Put on a dress to reconnect with nature & awaken your inner goddess.
Female energy is such a mysterious force, a magical gift that every woman receives from birth.
For a woman, it is important that the energy moves downward, because this energy flow is associated with child bearing. Drawing the energy from Mother Earth helps woman to strengthen her roots & get the strength for motherhood. Mother Earth absorbs our negative energy, purifies our aura & feeds us with her life force. Woman can strengthen & nourish her spirit & hold the energy of the Earth by simply wearing a long skirt. Skirt creates a protective dome, the space that is filled up with calm & stable energy of Mother Earth. All events will develop in the best possible way, simply because woman is in harmony with her energy. If the skirt waves & twists when moving, the torsion fields begin to appear & amplify the Earth's energy.
Putting on a beautiful skirt or dress, any woman can feel how a very familiar primal energy awakes, how it changes the state of being, emphasizes fragility, mystery & femininity, gives a woman uniqueness. At the subconscious level woman feels beautiful, attractive, confident, motherly & happy when she is wearing a skirt & this mood is transmitted to people around. If a woman has small children, it is very important that they see their mother in a skirt.
All magic begins with accepting ourselves with our whole body & everything we do will be feminine if you are a woman or masculine if you are a man.
Being around female energy makes a man more calm, balanced & stable. When a man is deprived of a woman's affection & love, he becomes aggressive, rude & cruel.
We can create a concentrated energy field of protection by sewing protective programs into the child’s clothing made out of parents clothes. The fabric during wear absorbs the energy of the father & mother, concentrates all the power of the Family & this shield protects the child, wherever he is.
Cotton carries the energy of tranquility & absorbs excessive negative energy of the body, which can be neutralized by washing it with cold water.
Linen is antibacterial fabric, saturated with the life giving power of the Sun, Earth, Air & Water.
All shades of yellow contribute more to the unwinding of the second chakra & shades of red activate it well & quickly.
The black color has the property of absorbing electromagnetic radiation, absorbs all wavelengths of light & converts them into heat.
White color reflects all the light of the visible spectrum. It is believed that reflection occurs elastically, that is, photons do not lose their energy when reflected. Thus, a white object keeps its temperature unchanged much better than a black one.
Large flowers along the edge of the hem & smaller ones towards the top set & raise the energy higher.
Lace along the edge of the skirt discharges the flow around the feet & becomes less dense. Rising higher, it thickens again.
Frills pick up more energy horizontally. Frill need to be clockwise to restrain the flow, preventing it from turning into a funnel.
