Clairaudience Test

Clairaudience is a form of extrasensory perception, the ability of a person to receive audio information like voices, spirit messages, etc. through paranormal means. This ability is associated with the activity of the throat chakra, Vishuddha.
The gift of clairaudience can manifest itself in many ways, at any time.
We can perceive the vibrations of the subtle world when we are in a passive state of consciousness, inner silence, in a meditative or sleep state.. We are able to hear a lot of unusual sounds, music, noise, voices out of our world especially in the state of pre-sleep or in the middle of the night. It largely depends on the subtlety of our perception, if we are able to hear our own, the voices of other people, the voices of guides, deceased relatives, gods, angels, totem animals etc. To hear our own inner guide or a spirit of close relative is somewhat easier than the voice of the gods for example.
If you just hear music or songs, you will soon get important information & the sound will act as an alarm clock, also pay attention on details of the song.
Intuitive information can come through the voices of helper spirits, subtle entities can ask you to send someone a message or warn them about something, but they cannot order or control a person, forcing him to commit inappropriate actions.

Here are some of the most striking signs of clairaudience, see if you have them. The more coincidences you notice, the more pronounced your ability is.

The sound of words in the mind, not in the ears, like talking inside yourself. With clairaudience, audible speech becomes independent of the person.

More refined hearing through the ear tubes & the biofield at the temples. In this form, the ability to hear at a more high level appears.

Usually brilliant ideas come in a meditative state when consciousness does not interfere with direct communication with the subconscious or the inhabitants of the astral world. But if you’re suddenly, while doing everyday things, hear a decision in your head or receive an accurate plan of action, then you have an open psychic channel of perception, the clairaudience.

If you give very wise & timely advice in the course of a conversation, but cannot explain how you came up with this idea, this is a sign that the information was received from the outside & a subtle entity spoke through your mouth.

Clairaudience is an easy way to pick up on thought energy. In the presence of other people you may hear what your loved ones are thinking or overhear thoughts from your pets.

Ringing in the ears. Scientists still haven't figured out what exactly causes the squeaking tinnitus, that lasts just few seconds, in the ears. In esoteric circles, it is believed that at the moment of ringing in the ears the spirit tries to attract attention & pass important information. People who can hear tinnitus have a much higher chance of developing clairaudience than others.

When you hear sounds like knocking, footsteps, creaks, scratching or scrubbing, in your head, sometimes with flashes of very bright light, this indicates that you hear the presence of subtle entities that are nearby. Any sounds or words in the head that do not lend themselves to logical explanation are a sign of clairaudience. If you have the gift of clairaudience, then the entity that is in your room will definitely respond if asked. It also requires a willingness to accept & hear. It is not possible to catch remote sound transmission without it, because hearing the Subtle world requires a deep perception of it, a willingness to cooperate.

When the clairaudience channel is active, the whispers, noises, voices, words, or distinct phrases may also appear in the head. If such thing causes discomfort, you can mentally or aloud ask the spirits to pass their message or to be silent. You can just ask them to leave if you feel frightened or unwilling to deal with it. Also keep in mind that messages from the subtle world cannot be heard constantly, like radio. They are concise & contain specific information.

Having the gift of clairaudience, you can hear phrases addressed to you personally on the radio, television or while being present at someone's conversation. If such cases occur quite often, then clairaudience is activated & the entities of the subtle world are trying to make contact.

An internal dialogue with yourself during which answers to questions, the new ideas or solutions, not the mental chewing, appear, is a sign that the subconscious or spirits come through the clairaudience channel.

Talking to & hearing from imaginary friends when you were a child.

You are able to hear radio waves.

Hearing through the body, i.e. the ability to perceive sounds through the skin.. Chills, tingle or shiver run through the body at the moment when beautiful music starts playing for example. This is because the body can also subtly react & perceive sounds.

Clairaudience could be also a form of synesthesia.

Remote hearing gives us the opportunity to perceive a large information flow that is in the Subtle World. This ability is extremely useful for our spiritual growth.
