The magic of nature carries our whole life. We feel this powerful energy in every movement & breath we take. Earth, Air, Fire & Water, Plants & Animals are everywhere around us. We can't do without them. We are connected to everything. Even in the room where is no living nature next to us, there is the element of Air, without which no creature can survive. We live inside them all the time. Mother Nature is magical & there are ways to experience & recharge yourself with her almighty energy.

Do you love Thunder? Do you enjoy it & does it make you happy? The sound of Thunder, penetrating to the very depths of consciousness, provoking delight & awe, giving a special atmosphere..

Thunder symbolizes the creation of clarity in things, understanding, the release of old energies, the renewal of energies, moving forward with life from a point where you can be stuck. Thunderstorms & rain are the source of inspiration & creativity, the symbols of the power of nature & its ability to transform the world around us. Despite the fact that it can also be dangerous, it is primarily healing. Thunder is like a burning Sage, with which it is possible to direct energies to the right direction.

Thunder is usually represented as a male deity who is good at shouting, making noise & throwing spikes in the weather above. Norse god Thor, the god of Thunder & the sky. Zeus, the Greek god of Thunder & Lightning. In North American Indian mythology, Thunderbird is one of the main gods of the sky, creating lightning from beak & thunder from wings..
If you manage to make friends with Thunder, you will feel the energy that all pagan lightning gods represent. This powerful energy is very versatile & can be directed anywhere. Imbue yourself with this energy & become one who is able to subdue the forces of nature & heal.

Incantations made during thunderstorms are considered particularly strong. This is due to the fact that Thunder & Lightning have long been considered living beings endowed with power. They are subject to the higher gods.

Watch the lightning - where & how far away from you it strikes, how the arcs bend, the colours, cracking & rumbling ( do you feel how it runs through your body?). Try to capture this in your memory as accurately as possible & if one day you happen to find yourself in a difficult situation, close your eyes for a couple of minutes & call up a thunderstorm in your memory with maximum confidence. You will feel like your mind & body are being hit by a bolt of energy. You will have the strength to overcome all the difficulties & you will find a way out of any situation.

The magic of Thunder is that it cleanses our earthly home with its lightning.

Cleanse your energy with Sage during a thunderstorm. Especially when you have questions inside you that you want to get answers to, this will make it clear faster & you you can move on with your life. Everyone who is afraid of Thunder, unconsciously does not want to let his healing into their own energy. During a thunderstorm, it is good to cleanse oneself of vices.

Rain that accompanies a thunderstorm has its own magic. The sounds of drops falling on the ground create a special atmosphere of peace & relaxation. Feel its touch & refreshing power. Rain is also able to wash out all negative energies & stimulate the thought process, helping to relax & concentrate.

The incredible power of the Thunderstorm energy can be used to activate amulets, talismans & other magickal items. To add strength to your talismans, you need to leave them in the rain during a thunderstorm. It is best if they receive energy from the ground & trees at the same time. You can also place magick items in a large box made of natural materials & put it out in the rain. After a storm, allow the talismans to dry naturally.
Thunder & lightning can be used to activate runic symbols, sigils, to protect or gain health, charge amulets, weapons, get extra abilities & new knowledge.
Crystals can also be placed in the rain during a thunderstorm for powerful cleansing & charging.

Thunderstorms can stimulate telepathic & clairvoyant abilities & it is preserved in rainwater from thunderstorms. Such water can be collected in glass or ceramic vessels with lids made of the same material to isolate the energy. This water becomes especially effective if you put in the same vessel a few dried leaves of Wormwood- a plant that can also enhance telepathic energy. Leave the vessel standing under the moonlight for three nights preceding the full moon. Then, on the night of the full moon, when it is completely dark, draw a circle on paper or on the ground & place inside it all the things that you want to charge.
Wormwood-infused thunderstorm water will increase the power of any talisman, but it is especially good for items that are used in divination & clairvoyance sessions - cards, runes, crystal balls, pendulums. 
Dip your fingers in this highly charged water & moisten each item with it, saying these words: "Thunder & lightning, Wormwood & Moon, your powers will soon pass into this amulet." 
Then leave all items under the moonlight, but be sure to remove them before sunrise.
