The 4th chakra, Anahata, is the center of our Astral body. This is a body of subtle energy that determines all the spiritual qualities of a person.
Astral body controls the life of the physical body that does not depend on the will of a man, like breathing, blood circulation, digestion, processes of regeneration & healing.
Astral body is responsible for energy exchange with the surrounding world, it depends on our desires, emotions & feelings.
With healthy, well developed astral body the person is kind, open & warm-hearted.
With less developed astral body the person is rude, selfish, greedy & cold-hearted, always dissatisfied, can go to various crimes. When obsessions or negative ideas appear, the astral body can also begin to affect the physical manifestation, creating already tangible physiological diseases. Various forms of astral diseases can develop on heart chakra area.
A person who indulges in rage, dark thoughts & depression has serious astral problems that can weaken him physically. One blast of blind rage can tear the astral body.
A person who likes extreme experiences or watch horror movies over-stimulates their astral body & weakens it. Often, such people have little control over their emotions, can't put their thoughts in order or get depressed.

Anahata is merging our ego with the world.
The chakra is associated with the heart, diaphragm, circulatory system, vagus nerve.
When Anahata works at full capacity, the heart radiates the energy of love. Usually this chakra is used to feel individual love, romantic & maternal. But when Anahata is completely saturated with energy & this energy constantly pumping up then the radiation occurs at the level of the universal cosmic love & is sent not only to individual people, but also to all humanity, permeating the entire Universe.
Sometimes we subconsciously absorb the trauma of a loved one or someone esoterically connected to us, whom we have never met in the flesh. We are all bound by the same chain & the suffering of another person is our suffering.
Life force is produced by the heart. Through the circulatory system, the blood flow carries love, it is transmitted to everything in physical body.
The heart chakra takes the brunt of stress & trauma or pain. It is vital to keep this chakra constantly vibrating.
When Anahata is blocked, various heart diseases may occur as the heart's energy network does not receive enough fuel from this energy center. The Anahata chakra, the source of energetic nutrition for the heart, curls up completely & does not receive or give subtle energy. People with blocked heart chakra breathe faster, they may have pain in the heart, get tired quickly & are generally inactive.
Another problem occurs if a person holds back their emotions so as not to hurt themselves. Stagnation of the solar plexus develops at the level of the astral body. This can lead to mental illness.

Lung diseases: lack of life energy, depression, self pity
Shoulder & upper arm pains: distrustful & detached emotions are experienced here. Shoulders carry the responsibilities, too much weight on the shoulders, can’t cope with some situation
Allergies: extreme sensitivity, the defense position, fear of living, a sign of strong aggression that is not acknowledged, nor is it lived through. When a person unconsciously struggles with certain areas of his life, but when aggression is denied on a mental level, then struggle is symbolically transferred to the bodily level, where it finds it’s way out.
Asthma: fears, suppressed need of dominating, suppressed aggression, thirst for freedom. Asthma reflects the avoiding of contacts. With the very first breath we meet this world & with last one we leave. We want love but not able to give. Need for sterilized cleanliness, desperately avoiding anything dirty. Inability to accept the aging process, desperation, stress, denial.
Blood circulation: life force, life
Circulation problems: our stagnant inner flow, constant dislike to everything we do or what is going on in life, we don’t see any point in life, when we can’t feel happy about our life, home, family etc we wake up tired & in no mood. Circulation problems with legs talk about uncomfortable position in life, not rooted properly, no grounding
Bronchitis: problems stem from over caring or thinking about not caring enough
Chest Congestion: the need to attend our own interests, no will to deal with outside world, gone cold inside & following the head instead of heart. Cold speaks about letting something wrong, alien to enter our lives or we behave like others expect us to & it weakens us because it’s not who & how we are.
Cough: need to get rid of something, let go
Heart Diseases: heart & brain are out of sync, we are stagnant & inactive, something inside blocks the life flowing freely without blockages, emotions are causing arrhythmia, don’t listen our own feelings but only our rational mind,
High Blood pressure: avoiding the conflicts & solutions to problems, constant emotional overload, hidden aggression, inability to show emotions, big strain or pressure in life
Sleep disorders: fears, need to control everything, not knowing how to relax, fear of death
Smoking: missing something, not happy with current life, need for more, searching for true self, not living here & now, not accepting our physical body
Tremors: we are shaken by opposing forces, conflict without solution, need to shake something off or free ourselves of something,
Anemia: no joy, no empathy, weak sense of self

To strengthen our astral body, we need to be honest with ourselves. Know our self & understand what interests us. Practice controlling attention, relaxing the body & mind, meditation & yoga.
