We are now tunneling directly into the supercharged celestial event, the second powerful eclipse corridor of this year.
This special two-week eclipse corridor starting tonight with Harvest Super Full Moon just before the Autumn Equinox on September 22 in the Northern Hemisphere will open the mysterious veil with the first hints, encrypted messages, unusual dreams, new strange, unformed desires & premonitions of profound changes that will continue to thoroughly rebuild our lives in 2025.

In the corridor of eclipses, everything is intensifying - both positive & negative.
The period of the eclipse corridor is a time of liberation, purification from everything old, obsolete, from old programs & templates, from negative emotions, fears, resentments & beliefs that no longer correspond to us, so that we can reach the highest vector of our path, corresponding to our highest vibrations.
During this period, each of us has a chance to become a new version of ourselves, freeing ourselves from old habits, fears & attitudes.
Now there may be a return of the past in the form of a repetition of some situations, the appearance of people from the past, etc. This happens when there are still some processes that have not been lived through, not realized & in order for us to go through all the unfinished lessons to the end.
Activation of memories from your childhood or youth, vivid images, sounds, or even smells from the past as the subconscious mind becomes more active, opening up the access to usually hidden layers of memory. This allows you to recognize your behavioral patterns & emotional responses that are rooted in early experiences.
This celestial treat is permeated with mysticism & ancient forces & they will influence our lives, thoughts & feelings more than ever. Interest in mysteries, mysticism, esotericism, self-knowledge & spiritual development will increase.
Pay attention to repeating numbers, symbols or random coincidences.
Expect the aggravation of psychic abilities, vivid prophetic dreams, sudden premonitions.
Time may appear to slow down or speed up.

Issues of fairness, mutually beneficial cooperation, the amount of labor remuneration, compliance with the terms of contracts & agreements will become more acute, it's time to review them, take stock & draw conclusions.
A lot of things will be ready to break out in the form of some kind of explosion of emotions, releasing negativity & tension.
There may be a decline in strength & energy or in contrary the spontaneous healing.
An excess of emotions can spill out into productive creativity, sentimentality, romance or a bright love affair. However, not finding a useful channel, creative & emotional energy will seek a way out, provoking groundless worries & obsessive states, awakening fears, phobias, complexes & perversions.
There is a need for flexibility & adaptability, readiness to change & follow the flow of events.
It is better not make global decisions or perform any important tasks.

An eclipse is a push, an impulse, an energy-rich period. Any action taken around this time has a strong charge & can not easily be canceled or changed later.
Everything happens exactly the way it needs to be. No matter how difficult it is, it is necessary to accept it.
Everything that happens during this eclipse will be followed by a deep & long period of recovery, when we must be patient & allow time for regeneration.
Be attentive to the events taking place, do not get involved in tense situations. Be an Observer.

Each eclipse carries a special energy. The lunar eclipse in the sign of Pisces will reflect the most secret desires & fears. Unresolved issues that come up are especially related to lifestyle, health, physical condition & internal conflicts. It brings closure to the themes of mental & physical health, raises issues of pure love & selfless kindness, charity & forgiveness, compassion & self-sacrifice, as well as reality & dreams, chaos & order. The energies of this eclipse will contribute to the fact that a lot of hidden, secret things can come to the surface. Unexpected factors may come up that we didn't notice before. Unexpected turns may occur that will cause events to unfold according to a new scenario.
Eclipses of the Moon often close the doors that we cannot close ourselves & can lead to breakthroughs, giving us more clarity, certainty & completeness of the overall picture.

The solar eclipse in Libra will challenge the usual balances & stable structures, requiring us to reconsider the old settings. This period is a stellar milestone that can become a catalyst for powerful internal changes. This can lead to the awakening of new ambitions in the field of work & career, revision of income sources, selected strategies & partners, as well as making claims to those who did not live up to expectations.
The solar eclipse in Libra can stain the image & reputation. Therefore it is better not to demonstrate the bad manners, unworthy behavior & unseemly actions in public.

Spend time in nature. Soak up the energy of the Sun.
Take a walk by the water. Strengthen communication with water.
Protect your inner world. Set the boundaries.
Light candles & listen to your favorite music.

Tonight’s eclipse is also part of Saros 118, a period of ca 18 years. When two eclipses are separated by a period of one Saros, they share a very similar geometry. The two eclipses occur at the same node with the Moon at nearly the same distance from Earth & the same time of year.
