they can also change the perception of a person by instilling various images. There are subspecies that can attack directly by feeding on the fibers of our vital body. Creating obsession. Use rituals or prayers to purify yourself & your space, as well as to have constant protection. You also need emotional control & lucidity in your dreams.

Our bodies are capable of producing all kinds of subtle matter or energy, but this ability is not given from birth. We must first transform ouselves in order to be born as a spiritual being. It can't be what society has made of us, for the growth of this spiritual self sometimes a person needs subtle energy, but at this stage we may not be yet capable of generating this energy...in this case, all sorts of sub-settlers, who are etheric entities, can serve as a source of such energy for us. It is a matter of will, who will be food for whom & this is one of the ways to gain will...one of the most revered shamans suffered from terrible binge drinking, but never ceased to be great shamans. Perhaps through such people the etheric space of the Earth is cleansed...

The most effective methods of dealing with these entities are fasting, drinking herbal teas like St. John's wort, Thyme, Sage, Yarrow, Hyssop, Clover, Burdock. The composition can be changed depending on the mood & the availability. Nature walks, especially in places of strength. A steam room using hot infusion of herbs, take aromatic & antiparasitic herbs Wormwood, Sage, Thyme, Oregano, Tansy, Yarrow herbal infusions. Good self-discipline, high emotional states, holotropic breathwork & a Cat who loves you also helps…

You need to eliminate in your mind the reason, the anchor, why the larva clinged itself.
Meditation — sit in a comfortable position, turn on meditative pleasant music, close your eyes & start focusing on the problem, for example, smoking. Try to find the area in your physical body where this habit is sitting. As soon as you find it, immerse your consciousness in this point & follow the channel that leads out of it. Keep track of your reactions, emotions & thoughts, eventually you will come to the realization that the reason for your habit lies not in yourself, but in the influence of an external force. Once you are aware of this, track the anchor in your mind that this entity has clung to. Once you are aware of it, you will be able to rework it & thereby remove it. The larva will simply have nothing to hook you with, although it will try to do this for a while.

Big cities are breeding grounds for such creatures, so to get rid of larvae, etc. is very difficult there. It is best to go to nature, to clean, powerful places.

Symptoms of larva release:
A wave of heat or chills will pass through the body.
Warmth will spread down your back & neck.
Your fingers & toes will get warmer.
There will be a feeling of warmth in the solar plexus.
Your vision will stop blurring.
It will feel as if a certain weight has been lifted from your back.
Cases of headache will stop almost completely.
There will be a release from psycho emotional problems.
Getting rid of bad habits or addictions.
Stopping bad dreams.
Feeling good in the morning.
