Pendulum is an instrument we can use to tap into our subconscious, primal or ancestral knowledge pool, translate the answers we have within & bring it to the surface, to our conscious selves, in most understandable way. We have a question & we feel something’s something but can’t tell what it means, so by holding a pendulum & asking a question, it will voice it for us in our own terms. Our body Is a collection of matter that vibrates at various frequencies. All the things we see around us are simply matter vibrating at a specific frequency so we see It as solid. The pendulum is a visible extension of the body that our mind could draw answers from, much like the arm In kinesiology. The wisdom of the pendulum is largely based on what we know. The only way to really understand this is to experience it yourself.
The pendulum responds to the biofield of people, animals & plants, the energy of photographs, the energy of objects & spaces, the energy of the Earth, waterways etc. Ley lines can be located with pendulum, they make it go crazy.
A great tool for dowsing (also a divining rod is traditionally used to find water for well-digging purposes), healing, energy cleansing, divination & decision making, energetically clearing spaces of dense or negative energies.
A pendulum can be used to point in the direction of missing things. You will feel the pull in certain direction. You can use a diagram of an area or use a map & move the pendulum slowly over the map. Where the thing you search is located the pendulum will slightly shiver, buzz, tremble or similar .
Pendulum is also used to communicate with Otherworld, which I do not recommend. Especially for beginners. Pendulum helps your conscious self to work closely with your Spirit Guides by acting as your Gatekeeper as your link to spirit world. It may connect you to spirits & give you access to universal knowledge.

The pendulum can be really anything, a metal ball, wooden egg, ring, paper clip, any nut, piece of chewing gum, a larger needle or a crystal that you naturally resonate with. Crystal pendulums may absorb & accumulate energies that then give you unclear/ confusing answers. You certainly want to avoid that whilst you're learning. Instead, opt for a metal one, coated copper or brass or even a resin. Can be iron, silver, gold, amber & of course, wood. Birch is very human-friendly, but may be lacking objectivity. The most objective is the Oak pendulum. Conical, pear-shaped, spherical, spiral or the like. The pendulum can weigh 2-20 grams. The length of the thread or chain is 12-25 cm depending on the weight of the pendulum. The heavier the body of the pendulum, the longer the thread must be. A lightweight, short chain pendulum will move much more quickly & is more responsive than a heavier pendulum. A heavier pendulum is more accurate but will take longer to respond & works better at the end of a longer chain. As you become more familiar with your own pendulum, you will discover the best & most responsive length for you. What you are looking for is something that responds as quickly as possible & which is as easy as possible for you to hold comfortably.
The pendulum is something extremely individual & its oscillations must be compatible with your personality.

The pendulum has 4 main directions of movement: clockwise, counterclockwise, back & forth, right & left. At first you have to talk it through & agree with pendulum what the movements mean. The agreement is made with your own subconscious. The pendulum must first agree on which movement is a yes & which is a no.
Generally everything whole, open, positive always rotates clockwise & regularly in a circle.
Negatives move in a counterclockwise direction.
In a good place, the pendulum moves clockwise, on the waterways it moves counterclockwise or makes strange movements.
There may be most confusing & chaotic movements happening here, suggesting that the answer is unknown or not yet available, there are some unforeseen circumstances, or that the question should not be investigated at all. Irregular movements can be due to the tremor of the hand, lack of concentration or hypersensitivity.
The amplitude of the pendulum oscillation also matters, because the stronger it is, the more certain the answer. If the pendulum does not start moving, there is no answer. Patchy movement of the pendulum requires patience & it can sometimes take time to find an answer.
Pendulum doesn’t work with everybody, some people don’t get accurate answers, for some people pendulum doesn’t move at all. But everyone who has worked with the pendulum knows that it does not move randomly.
We all have our own perceptions & inner worlds, which makes communicating with the pendulum unique & personal experience.

It’s a good idea to take some centering breaths to come into the present moment, meditation or a grounding visualization before working with your pendulum. Pendulum work is energetic, so you want to be as clear of a channel as possible.
Set your intention, you have to set that clear intent firmly in your mind as a focal point. The line of questioning you follow will always have that focus to work towards.
The pendulum should be allowed to hang freely, you should relax, focus deeply & watch what the pendulum says. Hold your fingers right up against the crystal or weight, let the crystal drop slowly from your fingers. let it move of its own accord to get the right length. Hold the thread or chain between your thumb & forefinger. Make sure that you don't drape it over your finger, but have it pinched between finger & thumb, so it hangs straight down. Use your dominant hand. The hand is bent at the wrist & the elbow is placed on a firm base. Hold your back straight, soles firmly on the ground. There must be no tension in the body.
It is better to work alone with a pendulum.
The use of the pendulum should be avoided when just curious. In order to get the most accurate answers, focus on the problem.
When asking something from a pendulum, be free of preconceptions, there must be no expectation of an answer. It is easy to turn the pendulum in a wanted direction by willpower, you may not even notice it. An objective response is ensured by complete neutrality & void. Do not think about possible answers.
The success of working with pendulum is dependent upon knowing the intricacies of ones own mind, your bias or preferences & being totally honest about the outcome. Working with pendulum requires vigilance & self-criticism.
Don't use pendulum when tired, ill or in a bad mood, the answers will not be objective. Don't communicate with pendulum on hurry, even tiny micro-vibrations & emotions reach the pendulum.
The more the pendulum is embraced & practiced with, the more accurate the answers.
Do not let anybody else touch your pendulum. It is very personal & must be treated with great respect & reverence.
To become an expert needs lots of hard work, over months, maybe years. The important part is improving, getting better at using your skills. Even as an expert, you may lose your skills if you do not keep on practicing.

It's a good idea to cleanse & charge your pendulum, by placing it overnight in water or salt depending on what material it’s made of or leave the pendulum outside in the moonlight, inside or on the Earth..
Calibrate your new pendulum to see how it's working. Hold it by the end of the chain perfectly still. Ask a simple Yes/No question to which you already know the answer & note how your pendulum reacts.
