Throughout today we are hit with strong geomagnetic storms caused by the impact of the solar wind on the Earth's magnetic field, a continuous process that began at the dawn of the Solar system & continues to this day. A stream of charged particles emanating from the Sun continuously hit the Earth's magnetic field. If solar wind flows interact with the Earth's magnetosphere at significant velocities & densities, then magnetic storms are formed.

Although changes in the Earth's magnetic field due to magnetic storms are quite small as a result of solar activity, the power lines, electrical equipment of Earth satellites can be damaged & GPS accuracy may decrease. Magnetic storms can also affect radio wave communication systems & power grids, meteorological conditions- the cyclones & anticyclones are stronger during peak years of activity, climate & even tree growth.
The most harmless & spectacular effect of magnetic storms is the Northern Lights.

The geomagnetic storms also affect people, some have more vivid symptoms, while others simply do not notice them. For most people, the impact of solar activity affects their health only when it is extremely high & only a few people feel even the slightest changes in the Earth's magnetic field.

All living cells have special molecules- flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), which provide sensitivity to changes in the magnetic field. These FADS turn on quantum mechanisms, generating radical pairs of electrons, which form the sixth sense. Its strength depends on the amount-concentration of FAD. The more molecules in the human body, the more sensitive they are to magnetic storms. Those who do not have these FADS do not feel anything at all.
FAD molecules work together with cryptochrome – a magnetic protein that helps many mammals, birds & insects that perceive a magnetic field, to navigate. Our distant ancestors probably possessed the ability to find the way by determining the direction of the geomagnetic field.

For those who are sensitive to changes in the magnetic field, the geomagnetic storms may be manifested by mood changes, irritability, sleep disorders, severe fatigue, malaise, loss of strength, sleep disorders, nightmares, irritability, palpitations, vertigo, unexplained anxiety, heart pain, shortness of breath, sharp rises & falls in blood pressure, the slowing down of the gastrointestinal tract.
Often the magnetic storms provoke headaches & migraines, the chronic pathologies may worsen, for example, with osteoarthritis the joint pain increases..
The main targets of solar flares are the heart, blood vessels, nerves, brain, joints & blood.
Geomagnetic storms can send a signal for a decrease or increase in muscle tone, causing involuntary muscle contraction accompanied by pain.
One of the reasons for such changes is a change in the hormonal background. There is an increased release of stress hormones cortisol & adrenaline, the production of melatonin, which is responsible for daily biorhythms, resistance to infections & adaptation decreases.
Weak & moderate geomagnetic storms stimulate many processes of the autonomic nervous system, while strong changes in geomagnetic conditions, on the contrary, slow them down.
Another consequence of an abnormal reaction to cosmic currents is a slowing of blood flow in the capillaries. As a result, the viscosity of blood increases & its tendency to clot, less oxygen enters vital organs & tissues: the brain, heart & nerve endings.
Changes can also occur in mentally ill people. High solar activity correlates with bouts of manic-depressive psychosis. In stable geomagnetic conditions, mania is replaced by depressive phases.

The reaction of the body will be individual for everyone.
We may start to feel the symptoms from few days before peaking of the magnetic storm itself.

On these days, it is better to avoid any long-distance trips or complex events. Slow down the pace of life, avoid the stressful situations.
Reduce the amount of physical activity, because the body is already under stress, reduce the pace, do not rush & do not make sudden movements, have plenty of fresh air & walk with trees, hug the trees.
Reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation from your computer or phone screen during the day by providing yourself with digital detox a few hours before bedtime.
It also makes sense to use relaxation & stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing or massage to reduce anxiety levels.
Drink more clean water, minimize salt intake.
Limit the amount & improve the quality of what you eat, add more vegetables, fruits & berries like Blueberries, Bananas, Cherries & Cranberries to your diet, herbs, fibre, less fried & flour products.
For harmony of body & spirit use soothing herbs like Valerian, Mint, Lemon balm, in particular, herbal teas with Chamomile & Raspberries.
